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Misogynistic hideousness - a fresh outburst.

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So you think we shouldn't discuss the abuse of women? Would it suit you better if we all just accept it and carry on?


Is it 'idiotic' to condemn sexual violence and threats? Are you saying it's Ok to threaten and abuse women or are you just saying it shouldn't be talked about?


If you're going to talk about it why do you only choose to talk about it based on some drivel you've read in the guardian? Why dont you talk about how Saudi arabia has just allowed women to drive? Or the Malaysian MP saying women who are raped can have a good life if they marry their attacker?


The list is endless I could go on, but you wouldn't dare criticize anything to do with Islam because that might not be very politically correct or in tandem with your left wing ideologies. So until you address the issue fairly your views are blinkered and not worth entertaining. Clearly you annoy a lot of people on this forum and this is just another classic example of why.

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If you're going to talk about it why do you only choose to talk about it based on some drivel you've read in the guardian? Why dont you talk about how Saudi arabia has just allowed women to drive? Or the Malaysian MP saying women who are raped can have a good life if they marry their attacker?


The list is endless I could go on, but you wouldn't dare criticize anything to do with Islam because that might not be very politically correct or in tandem with your left wing ideologies. So until you address the issue fairly your views are blinkered and not worth entertaining. Clearly you annoy a lot of people on this forum and this is just another classic example of why.


Strange that you should post only to attack me as an individual, rather than address the issue at hand.


Can you explain why you describe a model receiving rape threats as 'drivel'?


Of course I acknowledge that the Saudis are a long way behind ourselves; of course the Malaysian MP is talking rubbish, but oddly enough I wanted to make a point about attitudes towards women in a general way, rather than target specific cultures.


Dodgy attitudes to women persist in the UK - as some of the responses on this thread illustrate.


To suggest that you won't consider the issues because you don't like me is frankly infantile and pathetic.

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Yeah it is drivel. They are empty words by trolls with nothing better to do who are never going to do anything. The internet is almost impossible to police so its just another pointless article by the guardian.


Right so now you're highlighting dodgy attitudes in the UK even though the article is about some model in sweden? Just moving the goalposts once again. reread your first post "society", but now its the UK society isnt that targeting specifically us?

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Yeah it is drivel. They are empty words by trolls with nothing better to do who are never going to do anything. The internet is almost impossible to police so its just another pointless article by the guardian.


Right so now you're highlighting dodgy attitudes in the UK even though the article is about some model in sweden? Just moving the goalposts once again. reread your first post "society", but now its the UK society isnt that targeting specifically us?


Ah, I get it now, you feel threatened. Poor lamb.

You couldn't care less about women getting threatened with rape, but you can't cope with the idea that men might have to take some responsibility for their actions.

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