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There is something drastically wrong with them who support people like Trump and the imbecile Andrew.  Andrew has a photo taken with the Girl in question and denies he ever met her and the same with Trump having photo's with Andrew then claims he has never met him,  for anybody with a brain cell,  it says don't support liars and as I mentioned, there is something drasically wrong with those who do  support them.  :roll:

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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

  Why do so many foreigners support Trump in his quest to be the oldest President of his country- ever?

  Why do so many  apologise for his confirmed sexual abuse? 

  Why blame the jury, the judge, the legal system, the city, the state, the region instead of the perpetrator of sexual abuse?

  Why do so many still blame the victim in cases of sexual abuse?

  What has happened so that an electorate accepts a liar, a cheat, a misogynist and an anti democracy advocate?

  Would these people do the same for potential leaders of their own countries who were found to be abusers?

  What happened?

  At least in Wales and Scotland political leaders resign even though not directly responsible. 




Hi Annie.


Maybe it's because of his policies.


Let's not gloss over the fact that Trump is neither the first or last president that has trouble keeping his pants up for too long. The Kennedy family, especially JFK and Bobby are put on a pedestal but they were serial cheaters and womanisers, Clinton was another one.


I truly believe that to be a leader of any country, especially the USA, one has to be a type of individual, incredibly thick skinned, aloof, cocky and have oodles of self confidence that on occasions steps over the boundaries, it doesn't make it right but I think that's a fact. As I've mentioned before I think Trump is a far from a perfect individual but maybe folk see through that because they agree with what he says, he obviously appeals to millions of folk.


I am not saying I am correct but I have doubts about this lady that has made these allegations against Trump. Let's not be naive and pretend she was some meek sweet girl from next door, she was a prominent individual who loved to make a scene about what she believes in as a previous posted has pointed out earlier. Why didn't she make a big deal about it back then? No doubt if it's not all about money she will donate it to charity, just like Amber Heard said she would, oh, she lied about that didn't she!!


Women also tell lies you know.


Just this past 12 months there have been high profile cases where the lady has been proved to be telling porkies..


Amber Heard.


The girls who falsely claimed a premier League football player had raped them.


The recent case of that young  lady lying about being groomed and abducted by Asian men in Batley, it hardly does the #believeallwomen movement much good does it.


Trump will get what he deserves if found guilty on all these charges that are against him, I mean the people he embarrassed by becoming president have been after him for the last 7 years ever since he made them look like fools.



Edited by Al Bundy
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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:



Trump will get what he deserves if found guilty on all these charges that are against him, I mean the people he embarrassed by becoming president have been after him for the last 7 years ever since he made them look like fools.



Guilty or not in a strictly legal sense his divisive and abrasive rhetoric coupled with his locker room banter gives sufficient reason as to why many Americans are embarrassed by Trump.

Why anyone finds anything to admire in him is beyond me.

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4 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

  Why do so many foreigners support Trump in his quest to be the oldest President of his country- ever?

  Why do so many  apologise for his confirmed sexual abuse? 

  Why blame the jury, the judge, the legal system, the city, the state, the region instead of the perpetrator of sexual abuse?

  Why do so many still blame the victim in cases of sexual abuse?

  What has happened so that an electorate accepts a liar, a cheat, a misogynist and an anti democracy advocate?

  Would these people do the same for potential leaders of their own countries who were found to be abusers?

  What happened?

  At least in Wales and Scotland political leaders resign even though not directly responsible. 




The answer is blowin in the wind, Annie.


Once upon a time in America, lying to the public was a major disqualifier from taking political office. Sexual malfeasance was not a major hurdle. See Eisenhower, John and Ted Kennedy. Still highly regarded icons.


That all changed during the Bill Clinton Presidency. Lying became acceptable if it was partisan, a means to an end, the end being retention of political power.


"Lies? It's just all about sex" was the excuse.


Then we had the Clarence Thomas Hearings, the Kavanaugh Hearings, and the Trump persecutions, that continue today, even as we speak!


Yesterday a Republican Congressman was arrested for embellishing his resume, and possible other allgations to be determined.


George Santos, Republican who lied in his first election, announces second run - The Guardian


"The disgraced Republican congressman, who is the subject of a House ethics panel inquiry, is expected to face many challengers"






‘We’re living in madness’: George Santos’s constituents on federal charges - The Guardian


"He pleaded not guilty to charges alleging financial fraud at the center of a political campaign built on a résumé about his personal wealth and business success that began to unravel six weeks after he won office."




Meanwhile Joe Biden, perhaps the greatest liar about his resume in the history of U.S. politics, is excused and ignored by the MSM. (For those that don't know, he was NOT arrested 3 times, in South Africa, or during the MLK marches, or in a congressional office! He did not graduate at the top of his class and earn 3 degrees!, or for that matter did he see off Corn Pop the notorious gang leader, and two of his rusty razor bladed bearing men, armed only with a six inch length of chain, Lol)


Biden's also been accused of rape, by Democrat women in fact!  Kamala even said she "believed the women" in her attack on Biden, during the 2016 primaries!


