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You all just don't want this to be seen as it is which is failed socialism making peoples lives a misery, making them want to live elsewhere.


Alan, you need to get a grip.


Socialism has little to do with any of this.

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You all just don't want this to be seen as it is which is failed socialism making peoples lives a misery, making them want to live elsewhere.


I1L2T3 is quite right - you really are scraping the bottom of the barrel there.

It's got naff all to do with socialism.

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Trumps says he is withdrawing from The Human Rights Act.

Hope we do the same, although I suspect we won’t.

Wasn’t it used by Abu Hamza the hate preacher? How much did it cost the tax payer in this country to get rid of this evil man who was claiming benefits in this country and being allowed to preach his hate sermons?

The only people who I suspect benefit from it is the industry that help these people and terrorists. Fat cat lawyers at the expense of the tax payer.

Trump is putting America first and I don’t blame him.

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Trumps says he is withdrawing from The Human Rights Act.

Hope we do the same, although I suspect we won’t.

Wasn’t it used by Abu Hamza the hate preacher? How much did it cost the tax payer in this country to get rid of this evil man who was claiming benefits in this country and being allowed to preach his hate sermons?

The only people who I suspect benefit from it is the industry that help these people and terrorists. Fat cat lawyers at the expense of the tax payer.

Trump is putting America first and I don’t blame him.

but how many other people, sometimes innocent people has it helped, if you were innocent and fighting against being sent somewhere etc, would you want a legal framework to protect your human rights? i know i would. Criminals will ALWAYS use these measures, ALWAYS, but it doesnt mean they shouldnt be there. Thats just stupidity

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Even if there were sentries with loaded rifles and a moat filled with snapping crocodiles it still wouldn't be enough. The US/Mexico border is 1,954 miles (3,145 km) long. All the border states have the same problem with "undocumented" immigrants. My uncle (who is Mexican himself) says, "the stupid ones walk across the desert. The smart ones fly or drive in, overstay their visas and just never leave."


This is a very complicated issue that will never, ever be resolved. No way did it start with Donald Trump and it will not end with him. California belonged to Mexico until 1846. We are them and they are us. There are parts of California (even here in northern California) that may as well be Mexico. Very little english spoken, all the street signs, etc. in spanish.


My husband recently sold a truck to a gentlemen in Crows Landing. He spoke no english and my husband's spanish is no bueno. Our son and the man's daughter translated and the deal was done to everyone's satisfaction. :thumbsup:


I'd personally like to see a more moderate, humane approach to this problem. It's always between the two extremes. Each side wanting things totally their way and that won't work.


*Little known trivia*

The colors of the California Bear flag are the same as those on the Mexican flag. Red, green and white.

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Perhaps Emma Lazarus’s sonnet New Colossus should be brought to his attention, I don’t think that she was thinking short term when she wrote it. Of course it brought with it the Mafia, the Irish mob, the Latino drug gangs and most recently the Russian Mafia onto American soil, but it also brought with it the majority of the decent, hard working, honest folk that make up the American population, you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.

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