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Inappropriate music in cars

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Help me settle an argument. I got into the car, wound the windows down and set off driving at the normal speed and the journey was getting a bit boring after a few minutes so I fumbled around for a CD in the pocket of my trench coat and then I found what I wanted. I shoved it in the CD player and turned up the volume really loud. It was a rap ensemble called NWA and I was loving the vibes! The open roads of Woodthorpe, the sun in my eyes and loud gangsta rap blaring out to all and sundry as I did the ‘rap moves’ with my non-steering hand. But then my driving instructor turned the CD player off and said it was not appropriate! So for my next lesson what do you reckon is appropriate music to take along?

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Help me settle an argument. I got into the car, wound the windows down and set off driving at the normal speed and the journey was getting a bit boring after a few minutes so I fumbled around for a CD in the pocket of my trench coat and then I found what I wanted. I shoved it in the CD player and turned up the volume really loud. It was a rap ensemble called NWA and I was loving the vibes! The open roads of Woodthorpe, the sun in my eyes and loud gangsta rap blaring out to all and sundry as I did the ‘rap moves’ with my non-steering hand. But then my driving instructor turned the CD player off and said it was not appropriate! So for my next lesson what do you reckon is appropriate music to take along?
Go on, I'll bite.


As you're still under instruction, and thus an inexperienced driver, you should be focusing solely upon learning about driving (in context, the auditory aspect of it: engine/gearbox/car noises, road noises, ambient noises) and listening to your instructor, not to a car radio.


Your finding a journey "a bit boring after a few minutes" says all that needs to be said, tbh.


Even once experienced, turning the volume "really loud" dims your perception of your environment and your reaction times.


If your driving instructor didn't tell you as much, change your driving instructor.


There, argument settled.

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So for my next lesson what do you reckon is appropriate music to take along?


Bring a Kenny G cd and a pair of sunglasses.


I think both you and your instructor should listen to the smooth tunes of the saxophone king next time you’re driving around the streets of Sheffield with the sun in your eyes

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I once knew someone who, on a driving test was told by the examiner to park up and leave the car, and they had to walk back to the test centre. He said he was a danger on the road.


Mind you, that was nothing to do with loud music. he 'was' a really crap driver.

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Sound sense, As you're still under instruction, and thus an inexperienced driver, you should be focusing solely upon learning about driving (in context, the auditory aspect of it: engine/gearbox/car noises, road noises, ambient noises) and listening to your instructor, not to a car CD player.


When and if you pass your test then you can do as you please as long as you wind the windows up and then you will not hear the sirens when the boys in blue pull you over, it is an offence to drive with excessive noise as a distraction.

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I once knew someone who, on a driving test was told by the examiner to park up and leave the car, and they had to walk back to the test centre. He said he was a danger on the road.


Mind you, that was nothing to do with loud music. he 'was' a really crap driver.


Someone I once knew, now sadly deceased, failed his test when he wound the driver's window down and threatened to give another driver a pasting.

I suspect it was during his time injecting anabolic steroids.

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