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White Male privilege

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Because historically white males held most of the money and power in this country, changes both in attitude and law have taken time. As a woman, working for a local authority or other public sector body in my young days, I'd have had to leave when I got married. Any financial agreement, like a loan, would have needed my husband's signature. That's only a short time ago historically. Those with the power to make the rules usually have a bias towards their own group.


We baby boomers have seen some enormous changes, mostly to the good. But there's still a way to go towards equality of opportunity, and even if that were achieved it can't guarantee equality of outcome.

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I agree that your life chances are improved in this country are increased as a white male.


That said - there are aspects of this report that raise lots of different questions and people shouldnt pick and choose aspects of the report to suit their arguments.


White people eating more vegetables is not evidence of racism or privilege - it’s not harder to obtain vegetables as a non-white - nor are they prohibitively expensive for disadvantaged people - I don’t know why it happens but it’s not racism or privilege.


White kids are underperforming against other races at key stage 2 - is that racist? I wouldn’t say so.


People need to pick their arguments better - a scattergun approach to issues surrounding racism and privilege dilutes the valid arguments.

But the vegetables part does raise the spectre of poverty and a lack of chances for people of colour? Like I said earlier.


Do poorer people eat less healthier? Generally I think there's studies that say yes?


---------- Post added 11-10-2017 at 07:38 ----------


Because historically white males held most of the money and power in this country, changes both in attitude and law have taken time. As a woman, working for a local authority or other public sector body in my young days, I'd have had to leave when I got married. Any financial agreement, like a loan, would have needed my husband's signature. That's only a short time ago historically. Those with the power to make the rules usually have a bias towards their own group.


We baby boomers have seen some enormous changes, mostly to the good. But there's still a way to go towards equality of opportunity, and even if that were achieved it can't guarantee equality of outcome.


Exactly Ms

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But the vegetables part does raise the spectre of poverty and a lack of chances for people of colour? Like I said earlier.


Do poorer people eat less healthier? Generally I think there's studies that say yes?


---------- Post added 11-10-2017 at 07:38 ----------



poorer people do generally eat less healthier but its nothing to do with poverty, colour or having less chances its general lazyness, fresh healthy food including vegetables is far cheaper than getting the pizzas and chips and frozen roasties and frozen yorkshires from Iceland.

stand in a supermarket and generally you can tell someones broad class by their shopping trolley.

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Ok.. terms like white privilege are best suited to u.s. society where they belong and left there.. or a dissertation project..


Someone stated white people have better chances, life expectancy etc

This is false and does nothing for race relations in UK.

There are differences in regions , age groups and of course class..


The Non descript Tory policy is a smokescreen.. they are hoping such publicity will gain them votes among non white Brits.. their past record says otherwise..

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The life expectancy rate etc of working class vis a vis middle and upper classes and north and south is more of a problem than the race baiting of Tories and fellow libtard travellers


---------- Post added 11-10-2017 at 09:13 ----------


Because historically white males held most of the money and power in this country, changes both in attitude and law have taken time. As a woman, working for a local authority or other public


What absolute tosh.. so "white males" living on manor or in an inner city slum in Sheffield "held the power and money in society."..??


Liberal middle class bs like that portraying as left wing is why folk have lost faith in much of the left, or at least the wishy washy liberal left..


Edited by WestTinsley
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The life expectancy rate etc of working class vis a vis middle and upper classes and north and south is more of a problem than the race baiting of Tories and fellow libtard travellers


---------- Post added 11-10-2017 at 09:13 ----------



What absolute tosh.. so "white males" living on manor or in an inner city slum in Sheffield "held the power and money in society."..??


Liberal middle class bs like that portraying as left wing is why folk have lost faith in much of the left, or at least the wishy washy liberal left..



Sigh, who owns all the the money, all the power, how many minorities in power?, head of the prisons, schools, businesses? Not many, more women these days but it's still far and wide white male dominated

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I read this yesterday




Doesn't show causality, but it does demonstrate the massive advantage in the UK to being white.


Ah - this seems to be the same report that Mel was referring to when he started the thread. My bad.


---------- Post added 11-10-2017 at 10:40 ----------


Racism may still exist, but that report is not about racism.




How has that got anything to do with racism, do the shops in our towns and cities refuse to sell fruit to non-whites?


Quite right, it's about disadvantage, not racism.


---------- Post added 11-10-2017 at 10:41 ----------


White male privilege is a myth.


The report here shows otherwise.


---------- Post added 11-10-2017 at 10:41 ----------


who cares??? thats life get over it:loopy:


A convenient answer if you happen to be a white male like you. :roll:


---------- Post added 11-10-2017 at 10:42 ----------


I really don't understand what the smoking and eating fruit bits are supposed to prove. In what way can that information be used to come to any kind of conclusions about anything of importance?


Also, sorry but I don't understand why the sex crime/domestic abuse bit is added. How is this related to the topic?


The smoking and eating of fruit and veg is most likely an indication of relative levels of poverty and education.


---------- Post added 11-10-2017 at 10:43 ----------



White kids are underperforming against other races at key stage 2 - is that racist? I wouldn’t say so.


To be clear, it's POOR white kids that are underperforming.


---------- Post added 11-10-2017 at 10:45 ----------


Its only a bad thing if you try and take it to a ridiculous level, which some people clearly want as it makes them feel holier. I mean it's just crazy and some people have a different view on what is equality.


Like I said tho, apply it to the whole world. Yeah go to North Korea and tell him about the equality you demand


Do you think that if we can't "fix" N Korea, we shouldn't bother to try to improve the UK?


---------- Post added 11-10-2017 at 10:47 ----------



poorer people do generally eat less healthier but its nothing to do with poverty, colour or having less chances its general lazyness, fresh healthy food including vegetables is far cheaper than getting the pizzas and chips and frozen roasties and frozen yorkshires from Iceland.

stand in a supermarket and generally you can tell someones broad class by their shopping trolley.


This is a myth, and a pervasive hard to combat one.


Read this though, if you have the attention span.




and this



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The smoking and eating of fruit and veg is most likely an indication of relative levels of poverty and education.


The eating of fruit and veg is meant to be good for you though according to all the so called 'experts'. Not sure if they've said anything about smoking it though.

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Ok.. terms like white privilege are best suited to u.s. society where they belong and left there.. or a dissertation project..


Someone stated white people have better chances, life expectancy etc

This is false and does nothing for race relations in UK.

It isn't false.

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