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11 minutes ago, BigPP said:

So in reply to my post regarding the downfall of Rudy Giuliani, you peddle more Trump fakery claiming the destruction of once great cities by liberals.


Here are some facts: 




''Trump said violent crime in Manhattan is ’now at a record level.’ It’s nowhere near record. 


There were about 34,000 reported felonies boroughwide in 2022. That figure was almost 150,000 in 1990, or nearly five times higher than today’s level.'




'As Los Angeles prepares to expand its police force with a boost in spending and plans to hire hundreds more officers, new data show that crime in the city has dropped moderately in 2023. Through May 20, L.A. experienced a drop of more than 10% in violent crime this year compared with the same period in 2022. Property crime fell by slightly more than 1%, and arrests were up 4.4%, according to Police Department data.'


Los Angeles is not the only California city to report a drop in crime. San Francisco — despite a wave of criticism after the killing of Cash App founder Bob Lee — has experienced an overall drop of nearly 7% in crime in the first five months of the year, according to police statistics. San Jose reported a drop of about 8% in violent and property crimes in the first three months of 2023.'


Trump and other far-right populists rely on the support of non-thinking cult followers who are attracted by a toxic mix of lies and hate speech, and never question anything they hear.



Fair right 🤣

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15 hours ago, altus said:

Successful presidents by all metrics tend to get elected for a second term.

Stay tuned?  😀


15 hours ago, altus said:

Musk isn't a genius

We'll all be gathering to see the launch of your first re-usable rocket taking NASA astronauts to space.Just let us know the time and place!


How about Endcliffe Park next Sunday afternoon?😀


15 hours ago, altus said:

Giuliani might have been America's Mayor once but doing praiseworthy things 25 years ago doesn't excuse anyone doing bad things now

True enough!


But today the Left, their government agencies, and their pals in the Media are only interested in prosecuting  Republicans, Focused like a laser beam, they are.


Lots of liars and career destroying libel and slander artists out there walking free, nay, being idolized, by these same law and order leftist charlatans. The "Russian Collusion" hoax ring a bell?


Those dear ladies were well rewarded for their "trauma". What's the award worth for hounding  a President out of office?


They say it isn't about the money, but I don't see them planning to donate it to their inner city ghettos.


Let's hope they use it wisely.  I would suggest a gym membership, and a professional Dietician!



Edited by trastrick
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9 hours ago, trastrick said:

We'll all be gathering to see the launch of your first re-usable rocket taking NASA astronauts to space.Just let us know the time and place!


How about Endcliffe Park next Sunday afternoon?😀


You do realise he didn't design the rockets don't you.


I never claimed he had never achieved anything. Unlike his fawning fanboys, I can look at him objectively and see that he has flaws/sometimes makes mistakes/fails to live up to the claims he makes about himself/etc. Being astute enough, as he has been, to invest in already existing companies on the up or ones that will massively benefit from government subsidies might be clever, but it doesn't require being a genius.



Those dear ladies were well rewarded for their "trauma". What's the award worth for hounding  a President out of office?

Trump wasn't hounded out of office. He was voted out in a free and fair election.


The only reason the two election workers got any money at all was because of Giuliani's lies and the reactions of Trump supporters to those lies. If you're upset about them being awarded compensation for having their lives upended as a result of that, complain to Giuliani.

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12 hours ago, altus said:

You do realise he didn't design the rockets don't you.


I never claimed he had never achieved anything. Unlike his fawning fanboys, I can look at him objectively and see that he has flaws/sometimes makes mistakes/fails to live up to the claims he makes about himself/etc. Being astute enough, as he has been, to invest in already existing companies on the up or ones that will massively benefit from government subsidies might be clever, but it doesn't require being a genius.



It's so easy!


After NASA spent $billions  doing nothing since 1969, except glad handing each other every time one of their circa 1950s Radio Shack remote toys didn't crash and burn on landing, and actually responded to the remote control thingy.


While at the same time Obama was cadging a ride from Putin to take U.S. astronauts to the I.S.S. on his Soyuz rockets. Putin even threatened to leave them there if Obama didn't up the ante.


