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I was surprised this morning to see this report in the Guardian. About Banana Republic Senegal, and how they arrested the frontrunner for the opposition party in the upcoming election. Without comment, or analysis.


If they changed the opposition leaders name to Trump, it's almost the identical situation in the U.S.


The irony seems lost on the Guardian "get Trump" crowd, so I thought I'd better make a copy just in case, the penny dropped with someone over there, and it was pulled down.


Just checked and it's disappeared!  :)


The Guardian

Senegal authorities arrest opposition frontrunner, ban his party and cut internet

Supporters say string of charges are intended to prevent Ousmane Sonko and his Pastef party challenging President Macky Sall


"Ousmane Sonko, a charismatic opposition figure widely supported by Senegal’s youth, was in prison on Monday as he awaited trial on new criminal charges, said his party’s communications director, El Malick Ndiaye.


"The Senegalese government, meanwhile, restricted mobile internet services on Monday, citing “dissemination of hateful and subversive messages on social networks”, according to Moussa Bocar Thiam, the communications minister. People throughout Senegal reported they were not able to access the internet.


"Sonko is popular among Senegal’s youth and has been seen as a threat to the ruling party ahead of the 2024 election. His supporters have said the charges are to prevent him from running again for president after he placed third in the 2019 race.


“I’ve just been unjustly placed under a committal order,” Sonko wrote on his Facebook page on Monday.


"It was unclear when a trial might take place. Sonko has been accused of calling for insurrection, conspiring against the state, threatening national security and other charges.


"The Patriots of Senegal for Work, Ethics and Fraternity (Pastef) party has “frequently called on its supporters to take part in insurrectionary movements”, said a statement from Senegal’s interior minister, Antoine Félix Diome.


"Diome blamed the opposition party’s leaders for causing loss of life and the looting of properties during deadly protests in June sparked by Sonko’s conviction and sentencing to two years in prison for “corrupting youth”.


"The opposition party’s dissolution was criticised by the former prime minister Aminata Touré as an “unprecedented setback” in the west African country’s democratic history. It further raised concerns about next year’s presidential election in Senegal, long considered a bastion of democracy and a regional leader in diplomacy.


“In his despotic determination to hold on to power in Senegal, albeit by proxy, Macky Sall has just opened the floodgates to chaos by imprisoning, on spurious grounds, his main opponent Ousmane Sonko,” said a Pastef communique on Monday, after Diome’s claim to have disbanded the party.


“Even if they dissolve Pastef, they can’t dissolve its spirit,” Ndiaye said.


"Sonko said a judge in the capital, Dakar, ordered him held temporarily after fresh charges on Saturday, including conspiracy against the state and calls for insurrection.

From his cell in Sebikotane prison, just outside the capital, Dakar, Sonko could still run for president in the 2024 election, communications director Ndiaye said, a claim the Associated Press could not immediately verify.


“If the Senegalese people, for whom I have always fought, abdicate and decide to leave me in the hands of Macky Sall’s regime, I will, as always, submit to God’s will,” Sonko wrote on his Facebook page".



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31 minutes ago, trastrick said:

If they changed the opposition leaders name to Trump, it's almost the identical situation in the U.S.

Well the article doesn't say whether his previous lawyer thinks the charges have merit, unlike those Trump faces:


Former Trump administration lawyer on Mar-a-Lago investigation: ‘The evidence is so overwhelming’:



...but no, the GOP nor Trump has been "dissolved", or are being prevented from running.


The differences are so obvious, and stark... you'd literally have to have brain damage to claim there's any similarity with the US. 🤣




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Trump will appear in court for trial on four counts that he lied and echoed false claims of election fraud

Trump will appear in court for trial on March 26th on 34 charges related to payments made to Daniels.

Trump will appear in court for trial on May 20th on 40 charges related to possession of classified files.

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6 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Trump will appear in court for trial on four counts that he lied and echoed false claims of election fraud

Trump will appear in court for trial on March 26th on 34 charges related to payments made to Daniels.

Trump will appear in court for trial on May 20th on 40 charges related to possession of classified files.

Let's see.


4 counts - Insurrection

40 counts - Espionage Act Violations

34 counts - Hooker Hush Money

?? Counts - Georgia Election Interference (In progress)


That's 78 charges, and counting. Probably closer to 100 charges before Election Day.


To paraphrase Einstein's attributed response, when he was asked about the book, "Hundert Autoren Gegen Einstein (One Hundred Authors Against Einstein)"


"If I am wrong, they only need one! " :)


There probably is not another human in the World, who would have the gonads, the resources, money and lawyers,  to deal with such a barrage of charges. Trump may well be the last to challenge the corrupt Washington Swamp. The message is clear!


Don't rock the boat!


But if the Democrats don't succeed in jailing Trump before the Election, there's a good possibility that the Biden's Family accumulation of $billions while in office, from China, Russia, the Ukraine, and Romania will be Investigated by a Republican President and a Republican Congress.


So the Democrats, and their pals in the Media, have no choice, but to continue to try to make something, anything, stick!


The desperation factor!


And with 100 or so charges, in various jurisdictions, their chances of finding pro Democrat Judges, and Juries, are better than 50/50.

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You've got to be a special kind of monumental cretin, cynical grifter, tedious troll, or unhappy little easily influenced soul angry at the world to look at the laundry list of criming associated with Trump and his circle, and to look at maga world misfits and sociopaths attacking the Capitol building, and still grub about for justification.


Except, of course, they haven't looked, because you don't need to wonder which of Trump's associates have flipped under oath; which Republican-instigated investigation committees admitted that their ferreting about for evidence of vote tampering to favour Dems found precisely nothing; which Trump-appointed judges have knocked back his various and sundry appeals so far; which Trump cronies have been indicted for vote machine tampering, etc, etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseam


Really looking forward to reading what further festering nuggets our terminally triggered Trump fluffers are going to be dragging up from their rabbit holes in coming weeks.



7 hours ago, trastrick said:

Let's see. ... [snipped because no one needs to see that garbage again]

Translation:  waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!

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Its absolutely bonkers that someone with all this hanging over him is allowed to still run for President.

Would a policeman under investigation still be allowed to be on the streets, or a surgeon accused of killing someone during surgery be allowed to still operate on people?


He may be innocent but he should be nowhere near politics until this is all dealt with.

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