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Women are 'Plus-Sized' and Men are 'Fat'

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Me too. I've been out with ladies of many sizes in my time.


But, this may be for another thread, how far do we take the love for bigger people before it starts becoming dangerous for someone's health?


I was 21st at my heaviest and hated it in the end as I got sick of being out of breath all the time and generally feeling rubbish. So, I lost weight. However, it's now socially unacceptable to 'fat-shame', that is to comment on someone's size if it's anything other than complimentary. But, there is enough medical evidence to show the health implications that being plus-size/overweight/fat can cause. Despite this, some medical professionals have been slammed for fat-shaming by advising overweight patients to lose weight for their own good.


The other side of the coin is anorexia which is frowned upon, and the 'Size 0' models for promoting unhealthy lifestyle choices and impossible body image goals in young people. Surely being too big or too small is bad for your health. So why is one socially acceptable and the other not?


Both sides of the extreme are generally caused by an anxiety disorder - this isnt something that can just be switched off and people can't just snap out of it.. Unfortunately most ''normal'' people dont know the complexity of Anxiety disorders and just see FAT/SKINNY..


There's more going on than just the love of starving ones self or being a glutonous pig.. BUT to answer your question, i think being overweight is more acceptable because most people at some point will have been heavier than they would have liked to have been, and most people can have a quick health kick and get back to a more comfortable weight, however anorexia sufferers are sometimes seen as obsessed with their looks, so much so that they will starve themselves to death - this isn't true!


I think more should be put into learning about the Anxiety disorder itself and helping the sufferers on either side of the coin understand and move forward free from anxiety, one way of doing that is through healthy eating and exercise..


BUT all that said, some folk love an extra portion of pie and end up a bit tubbier than what is healthy for them..


Fat shaming or the likes is not nice and IMO shouldnt be used on either of the sexes..

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It should be perfectly acceptable for a health professional to comment on someone's weight, be that too heavy or too light, with regards to health.


My doctor never had any problems telling me I was fat and I needed to lose weight. It didnt make me want to lose weight though - and whilst he was my doctor I didnt lose any.


Lost loads since he moved on.

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It should be perfectly acceptable for a health professional to comment on someone's weight, be that too heavy or too light, with regards to health.


Whilst i agree, not all health professionals get to the underlying cause of someones weight issue - just telling someone they need to shift weight or gain weight isnt good enough if that person is suffering from an anxiety disorder.. In some cases, treating the anxiety first is more important and the healthier lifestyle will follow..

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With less authority than a Doctor I suspect.


We have an obesity epidemic, it's not all caused by anxiety, it's mostly caused by overeating.


Yes i know, what i'm trying to say is fat shaming isn't nice neither is pointing out to a skinny person they need to eat a pie!


Be kind - you don't know everyone's reasons and what people are going through


NB that's not aimed at you in particular Cyclone, just a general suggestion :)

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My doctor never had any problems telling me I was fat and I needed to lose weight. It didnt make me want to lose weight though - and whilst he was my doctor I didnt lose any.


Lost loads since he moved on.


The strangest thing is being told to lose weight by a fat doctor.

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Doctors are human too, they also know that they need to lose weight, but lack the willpower to stop eating all the pies.


I wouldn't comment to a stranger about their weight, I feel no need to shame or not shame strangers. I would tell my mates if they were getting porky though.

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