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Women are 'Plus-Sized' and Men are 'Fat'

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OK, here's one to discount the OP's theory.


Did you know that M&S suits made to fit the larger male frame are labelled "muscle fit" as opposed to "skinny" or "super skinny".


That's just a whole bunch of euphamisms for slim, medium and large. I don't know when skinny became a positive characteristicfor a bloke though!

Edited by Olive
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Here I am to admit that I couldn't find the actually headline I'd seen... or, it appears, thought I'd seen.


Attempting to find links it appears that the YouTube video I'd seen doesn't actually give references to actual sources, just a bunch of social media memes.


The only pages I could find where this topic was discussed were other forums like REDDIT. I was being truthful previously when I said I hadn't had the time to post links, but I came to do it today and the above was the case.


I hope my public apology will be accepted, and I've learned to be more robust with my info when posting in future.


Cheers everyone.

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I came across a piece online recently where some plus-sized women claimed that they would never go out with an overweight man as they're not attractive. Yet, these women claim it's 'fatphobic' not to be attracted to larger ladies.


Is this female empowerment or is it just hypocrisy?


Also, why is it OK for men to be fat/overweight, but disrespectful to women?


I used to be fat, got called all the names under the sun, but i learned to live with it until i lost weight. The reason i did so was purely for health reasons. But, it's just a word that describes someone's size and, although it is often used in a derogatory way, many use it just simply to describe without their being any venom in the statement. So is it OK for women to be 'plus-sized' and men to be 'fat/overweight'?


To put quite simply, women want to help other women feel good so they opt to say things like plus sized, BBW, bubbly etc..


Men like to tear into each other and have a good old laugh at big bobs belly..


Also as someone else sensibly put - plus size is a term used for clothing just like XXL/XXXL is used for men.. The term fat isnt going to sell much clobber is it..


In regards to what you find attractive that is each to their own.. Me personally, i have had relations with fat / thin / bald / hairy - all of which i fancied the pants off...

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To put quite simply, women want to help other women feel good so they opt to say things like plus sized, BBW, bubbly etc..


Men like to tear into each other and have a good old laugh at big bobs belly..


Also as someone else sensibly put - plus size is a term used for clothing just like XXL/XXXL is used for men.. The term fat isnt going to sell much clobber is it..


In regards to what you find attractive that is each to their own.. Me personally, i have had relations with fat / thin / bald / hairy - all of which i fancied the pants off...


When I started the thread it was never about what I found attractive, it was simply about the language we use.


As I've just posted, I must have imagined the headline and have apologised for starting it under false pretences.

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When I started the thread it was never about what I found attractive, it was simply about the language we use.


As I've just posted, I must have imagined the headline and have apologised for starting it under false pretences.


It was someone else that mentioned attractiveness i think - was just saying i love em all :love: haha

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To put quite simply, women want to help other women feel good so they opt to say things like plus sized, BBW, bubbly etc..


Men like to tear into each other and have a good old laugh at big bobs belly..


Also as someone else sensibly put - plus size is a term used for clothing just like XXL/XXXL is used for men.. The term fat isnt going to sell much clobber is it..



In regards to what you find attractive that is each to their own.. Me personally, i have had relations with fat / thin / bald / hairy - all of which i fancied the pants off...



There"s hope for me then.:hihi:

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It was someone else that mentioned attractiveness i think - was just saying i love em all :love: haha


Me too. I've been out with ladies of many sizes in my time.


But, this may be for another thread, how far do we take the love for bigger people before it starts becoming dangerous for someone's health?


I was 21st at my heaviest and hated it in the end as I got sick of being out of breath all the time and generally feeling rubbish. So, I lost weight. However, it's now socially unacceptable to 'fat-shame', that is to comment on someone's size if it's anything other than complimentary. But, there is enough medical evidence to show the health implications that being plus-size/overweight/fat can cause. Despite this, some medical professionals have been slammed for fat-shaming by advising overweight patients to lose weight for their own good.


The other side of the coin is anorexia which is frowned upon, and the 'Size 0' models for promoting unhealthy lifestyle choices and impossible body image goals in young people. Surely being too big or too small is bad for your health. So why is one socially acceptable and the other not?

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