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Boycott Isreali Apartheid Policies

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I guess i could call you an anti-semite but i dont resort to name calling or pigeon holeing to try and win an argument.


Im not even going to engage with you because you're obviously an idiot. :roll:

I noted comments by you on this thread previously that were blatantly islamophobic and ignorantly(maybe)anti semitic..

I've read your rightwing posts on here before skyline photos..


Anyway everything else I said still stands..

Edited by WestTinsley
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I really dont understand the left sometimes.


Jews have been pushed around for thousands of years and were even victims of genocide only 70 years ago. You might remember the nazis.....real nazis not what you like to call Trump voters.


So they finally form their own country surrounded by countries that want to exterminate them and the left are on the side of Muslims who refuse to recognise them as a nation.


So who do you support?


The Jews who are defending themselves or the arab nations who have tried and failed to remove them from the region?


It's how they formed their own country and how they treat the Palestinians that is the problem.

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They certainly were in the past conflicts with Palestine; and they seem to be still enlarging their territory.

The USA will look after their interests, isnt that why 9/11 happened, because the USA are anti-Muslim.


Bin Laden said in Nov 2002 -


It wasn't the US who created the Israeli state it was Britain, at least that is what I have always been led to believe. Bin Laden was actually working for the Americans during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. He was historically quoted as saying that he turned against the US,because they used sacred areas of Saudi Arabia to launch attacks on Iraqi positions during the Gulf War. Had he been upset about the creation of Israel by the US, he would never have helped the Americans in Afghanistan.

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I guess i could call you an anti-semite but i dont resort to name calling or pigeon holeing to try and win an argument.


Im not even going to engage with you because you're obviously an idiot. :roll:


You are a Muslim hater though, I have read many of your anti Muslim posts before coming to that conclusion over the years.

For yours and a couple of other posters information Jews are not the only Semite people around you know.

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You are a Muslim hater though, I have read many of your anti Muslim posts before coming to that conclusion over the years.

For yours and a couple of other posters information Jews are not the only Semite people around you know.


Well fortunately for me, criticising religion is not a crime. Not in this country. Not yet anyway.


As a former catholic who is now atheist i think that the concept of god is ridiculous.


I respect peoples right to believe in certain ideologies but i dont have to like them.


Especially ones that have draconian attitudes towards women or gays for example. But im pretty sure that if i was criticising Christianity then no one on here would have a problem.


But this post if about boycotting Israel and i commented that they have the right to defend themselves.


Then i was called Islamophobic.


Brilliant :hihi:

Edited by SkylinePhoto
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Well fortunately for me, criticising religion is not a crime. Not in this country. Not yet anyway.


As a former catholic who is now atheist i think that the concept of god is ridiculous.


I respect peoples right to believe in certain ideologies but i dont have to like them.


Especially ones that have draconian attitudes towards women or gays for example. But im pretty sure that if i was criticising Christianity then no one on here would have a problem.


But this post if about boycotting Israel and i commented that they have the right to defend themselves.


Then i was called Islamophobic.


Brilliant :hihi:


Israel is an occoupying force, the Palestinians have a lawful right under international law to resist Israeli occupation. Israel can't claim they are defending themselves when they are the bloody occupiers! :roll:

Edited by mafya
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Well, Lloyd George famously said during the troubles in Ireland prior to the Easter rising " Solve the Irish problem, and they will find another problem." This could apply to problems in the Middle East, i.e. please one country ,alienate another, it's been going on, seems like, forever. Why can't people forget religion and just get along with each other? I just don't get it, probably never will.

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Well, Lloyd George famously said during the troubles in Ireland prior to the Easter rising " Solve the Irish problem, and they will find another problem." This could apply to problems in the Middle East, i.e. please one country ,alienate another, it's been going on, seems like, forever. Why can't people forget religion and just get along with each other? I just don't get it, probably never will.


Because although we are meant to be civilised, we are essentially just tribes of neanderthals.


We cant just get rid of 400,000 years of evolution in just 2000 years.


Everyone hates someone for their beliefs, colour, religion, country, sex or sexual orientation.


Religion is just another tribe of people.


People blame religion on wars but we fight over so much more than that. The next world war will be fought over natural resources. One day there will be a war over water.


The biggest threat to humanity is the one thing that isnt being tackled....overpopulation.

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Well, Lloyd George famously said during the troubles in Ireland prior to the Easter rising " Solve the Irish problem, and they will find another problem." This could apply to problems in the Middle East, i.e. please one country ,alienate another, it's been going on, seems like, forever. Why can't people forget religion and just get along with each other? I just don't get it, probably never will.


lot of truth in that

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