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WingChun stance/footwork

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Just a quick thought on this, how effective do you think the wing chun stance/footwork is in practice? Wing Chun is probably the martial art I am most familiar with nowadays and I feel most comfortable when on the back rooted leg. But is it responsive enough to move quickly when necessary? Western boxing stances are very quick and on their toes, as apposed to back rooted on the heels.


I once went to a Krav Maga seminar and they seemed to utilise both methods, but did not say how they would use each in what scenario.


I should have asked I suppose.

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looks like you are standing alone on this one, is no one going to step in lol I know its bad


I think it works well but only at the range it is supposed to be used at.


You might be better of posting the same question on my forum might get more answers????

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  • 5 years later...

I feel the footwork for wingchun is really stable, if confident with the footwork in harmony with upper work then it can be really effective, as i have seen from other seniors. Wingchun is an art that can be very grounding and suprising to yourself when understood through feeling, be one.

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