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Mr Trump - All discussion here

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It seems that unnecessary cruelty is your concern only when Trump is involved. To quote your own words:


"you dont like animals being killed......dont eat meat

the rest is negliable "


"are for animals welfare? dont eat meat, dont argue the toss over semantics"

eh? i dont get your point? you mention trump, then toss a couple of random things that ive previously posted on other threads out of context.


For your information, im veggie, i have been veggie since about 1986, so no, being against animal cruelty IS NOT just when Trumps involved, being against animal cruelty has been a part of me since the mid 80s.

Ive also had friends in the A.L.F. and Hunt sabs since the 80s, i have also been a critic of the tories wish to bring back hunting which i believe i have mentioned on here, i was also happy i believe on here when it was originally banned (i still have some anti hunting badges from back in the day)


Now the out of context posts you grabbed, i believe, are from posts arguing the toss about halal meat and the arguements about this method being more cruel than that method.

My posts state, if you are that bothered about animal cruelty just dont eat meat at all.


Now please explain what was wrong with those posts, and how they show that i am only bothered about animal cruelty in your eyes when trumps involved.

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it didnt go over my head, i just pulled you up about your sillyness, baby animals ARE babies


aswell as innocent, defenceless etc


What about baby rats? Or baby fish? Or is just the cutest and most adorable ones that can't be killed? I'm not a fan of big game hunting but I detect some inconsistency in your argument.

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What about baby rats? Or baby fish? Or is just the cutest and most adorable ones that can't be killed? I'm not a fan of big game hunting but I detect some inconsistency in your argument.

what inconsistancy?


surely the post was about what baby animals live in the wilds of alaska? i originally only mentioned the ones in the article as that was the ones mentioned in the arcticle :huh:


try all you might but it shows you two up for what you are, you dont want to side against trump in the arguement, so instead trying to derail it with sillyness :roll:


---------- Post added 29-05-2018 at 15:29 ----------


heres the bit in the article


The proposed rule would allow hunters to lure brown and black bears with bait, hunt black bears and their cubs using artificial lights, shoot bear cubs and wolf and coyote pups in their dens, and use dogs to hunt black bears. It would also allow hunters to shoot swimming caribou from motorboats.


just so you know what species were actually mentioned without you having to bother reading the article, carry on bobbing and weaving


funnily enough it doesnt mention baby rats and baby fish :roll:

Edited by melthebell
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Mel, I said that I'm not a fan of big game hunting. I have no in principle problem with organised culls, no matter how cute the furry face being dispatched, so long as it is being humanely dispatched.


What has being a "baby animal" got to do with it?

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Mel, I said that I'm not a fan of big game hunting. I have no in principle problem with organised culls, no matter how cute the furry face being dispatched, so long as it is being humanely dispatched.


What has being a "baby animal" got to do with it?

just read the article

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I did and I'm still not keen on big game hunting after reading it. Shooting from aircraft, not so hot either, but because they are "adorable babies" is a thing that isn't moving me greatly.


I did note that it is the Trump Administration, not Trump which is considering repealing the 2015 law. Fingering Trump for this seems a bit of a stretch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just two recent illustrations of what a morally bankrupt and idiotic waste of space Mr Trump is - a) He's announced he wants to build a 'space force'

b) He's criticised Mrs Merkel's immigration policy, citing that ''Crime in Germany is way up''. This from a man who is keeping children in cages at a time when crime in Germany is at a 30 year low. Cretin.

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Just two recent illustrations of what a morally bankrupt and idiotic waste of space Mr Trump is - a) He's announced he wants to build a 'space force'

b) He's criticised Mrs Merkel's immigration policy, citing that ''Crime in Germany is way up''. This from a man who is keeping children in cages at a time when crime in Germany is at a 30 year low. Cretin.


dont want to wind you up but get ready for his second term:hihi:

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