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Graffiti- What a mess on Fargate.

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History always looks more romantic, beautiful.


How does a vegetarian know eating meat is evil? They don't eat meat so how do they know what it is like. Growing and eating vegetables is also a form of murder of something living. Some animals get murdered farming veggies.

Wonder how many so called activist ironically have a leather wallet, belt, shoes, oh how evil.


If I invite vegetarians for dinner I go out of my way to ensure a vegetarian meal is presented for us, so as to be courteous to them. However, when I am invited to a vegetarian's home for dinner invariably there is a vegetarian meal presented with no thought that I may like some meat with my vegetables. Why is that :huh:


On another point, I don't know what the vegetarians expect to happen to all the livestock if everyone suddenly stopped eating meat. There would be no cows, sheep or pigs on the farms, they are only there because they provide a living for the the farmer.

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If I invite vegetarians for dinner I go out of my way to ensure a vegetarian meal is presented for us, so as to be courteous to them. However, when I am invited to a vegetarian's home for dinner invariably there is a vegetarian meal presented with no thought that I may like some meat with my vegetables. Why is that :huh: Because they won't buy it, not even for you!


On another point, I don't know what the vegetarians expect to happen to all the livestock if everyone suddenly stopped eating meat. There would be no cows, sheep or pigs on the farms, they are only there because they provide a living for the the farmer.

Good point, the herds would go for dog food (or exported) unless someone wanted them as pets. Cows would still be useful for milk (assuming thats not banned) and sheep for wool. But, much farmland is only suitable for grazing, especially the uplands, and if that's no longer required then think concrete, houses and factories.

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Why has this thread been allowed to change from the op about graffiti to arguments about animal welfare ? mods are usually quick to issue warnings and get topic back on thread


Back on topic, please ;)


I've always considered Fargate to be the superior part of the city centre, but pretty disgusted today by the paint job (it's not chalk. ... It won't rub off) ranting about the (supposed ) evils of meat eating which some prat has seen fit to adorn the footpath with! I have news for the perpetrator....as a result of your efforts I will be adding a large sirloin steak to next week's shop. Bon appetit!


There were some stalls set up last weekend by some people extolling the virtues of a meat free diet. Perhaps one of their party was responsible?

Fair play to them, they weren't accosting people who clearly are not interested, like chuggers do. Nor were they ranting about biblical matters, encouraging shoppers to turn to Jesus. Or even assaulting people's ears with their busking.

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If I invite vegetarians for dinner I go out of my way to ensure a vegetarian meal is presented for us, so as to be courteous to them. However, when I am invited to a vegetarian's home for dinner invariably there is a vegetarian meal presented with no thought that I may like some meat with my vegetables. Why is that :huh:
Because many vegetarians consider the meat industry to be guilty of ongoing mass murder. They don't provide meat for you because they would then be complicit in said mass murder.


On another point, I don't know what the vegetarians expect to happen to all the livestock if everyone suddenly stopped eating meat. There would be no cows, sheep or pigs on the farms, they are only there because they provide a living for the the farmer.


The stopping of eating meat won't happen overnight, it will be a long process of diminishing meat consumption, so animals currently alive will clearly be killed and eaten. As meat consumption diminishes, less animals will be bred, as there is no profit in breeding animals for whose flesh there is no demand.


Eventually, as we reach the scenario you describe, where no-one is eating meat, there will only be a few such animals retained as a record of what once was and because there will always be a market for public viewing of such creatures in open fields.

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Because many vegetarians consider the meat industry to be guilty of ongoing mass murder. They don't provide meat for you because they would then be complicit in said mass murder.




The stopping of eating meat won't happen overnight, it will be a long process of diminishing meat consumption, so animals currently alive will clearly be killed and eaten. As meat consumption diminishes, less animals will be bred, as there is no profit in breeding animals for whose flesh there is no demand.


Eventually, as we reach the scenario you describe, where no-one is eating meat, there will only be a few such animals retained as a record of what once was and because there will always be a market for public viewing of such creatures in open fields.


No one ever thinks of the plants do they......

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History always looks more romantic, beautiful.


How does a vegetarian know eating meat is evil? They don't eat meat so how do they know what it is like. Growing and eating vegetables is also a form of murder of something living. Some animals get murdered farming veggies.


Do you need some kind of help, care in the community or something? :huh:

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Do you need some kind of help, care in the community or something? :huh:


Been there, done that, past it now. Community is too divided confused and sticks to supervisual ways of dividing dietry. Then gets all wound up angry and emotional about it.

That's fine with me but I don't care who eats what or what they think about it even when they put graffiti on fargate about it.

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No one ever thinks of the plants do they......


They do actually. Feeding human communities through animal produce uses around 10 times the quantity of plants than feeding them directly with plants.


Clearing rainforests to grow the crops needed to feed the animals is also a major problem.


Also uses far more water, which is becoming a scare commodity.


Growing numbers of people are going vegan, or plant-based, or simply minimizing their consumption of animal produce, not only because of the extreme cruelty to the animals, but because they are aware of the harm to both the environment, and, to humans.

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