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In what way is my comment that we have not yet had any leader of a party failing to recognise the result of a GE related to your ensuing post?


Do you really find it sensible or logical to trawl the internet for examples of assaults on public figures as some means of normalising or justifying Trumps rabble rousing resulting in a mob assault on the Capitol ?

Woodward and Bernstein have been in the U.K. recently and were interviewed on BBC.

Worth a watch if you can find it over there.



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2 hours ago, RJRB said:

In what way is my comment that we have not yet had any leader of a party failing to recognise the result of a GE related to your ensuing post?


Say whaaat? 


As Hillary was the Democrat choice for President in 2016, she WAS the de facto "leader" of her party!  :)


""Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday". - Washington Post (link posted above)


2 hours ago, RJRB said:

Do you really find it sensible or logical to trawl the internet for examples of assaults on public figures as some means of normalising or justifying Trumps rabble rousing resulting in a mob assault on the Capitol ?



I got half your rag tag "tag team" trolling posse insisting on multiple links in one post,  and t' other half accusing me of "trawling the internet" for same!


It's OK, I'm happy to play your trolling games for now, as long as I find it hilarious!  :)


2 hours ago, RJRB said:

Woodward and Bernstein have been in the U.K. recently and were interviewed on BBC.

Worth a watch if you can find it over there.



And where did this dissembling gem pop up from?  :)


Woodward and Bernstein are 2 Left Wing WashPost  hacks who won the usual echo chamber accolades (everything but a Harvey Weinstein Oscar, and an AlGore Nobel Peace prize) for their work on bringing another popular Republican President down, back in the day!


Then they did a Rip Van Winkel and went to sleep, for 30 years and missed the Clinton's excellent Whitewater adventures, (Their business partners went to  jail,  as did their Assoc. Attorney General, and their lawyer "offed" himself), the Obama AG "Fast and Furious Scandal ( Holder became the first U.S. attorney general in history to be held in both criminal[139] and civil[140] contempt.-WIKI) and more amazingly they missed the entire Russian Collusion Hoax! :)


Now they are eking out a living on the neverTrump curcuit (CNN and the likes of BBC).


So no, I actually witnessed and paid attention to these events, and I'm not interested in their historical revisionism.


But thanks anyway!  :)



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6 hours ago, trastrick said:


Say whaaat? 


As Hillary was the Democrat choice for President in 2016, she WAS the de facto "leader" of her party!  :)




Step 1

Go back to my post where I say that “we” i.e. us in the U.K.,have never had a losing leader shouting  “cheat “and calling for a march on the H of C.

Comprenez vous?

Woodward and Bernstein were on U.K. TV  last evening as as they were discussing the Trump phenomena then there views are pertinent.

They have been about for most of my lifetime .Its just that you prefer other sources.

By definition every US President was popular when elected including Tricky Dicky.

Perhaps less so during their tenure...like Trump who failed to get a second term.


Why do you suggest that you are being trolled when your views are not shared by others.

Your apparent definition of trolling does not chime with me.


Some,myself included fail to see how Trump remains a figure to be admired by anyone 

I find him an odious figure,but like yourself I don’t live in the  U.S so he has minimal impact in my life.


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8 hours ago, RJRB said:

Woodward and Bernstein were on U.K. TV  last evening as as they were discussing the Trump phenomena then there views are pertinent.

To some, maybe, but not all. :)


8 hours ago, RJRB said:

Some,myself included fail to see how Trump remains a figure to be admired by anyone 

Here's a clue for you.


His policies.


Low inflation (1,7% when he left office)


Strong U.S. Military


Low energy and gas prices


Virtual energy independence


Relative World peace. No new endless wars.


Real wage gains for the average family


Secure border. (5 million illegals in Biden's first 2 years)


Some limits on abortion. (supported by 71%)


8 hours ago, RJRB said:

I find him an odious figure,but like yourself I don’t live in the  U.S so he has minimal impact in my life.

That might be so, but the U.S. President also happens to be the de facto Leader of the Free World,  In that respect his economic and foreign policies can have an enormous impact on World affairs, that can impact our daily lives in so many ways.




