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Crookes History

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This is the row of buildings that the sweetshop was amongst in the '50s. I think it was second from left, number 121. I do remember that the entrance door was to the right of the shop front with the counter on the left as you went in. It could also have been at number 125, which also had a right-hand door. I just need it confirming with Kelley's Directory for that period. There certainly wasn't a shop in the 1935 Directory, but neither was there a Post Office/General Store on the corner of Springvale Rd/Western Rd. In fact there is quite a gap between Bingham's and Springvale Rd in the 1935 Directory.






This is the former cut through to Cobden View Road. I was aware of it being a bomb site, but not absolutely sure, so didn't mention it. That would probably explain why the 'right of way' didn't exist.




The school, taken from almost opposite where the shop was.




There was another shop at the bottom of Mona Road, though.


NOTE - A whole batch of photographs from Broomhill to Crookes will soon be available.

Edited by crookes
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My memory is that it was the first shop, but it was a long time ago ( I went to Western Road, Infant and Junior, starting 1947 ) so I could not swear to it. I think that you have to be a little careful with Kelly's, the occupation listed would be that of the man of the house and small shops were often run by the woman as a sideline.


There were two other small shops on my way home to Crookes, both on Marston Road, one bottom right (going up), the other first corner on the left - this one I think was a general/sweet shop and always open. The other like the Western Road shop only open now and then.


Opposite the shortcut from Western Road, on Cobdenview there was a further piece of waste ground - I always understood that it was bomb damage. Does any one remember the single engined fighter plane that was parked there on a trailer for a couple of days ?

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The Kelly's lists what type of shop though, but I'm not really bothered about the shopkeeper.


My brother thinks the sweetshop was first or second. Well the shop doorway was definitely to the right of the shop window and the counter was on the left going through the door, so it must have been the second one in the row, no.121


First corner on the left of Marston Rd was no.36, which I also have a photo of. It was run by a Mrs McClean (spelling) who had a son called Michael. He was at Western Road same time as me and would probably have been born when I was in '42. He has a lot to answer for. He used to nick cigarettes from his mother's shop and got me into smoking when I was eleven. It only took about 50 years to break the habit.

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Does this ring any bells? A woman did run the sweetshop and I seem to think that it was Hoyland's.


Western Road


119 - R T Glossop

121 - Mrs Marion Hoyland

123 - Jack Charlesworth

125 - J N P Coleman

127 - James L Clarke

129 - Joseph Raynes

131 - Edgar Griffiths

Edited by crookes
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My memory is that it was the first shop, but it was a long time ago ( I went to Western Road, Infant and Junior, starting 1947 ) so I could not swear to it. I think that you have to be a little careful with Kelly's, the occupation listed would be that of the man of the house and small shops were often run by the woman as a sideline.


There were two other small shops on my way home to Crookes, both on Marston Road, one bottom right (going up), the other first corner on the left - this one I think was a general/sweet shop and always open. The other like the Western Road shop only open now and then.


Opposite the shortcut from Western Road, on Cobdenview there was a further piece of waste ground - I always understood that it was bomb damage. Does any one remember the single engined fighter plane that was parked there on a trailer for a couple of days ?


The short cut from Cobden View to Western Road was called the "Bombed Buildings" and had a brick ginnell at the side that I used to go through to school. The waste land on the other side of Cobden View we called "The Tip" which lead onto the bottom of Newent Lane. November the 5th saw large bonfires on the tip. Not always the safest of firework displays I seem to remember but great fun. I think the plane was before my time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I use to live on Pickmere Rd, number 60. It was the white house on the corner and when we moved my mum sold it to someone who turned it into student flats. I,d love to have a nosey to look at my old bedroom, when I had it I had a black heart beat painted all the way around the middle of the wall. Thank goodness my taste in decor has now changed!!!


When did you live there? I lived very close to that (not saying which number on here as my parents still live there). I lived there from 1972-2000. Can't remember anyone called Dawn though!


Sadly this obsession with student accommodation is what's ruined Crookes over the last couple of decades, when I was young it was nearly all families around there, now it seems to be nearly all students.

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  • 5 months later...

Like above 2 users I have just read all through the threads-interesting stuff.

We moved to Crookes in 79 so a youngster compared to some.

I remember the old co-ops, Kandy Kabin-was in same year at school as dgtr Francesca, Ballins, Pointers-the sweet shop-think this was leapers at some point-my mum still refers to this as leapers to this day! I remember Baxters being Oxleys and delivering papers for them also for Pagdens(opposite current horse n rider) and Laines who were at the side of St Lukes church. My mum loved the sweet shop next door but one to St Lukes and always sent me there for highland toffee. Copplies at the corner of Northfield Rd/Bradley Street. Greasy Joes chippy where Jaflong is now-I used to deliver his newspaper too!

I think even from the late 70's early 80's the only shops still trading under same name are Post office (School Rd) & Carracks-have any others remained? I was surprised to see Monica Hewitts changed hands-only noticed this recently.

I remember too the old smelly toilets at the top of Toyne St - always needed to go when catching a school Rd bus and then having to walk over Crookes to get home!


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  • 1 month later...

Just read this for first time,i was at western rd infants and juniors from 47/53 and i remember the short cut through the bomb damage,the plane and the shop on corner of Springvale and Cobden veiw rd was Garlicks,use to go to palace Sat mornings,and sledging on the bolehills.

Also when i got older and left used to go to El Mambo Coffee Bar,

we lived at 189 Cobden View Rd.

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