Also at the same time as Putin was invading the Ukraine!


Armchair telly critics are a dime a dozen.






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9 hours ago, trastrick said:

After NASA spent $billions  doing nothing since 1969, except glad handing each other every time one of their circa 1950s Radio Shack remote toys didn't crash and burn on landing, and actually responded to the remote control thingy.

The Juno Missions to Jupiter,

Pioneer 10,

The Hubble & James Web Space Telescopes,

Voyager 1 & 2,

The Chandra X-ray Observatory,

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter,

Pathfinder, Spirit and Curiousity rovers,

The ISS,

Huygens Probe to Titan,

Hundereds of programs monitoring the earth,

The entire Space Shuttle program, which spawned many completely new technologies...


....the list goes on.


"Nothing" :loopy:


It's almost like you literally have no idea what you're talking about.


9 hours ago, trastrick said:

While at the same time Obama was cadging a ride from Putin to take U.S. astronauts to the I.S.S. on his Soyuz rockets. Putin even threatened to leave them there if Obama didn't up the ante.

Complete nonsense.


Obama's announcement of his intention to abort NASA’s Constellation program gave commercial space enterprise a fresh impetus, stating that "The American flag on the ISS will reside there until an American commercial space company launches astronauts to the station”.


Obama played a key role in making SpaceX possible, it was his policy to focus on stronger partnerships with the private sector, allowing NASA to give out contracts to the emerging commercial space industry.


It was NASA's $1.5 billion contract that saved SpaceX from insolvency.


SpaceX is primarily a government contractor that exists in it's present form as a result of Obama's policies, not in spite of them!


Edited by Magilla
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Colorado Supreme Court bars Trumps from standing there as the oldest ever President.

Struck the off ballot for having  broken the 14th Amendment which says that no person who has taken an oath “as an officer of the United States”,has "...engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof”.



Edited by Annie Bynnol
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No shock at all, many have been saying they will find a way to stop him running.


The bloke would have probably become the next president, the powers that be will not let it happen.


"A majority of the court holds that Trump is disqualified from holding the office of president under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment,” the court, whose justices were all appointed by Democratic governors, wrote in its ruling"


If anything, it will make him more popular.



Edited by Al Bundy
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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Colorado Supreme Court bars Trumps from standing there as the oldest ever President.

Struck the off ballot for having  broken the 14th Amendment which says that no person who has taken an oath “as an officer of the United States”,has "...engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof”.



The only thing missing is an actual conviction for same. In the U.S. a citizen is presumed innocent until PROVEN guilty.


This is just more spaghetti thrown at the wall.


And, of course, headed for the USSC, with a couple more. A major precedent setting Constitutional Issue is at stake here.


By the time all these nuisance suits are sorted, he may well be President, judging by his growing poll numbers!


But there was actually a far more effective way of keeping him out of office. which the incompetent Democrats totally missed, and which would have made supporters like me, give up on him.


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8 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The only thing missing is an actual conviction for same. In the U.S. a citizen is presumed innocent until PROVEN guilty.

This is just more spaghetti thrown at the wall.

And, of course, headed for the USSC, with a couple more. A major precedent setting Constitutional Issue is at stake here.

By the time all these nuisance suits are sorted, he may well be President, judging by his growing poll numbers!

But there was actually a far more effective way of keeping him out of office. which the incompetent Democrats totally missed, and which would have made supporters like me, give up on him.

   The Colorado Supreme Court judge that the provisions under the 14th amendment do not require a criminal conviction.

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7 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

   The Colorado Supreme Court judge that the provisions under the 14th amendment do not require a criminal conviction.

We'll see what the U.S. Supreme Court says about that!


But I doubt they'll agree that all it takes is an unproven allegation, against a citizen, to prevent him/her/them from running for public office.


After all, as the Clintons campaign manager James Carville famously sad, when Bill was being accused by a long line of women with allegations against him, "Drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park"!


One would hope that will not be the standard!

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