So after watching all this farcical nonsense, the U.S. electorate have decided to make up their own minds on who's the most meritorious person to lead the country!


Their world is at stake, perhaps even WW3, and they are willing to compromise with a less than perfect human being, because such a one has not existed for a long, long, time, if ever!






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38 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The answer is blowin in the wind, Annie.


Once upon a time in America, lying to the public was a major disqualifier from taking political office. Sexual malfeasance was not a major hurdle. See Eisenhower, John and Ted Kennedy. Still highly regarded icons.


That all changed during the Bill Clinton Presidency. Lying became acceptable if it was partisan, a means to an end, the end being retention of political power.


"Lies? It's just all about sex" was the excuse.


Then we had the Clarence Thomas Hearings, the Kavanaugh Hearings, and the Trump persecutions, that continue today, even as we speak!


Yesterday a Republican Congressman was arrested for embellishing his resume, and possible other allgations to be determined.


George Santos, Republican who lied in his first election, announces second run - The Guardian


"The disgraced Republican congressman, who is the subject of a House ethics panel inquiry, is expected to face many challengers"






‘We’re living in madness’: George Santos’s constituents on federal charges - The Guardian


"He pleaded not guilty to charges alleging financial fraud at the center of a political campaign built on a résumé about his personal wealth and business success that began to unravel six weeks after he won office."




Meanwhile Joe Biden, perhaps the greatest liar about his resume in the history of U.S. politics, is excused and ignored by the MSM. (For those that don't know, he was NOT arrested 3 times, in South Africa, or during the MLK marches, or in a congressional office! He did not graduate at the top of his class and earn 3 degrees!, or for that matter did he see off Corn Pop the notorious gang leader, and two of his rusty razor bladed bearing men, armed only with a six inch length of chain, Lol)


Biden's also been accused of rape, by Democrat women in fact!  Kamala even said she "believed the women" in her attack on Biden, during the 2016 primaries!


So after watching all this farcical nonsense, the U.S. electorate have decided to make up their own minds on who's the most meritorious person to lead the country!


Their world is at stake, perhaps even WW3, and they are willing to compromise with a less than perfect human being, because such a one has not existed for a long, long, time, if ever!






To be fair krappy Kamala also said she believed that vile racist individual Jussie Smollett.

She is absolutely useless.

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3 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

To be fair krappy Kamala also said she believed that vile racist individual Jussie Smollett.

She is absolutely useless.

Apologies for not reading your earlier response to Annie B, above, which actually covered many of the points I discussed,  before posting mine!  👍

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On 10/05/2023 at 08:05, Delbow said:

His defence:


Number 1: she's not my type

Number 2: it didn't happen


So if she was his 'type', it was on the cards that he would have raped her.


All those bullets flying around America and so far none of them lodged in his brain.

oh dear and all this is supposed to of happened how many years ago?? hmmmmm

can't wait for the us election he will win with a landslide👍

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14 hours ago, Palomar said:

While I condone neither there's a world of difference between the consensual philandering of Clinton and Kennedy, and Trumps style of sexual assault and rape.



You are sadly misinformed, but you are not alone.


That's the popular "narrative" promoted by the MSM.


His consensual relationship with Monica Lewinsky was not illegal in any way. Bad optics for a President, maybe, but it's something that goes on all the time in the halls of power.


Clinton was Impeached, fined, and disbarred for lying under oath, about his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky in the case of Paula Jones vs William Jefferson Clinton.


Jones, an Arkansas State employee claimed he had her escorted to his hotel suite by 2 State Troopers,  where once alone with her, he dropped his pants and ordered her to, "Kiss it!"  :)


The State Troopers testified on her behalf, and she was able to describe his genitalia in detail. :)


Clinton denied both relationships, and the White House embarked on a public mission to discredit both Ms. Lewinky and Jones, and another dozen or so women who came forward to claim sexual relationships with Bill.


That great defender of women's rights :) Hillary, led the charge, calling them, "stalkers", and "loony toons". James Carville, Clinton's campaign advisor was on TV making his famous remark, ""Drag a hundred dollars through a trailer park and there's no telling what you'll find".


Those dismissive claims abruptly ended, when Lewinsky brought forward the equally famous Blue Dress, which contained Clintons DNA, which she had fortunately for her, hidden away as a little 'insurance'.


Here is some coverage of Clinton's Deposition, and how the MSM were covering the story, while it was happening:




Clinton eventually settled with Jones for $850,000. That's about $1,600,000 in today's money.


Clinton later apologized to Monica publicly!






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