Edited by trastrick
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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

To some, maybe, but not all.

Here's a clue for you.

His policies.

Low inflation (1,7% when he left office)

Strong U.S. Military

Low energy and gas prices

Virtual energy independence

Relative World peace. No new endless wars.

Real wage gains for the average family

Secure border. (5 million illegals in Biden's first 2 years)

Some limits on abortion. (supported by 71%)

That might be so, but the U.S. President also happens to be the de facto Leader of the Free World,  In that respect his economic and foreign policies can have an enormous impact on World affairs, that can impact our daily lives in so many ways.

  So you are advising Americans to vote for their oldest ever President?

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Trump said Jean Carroll is not my type. I’ve got to admit I can’t see Trump going with this woman who in all likelihood has gone through the menopause. I didn’t realise how old this woman was at the time when the alleged incident took place.  



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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

To some, maybe, but not all. :)


Here's a clue for you.


His policies.


Gosh, that list sure has reduced somewhat! :roll:



Low inflation (1,7% when he left office)

Nothing to do with Trump or his policies.



Strong U.S. Military

Desperate stuff indeed! :loopy:



Low energy and gas prices

Were not a result of Trumps policies which actually resulted in the largest short term drop in US oil production, in history.


The largest increase in oil production during a presidency took place under President Obama :?



Virtual energy independence

"Virtual" ? :hihi:


Biden surpassed any claims Trump had re: energy production almost immediately!



Relative World peace. No new endless wars.

Trump ordered and oversaw new military operations, and *massively* increased the operations in existing wars.


Donald Trump Is Dropping Bombs at Unprecedented Levels


Six months into Trump’s presidency, we now have enough data to assess his own approach. The results are clear: Judging from Trump’s embrace of the use of air power — the signature tactic of U.S. military intervention — he is the most hawkish president in modern history.


In some regions, Trump dropped more bombs in 4 years than both Bush and Obama's combined 16 years!


Anyone who claims Trump was some form of "dove", simply wasn't paying attention! :thumbsup: :?



Real wage gains for the average family

...slowed under Trump :?


The issue of wages v inflation is a global issue.



Secure border. (5 million illegals in Biden's first 2 years)

Border crossing increased every year during Trumps presidency.


According to that bastion of the left... the libertarian CATO institute...


Trump’s Border Policies Let More Immigrants Sneak In:




Some limits on abortion. (supported by 71%)

Misleading... 71% feel abortion should be restricted to the first 3 months or pregnancy.


The vast majority of Americans think abortion should be legal and accessible.


A spectacular own goal for Republicans, outside of their base. :?





The stuff you managed to forget:


Trumps job numbers across the board... have been obliterated by Biden, in two years!


Trump left office with 2.9 million less jobs than when he started. :?


The trade deficit ballooned. :?


The national debt almost doubled. :?


Trump was on course to add the entire cost of the 2008 GFC, or "The War on Terror" even before covid!


Murders surged by the highest rate in living memory. :?


He is the first president to lose all 3 branches of government in over 100 years, and was voted joint second worst president of all time by US voters. :?

Edited by Magilla
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1 hour ago, hauxwell said:

Trump said Jean Carroll is not my type. I’ve got to admit I can’t see Trump going with this woman who in all likelihood has gone through the menopause. I didn’t realise how old this woman was at the time when the alleged incident took place.  

  Rapists regularly defend themselves with the claim that their victims were 'unattractive'  or old. Rapists are violent opportunists to whom age or perceived attractiveness is irrelevant. Some rapists are motivated more by the need to dominate and control than sexual gratification.

  Nobody should  defend rapists on their own perceptions. Perceptions not based on experience but assumptions and guesswork.

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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

  So you are advising Americans to vote for their oldest ever President?

No. I'm not in the business of telling other folks what, or what not to do!


With always one exception, "Vote wisely!"


Because I firmly believe that in a democracy, folks get the kind of government they deserve, no more, no less!  :)


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