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So Murdoch, Fox hosts and Fox execs have testified now, that they all held Trump, Giuliani, etc. rethoric up to January 2020 to be complete hogwash, including the claims of rigging by Dominion’s voting machines, but that they still went ahead with airing that rethoric because they did not want to upset their audience…


…and yet in its own filing made public on Monday, Fox argued that its coverage of statements by Trump and his lawyers were inherently newsworthy and that Dominion’s “extreme” interpretation of defamation law would “stop the media in its tracks”.


Reuters reported that a Fox spokesperson said that Dominion’s view of defamation law “would prevent journalists from basic reporting”?


I mean, I understand claims, counterclaims, court-play/advocacy and the PR around it quite well (it’s an aspect of the day job, but not in this field). But that is taking hypocrisy past stratospheric levels, clear into orbit.

Here’s to Fox’ upcoming bankruptcy, and I hope that Dominion goes for the Fox journos and execs in a personal capacity next, Hannity ahead of the rest.

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Hope you have more luck with that, than they’ve had  with jailing Trump and his family.


it’s been 6 years now and Teo latest polls have him beating DeSantis, Biden, and Harris!


But hope springs eternal and warms the heart!

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2 hours ago, L00b said:

Here’s to Fox’ upcoming bankruptcy, and I hope that Dominion goes for the Fox journos and execs in a personal capacity next, Hannity ahead of the rest.

I have never seen a defamation case with such overwhelming proof that the defendant admitted in writing that it was making up fake information in order to increase its viewership and its revenues.”... Laurence Tribe, Harvard



5 minutes ago, trastrick said:


it’s been 6 years now and Teo latest polls have him beating DeSantis, Biden, and Harris!

So did the polls for Hillary beating Trump in 2020... and she wasn't even running! :? :hihi:


How are the betting odds going? :?

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Trump's February bump


"Four new polls show former President Trump has received a boost in Republican support — with one survey showing him hitting 50% support in a crowded GOP field.




Harvard/Harris has Trump beating Biden 46 to 41

Emerson has Trump beating Biden 46 to 42


That "pesky wabbit"!  :)




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Just now, trastrick said:

Trump's February bump


"Four new polls show former President Trump has received a boost in Republican support — with one survey showing him hitting 50% support in a crowded GOP field.




Harvard/Harris has Trump beating Biden 46 to 41

Emerson has Trump beating Biden 46 to 42


That "pesky wabbit"!  :)




I would like to see him win just for the reaction of CNN!!


Never gonna happen though.

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36 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I would like to see him win just for the reaction of CNN!!


Never gonna happen though.

He's already winning, the Fake News "narratives" are being exposed every day,  Russian Collusion, COVID, Ukraine War, and soon to be the climate change scam.


CNN' Chief Zucker was forced to retire, and they have fired or demoted their most egregious Trump haters, Cuomo, Lemon, Toobin, Stelter.

Their ratings are in the tank, as they struggle to become relevant, and regain their former credibility. "Laying off hundreds of staffers".


The MSM mainstays NYT, Wash Post, WSJ. USA Today, can't get enough advertisers so they they've had to go to paywalls, which only the true believers will pay for. Laying off staffers.


Liz Cheney of "Hollywood Productions Jan 6", suffered an historic loss! Chicago Mayor (checks all the boxes) Mayor, Lightfoot is out as of yesterday.


Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler are out of power in the new U.S. Congress!


Some 30 odd former FBI officials have been fired, demoted or retired since the Russian Hoax scam.


The 50 "former U.S. Intelligence Officials" who signed that Russian Disinformation Statement on Hunter Biden's Laptop, are not returning calls.


Social Media and getting raked over the coals every day for their collusion with Democrat Admin to censor free speech. (Well worth a look!)


Trump winning, even when he loses :)


But now he's the leading pol in the polls for President in 2024!


Life is good!  :)






Edited by trastrick
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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, trastrick said:



(Topic paused until they get the latest talking points from the MSM)



Associated Press are part of the MSM.


Trump's claim is being widely reported, as are the investigations into hush money and Trump Media's potential money laundering of funds from dodgy sources.


From the report you linked to:


Within hours, he sent a fundraising email to supporters

Surprise, surprise. He never misses an opportunity to fleece his supporters.

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11 hours ago, altus said:

Trump's claim is being widely reported, as are the investigations into hush money and Trump Media's potential money laundering of funds from dodgy sources.

Seems to be a lot of that about lately!  :)



11 hours ago, altus said:

Within hours, he sent a fundraising email to supporters

I'm shocked, shocked, I say!  :)


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