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Personally attack you? I was just responding to what you posted.


I'll ask another way if it helps.


Do you think that Trump's zero tolerance policy on immigration which resulted in the separation of children from their parents was good or bad?


I would never advocate separating children from parents and it should not be done but isn't this due to the policy of everyone caught trying to enter the country illegally being charged and held in adult detention where children are not allowed? If I committed a crime and was held in detention I would also be separated from my children and that would be my own fault. I understand that it is terrible that parents are separated from children and there must be another way but once again what would you do to fix this?

Edited by samonosuke
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I would never advocate separating children from parents and it should not be done but isn't this due to the policy of everyone caught trying to enter the country illegally being charged and held in adult detention where children are not allowed? If I committed a crime and was held in detention I would also be separated from my children and that would be my own fault. I understand that it is terrible that parents are separated from children and there must be another way but once again what would you do to fix this?


These are all policies that Trump chose to enforce, with the added zero tolerance approach.


So why doesn't that help you form an opinion on Trump?

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These are all policies that Trump chose to enforce, with the added zero tolerance approach.


So why doesn't that help you form an opinion on Trump?


Why should you require me to form an opinion of Trump? Why don't you just join the debate and answer the questions instead of trying to label everyone who has a different opinion to yourself intolerant? Because that is where this is going. Once again what would you do to solve the immigration crisis? Would you just let anyone who wishes to come to a country enter illegally or do you have a solution?


Here's my personal opinion for what it is worth.


I believe that the country that I live in (UK) can only accommodate a finite number of people, I don't care where these people come from migrants, UK born etc but I believe that there should be a theoretical cap before services and infrastructure are overwhelmed and I think that it is the job of government to manage this. How they do this I have no idea maybe restructuring benefits to encourage people to have a manageable number of children, maybe altering the criteria for immigration, the policy should apply to UK born and foreign nationals, I also assume that this applies to other countries such as America, now someone needs to start implementing these very unpopular policies and I don't envy the person that does but sooner or later it is going to need doing.

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Why should you require me to form an opinion of Trump? Why don't you just join the debate and answer the questions instead of trying to label everyone who has a different opinion to yourself intolerant?


I don't require you to have an opinion, but the first thing you said is that you don't have an opinion on Trump. This is despite the policy on separating children from families.


I've a feeling that you do have an opinion on Trump, but find it awkward to justify now his true colours are starting to really come out.


As I said to another poster. I'm not the US Government, that's for them to sort out their immigration process and policy.

Edited by SnailyBoy
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I don't require you to have an opinion, but the first thing you said is that you don't have an opinion on Trump. This is despite the policy on separating children from families.


I've a feeling that you do have an opinion on Trump, but find it awkward to justify now his true colours are starting to really come out.


As I said to another poster. I'm not the US Government, that's for them to sort out their immigration process and policy.


I have just made a significant edit to the post prior to this so i'll let you read that but once again I don't really have an opinion on Trump, I don't live in the USA and his policies and that of the Republicans don't affect me, my only real gripe is that regardless of what he does or doesn't achieve the media are either (CNN against) or (FOX for) and the personal attacks only ever seem to benefit him, it now appears that there are no neutral sources of news left in the USA you are either for Trump or against him.

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I have been reading this topic for a while now and although I have no real opinion on Trump a lot of people on here seem to hate him and selectively ignore the positive news and always focus on the bad news like the current issues with immigration. Here's the thing - how would you go about solving the immigration crisis or would you just let everyone who wishes to come to a country in? I am not advocating any approach I am just asking a question in the hope that someone offers an alternative solution that works.


I am in no way supportive of the American policy of splitting families up but this was started under previous administrations, it just seems that the Democrats have an habit of directing everything at Trump and I believe that this shifts the focus away from the real issue.


Looking forward to your reasonably thought out answers. Thanks

The US relies on cheap illegal immigrant labour to work in agriculture and as domestic servants. The way to deal with it is to prosecute, with significant penalties, those who employ them. No prospect of work = much less incentive to move to the US. But that would lead to massive increases in food prices and upset people who are wealthy enough to make significant donations to politicians' campaigns. US politicians don't actually want to stop illegal immigration - they just make lots of noise about it to placate those voters who do dislike it.

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I have just made a significant edit to the post prior to this so i'll let you read that but once again I don't really have an opinion on Trump, I don't live in the USA and his policies and that of the Republicans don't affect me, my only real gripe is that regardless of what he does or doesn't achieve the media are either (CNN against) or (FOX for) and the personal attacks only ever seem to benefit him, it now appears that there are no neutral sources of news left in the USA you are either for Trump or against him.


He's the leader of the US, of course his policies affect you.


Trade tariffs for instance, leading to a potential trade war. Do you have a gripe with that?

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I believe that the country that I live in (UK) can only accommodate a finite number of people, I don't care where these people come from migrants, UK born etc but I believe that there should be a theoretical cap before services and infrastructure are overwhelmed and I think that it is the job of government to manage this. How they do this I have no idea maybe restructuring benefits to encourage people to have a manageable number of children, maybe altering the criteria for immigration, the policy should apply to UK born and foreign nationals, I also assume that this applies to other countries such as America, now someone needs to start implementing these very unpopular policies and I don't envy the person that does but sooner or later it is going to need doing.

On the particular point of a country's ability to accommodate people. The UK has a population density of 702 people per square mile. For the US it's 86 people per square mile. (Source here.) Even allowing for the areas of the US that are uninhabitable (desert, etc.) the US has plenty of room for more people.

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He's the leader of the US, of course his policies affect you.


Trade tariffs for instance, leading to a potential trade war. Do you have a gripe with that?


Once again your answers are directed in a somewhat immature manner "Do you have a gripe with that", If as I suspect you have nothing to contribute to this discussion then don't, you have now had many chances to respond appropriately and have failed. I take it that you have an extreme hatred for Trump and you will let no one get in the way of that.

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Once again your answers are directed in a somewhat immature manner "Do you have a gripe with that", If as I suspect you have nothing to contribute to this discussion then don't, you have now had many chances to respond appropriately and have failed. I take it that you have an extreme hatred for Trump and you will let no one get in the way of that.


Once again I'm using your words (gripe)


Do you think that Trumps policy on import tariffs is good or bad and does that help you form an opinion on Trump?

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