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2 hours ago, bendix said:

A refusal to look at information objectively and make considered opinions based on evidence has never been a strong point of the far-right, i suppose.   Never mind.  Carry on Branny.


I suppose this will be dismissed as fake news:  https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/jul/12/pepe-the-frog-daily-stormer-matt-furie




The bottom line is that ANYONE using it as an avatar knows exactly what they are doing; they might as well simply wear a teeshirt proudly stating they're white nationalists.  Silly children.  



I never knew , Katie Perry and Nicky Minaj were white supremacists . Thanks for that 

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17 hours ago, hackey lad said:

I never knew , Katie Perry and Nicky Minaj were white supremacists . Thanks for that 

Weak mate.  Very weak.  The thing about the far right (and i say this as a conservative) is that time and time again they come over as a little dim.  They try for subtlety and giggle amongst themselves that they're so smart.  They aren't.


Trump is the classic example of that.  As are the key protagonists on this forum.



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On 12/04/2019 at 11:23, bendix said:

Weak mate.  Very weak.  The thing about the far right (and i say this as a conservative) is that time and time again they come over as a little dim.  They try for subtlety and giggle amongst themselves that they're so smart.  They aren't.


Trump is the classic example of that.  As are the key protagonists on this forum.



You do realise Pepe the frog was created as a meme against political correctness from people who like to label everybody that does not agree with them Nazi's and bigots and racists etc? Anyone who does not agree with them is alt right or far right even though those on the left have been wrong on everything. The left loves labeling people.


Just like the hive mind on here.


And then they label a Billionaire who sleeps with a supermodel dim who got the most powerful job in the world just because he decided he wanted to do it for free and not take any pay. Tickles me every time. 


It's not like he pandered to a base. He has said these things for 30 years. His supporters just view him as normal and not a far left lunatic. He has not changed his stance in 30 years so when the left say he panders to his base they are wrong just the like as everything else they have said. 


Video from 1988. No one called him racist until he switched from being a Democrat to a Republican. 



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35 minutes ago, XXTickerXX said:

You do realise Pepe the frog was created as a meme against political correctness from people who like to label everybody that does not agree with them Nazi's and bigots and racists etc? Anyone who does not agree with them is alt right or far right even though those on the left have been wrong on everything. The left loves labeling people.

Hmmm. Downplaying White Nationalism, check.


Just like the hive mind on here.

Paranoia, check.



And then they label a Billionaire who sleeps with a supermodel dim who got the most powerful job in the world just because he decided he wanted to do it for free and not take any pay. Tickles me every time. 

You say 'Billionaire sleeps with supermodel' like it's a good thing? Re the italicised, you're having a laugh.


35 minutes ago, XXTickerXX said:

 No one called him racist until he switched from being a Democrat to a Republican. 



Sued by the Department of Justice under the Fair Housing Act in 1973 for refusing to rent to black tenants and lying to blacks about whether apartments were available. What a swell guy.

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9 hours ago, Halibut said:


Sued by the Department of Justice under the Fair Housing Act in 1973 for refusing to rent to black tenants and lying to blacks about whether apartments were available. What a swell guy.

Please never stop posting Halibut. It makes my evenings when I see a post from you. It keeps my sanity in check.

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9 hours ago, Halibut said:


Sued by the Department of Justice under the Fair Housing Act in 1973 for refusing to rent to black tenants and lying to blacks about whether apartments were available. What a swell guy.

Partially true. There is no proof that Donald Trump (or his father who was also named in the suit) ordered their employees to specifically discriminate against black tenants. 

In the end, Trump and his dad admitted no guilt and the case was settled.


From this article.  The defendants, through the actions of their agents and employees, have discriminated against persons because of race in the operation of their apartment buildings," the complaint reads. 

Was it true? Probably.  However, I seriously doubt they limited their discrimination only to black tenants. Loud white trash, gang members, the sporadically employed, women with a passel of destructive brats etc.,  and anyone else who looked like they'd skip on the rent, destroy the property and trigger complaints from other tenants got the same treatment I'm sure. 


I know someone who manages several apartment buildings. Not a job I'd want. They have the patience of Job, a strong stomach and a well honed bs detector. 



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The Idiot-in Chief can be relied upon to say something unutterably stupid at a time of crisis and the burning of Notre Dame is no exception.


From a tweet - “So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.  Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!”



 From a public appearance in Minnesota ''“They think it was caused by renovation,” he said. “I hope that’s the reason. Renovation, what’s that all about?”



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