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White Male privilege

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Quotes being removed anyway on here so there's no point. And puggie is right, tests on IQ and race, speed, everything have been undertaken. The whole white male privilidge thing is just an excuse and a scapegoat to try and use for the shortfallings of some minority groups.


What's your view on the 'taking a knee' protests in the US?

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Ok we talked about this off topic in another thread and got a warning from the mods, fair enough, but its back in the news so here it is.




The government has undertaken an invetigation into how differing ethnicies are treated in various different social aspects, and its shown racism still exists in Britain today.




a lot of it comes down to being of a poorer background, hence why white pupils on free school meals suffer at Key stage 2 level.


Remember this was undertaken by the tory party, not some wishy washy leftie liberals.


Also, there was a slightly related article i noticed today, another investigation was undertaken using 2 fake job seekers, and not surprisingly the person with the english sounding name came out of it better than the obvious "muslim" sounding name.





Also sort of related was another news report that sex crimes and domestic abuse, mostly against women are on the rise.




1 in 5 cases are sex crimes or domestic abuse




Does it really need another government investigation to prove that the poor are massively disadvantaged and have all sorts of problems?


In the past it was possible to work your way out of poverty, much less so now with 0 hour, short term contracts etc, in fact that can lead to more debt and a worse situation like homelessness.


As jobs go, with more automation and AI (and they will,) more people will find themselves in this situation.

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The powers that be are delighted we are all divided, that covers up the real issue, money, greed and power.


that’s right.


One day we’re blaming the obese,

the day after that we’re blaming the disabled,

the day after that we’re blaming the low-paid,

the day after that we’re blaming the unemployed,

the day after that we’re blaming the youth,

the day after that we’re blaming the old,

the day after that we’re blaming foreigners,

the day after that we’re blaming the locals


. . . and on it goes . . .

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It’s divisive to call people white supremacists because they have a different view on recruitment policy in the police force.


That sort of argument is never going to encourage rational discussion about important subjects.


You know that though don’t you? That’s why you just made a generic statement about divisive arguments rather than comment on the fact that someone accused someone else of being a white supremacist.


It may be a generalisation, but, like many generalisations, it's a valid one.


I was just addressing the fact that, in these discussions, often someone will point out that a particular line of argument is 'divisive', with the implication that it is therefore flawed.


This is totally incorrect- an arguments validity rests entirely on it's actual content- the fact that some people really dislike it is utterly irrelevant (to it's validity).


It’s divisive to call people white supremacists because they have a different view on recruitment policy in the police force.


That sort of argument is never going to encourage rational discussion about important subjects.


I don't recall anyone calling "people white supremacists because they have a different view on recruitment policy in the police force."


If you quote the post/part of the post where this happened, I'll happily have a look at it.


---------- Post added 15-10-2017 at 12:09 ----------




Does it really need another government investigation to prove that the poor are massively disadvantaged and have all sorts of problems?


No, it does not, the proof is absolutely overwhelming.


But, the way the system preserves the status quo is by continually calling for yet another study, yet another poll, set up yet another investigative bureaucracy, yet another 'debate', to further stall actual action on rectifying the wrong that is already well established and obvious.



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What's your view on the 'taking a knee' protests in the US?


My view? Ok. Everyone seemingly jumping on the bandwagon over what kapernick did. Why did he do it? Well the BLM movement, and the treatment of blacks by the police in the US.


So lets look at that shall we? Lets look at who commits the crimes in the US and the types of crime, often violent involving guns, knives etc. Let me provide a link




This brave officer is simply doing his job and look at what happens here. Nobody says nothing because this officer is also black, he is doing the right thing and is shot at with no provocation. Just another example of blacks with a chip on their shoulder causing problems for themselves. BLM only counts when it's black on white never ever black on black, and this clip one of many doesnt make the news.


The officers in the US do an incredible job and nobody can put themselves in a situation of pulling somebody over in a country where guns outnumber people. Sure at times they make mistakes and can be heavy handed but they're trying to do a very stressfull and dangerous job.


Dont even get me started on history and US history, for 1) it is exactly that history over 200yrs old and for 2) people died for the star spangled banner to give Kapernick and co the right to their god damn free speech. I'm not spending all afternoon writing essays on here, I'll be watching the Talladega 500 later on, NASCAR is just about the only sport where nobody will disrespect the flag so as to try and get in a political cheap shot. People seem to forget who won the US Election.

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Quotes being removed anyway on here so there's no point. And puggie is right, tests on IQ and race, speed, everything have been undertaken. The whole white male privilidge thing is just an excuse and a scapegoat to try and use for the shortfallings of some minority groups.


Complain all you want. It is about time the field was levelled. The white males of this country need knocking down a peg or two considering the advantage they have historically had which has been preserved through generations.


Qualifications and talent should be the determining factor but it never is when you have the right wing leaning, ill informed and uneducated like Puggie make baseless opinions that gender has been proven to be a determining factor in STEM industries due to biological and evolutionary differences.


---------- Post added 15-10-2017 at 14:54 ----------


My view? Ok. Everyone seemingly jumping on the bandwagon over what kapernick did. Why did he do it? Well the BLM movement, and the treatment of blacks by the police in the US.


So lets look at that shall we? Lets look at who commits the crimes in the US and the types of crime, often violent involving guns, knives etc. Let me provide a link




This brave officer is simply doing his job and look at what happens here. Nobody says nothing because this officer is also black, he is doing the right thing and is shot at with no provocation. Just another example of blacks with a chip on their shoulder causing problems for themselves. BLM only counts when it's black on white never ever black on black, and this clip one of many doesnt make the news.


The officers in the US do an incredible job and nobody can put themselves in a situation of pulling somebody over in a country where guns outnumber people. Sure at times they make mistakes and can be heavy handed but they're trying to do a very stressfull and dangerous job.


Dont even get me started on history and US history, for 1) it is exactly that history over 200yrs old and for 2) people died for the star spangled banner to give Kapernick and co the right to their god damn free speech. I'm not spending all afternoon writing essays on here, I'll be watching the Talladega 500 later on, NASCAR is just about the only sport where nobody will disrespect the flag so as to try and get in a political cheap shot. People seem to forget who won the US Election.




Not all police officers are as good as you make them out to be. Far from it.

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I said at times they make mistakes, he did, read what I wrote. Mistakes happen.


Nothing needs leveling. As ive earlier said all my asian mates back home do well. Yeah keep on with the right wing this right wing that. I'll hire a load of nerdy chinese students to man the door because nobody can make any kind of judgement or it might be deemed as racist

Edited by Huffty_500
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