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They do it because it gives an indication into his real thinking is before his spin doctors have managed to tone down what he says.


Where do you think the BBC is starting to go?


Although the BBC may be right to publish what they do I doubt that it needs to be headline news which should be used for more important matters, a majority of Trumps tweets are stupid and without substance and should be relegated to some section designed for such things. BTW I think the BBC has been leaning left for a few years now, this does not mean that I lean right, I think that all media should stay politically neutral and report the facts in the proper order that they deserve reporting and stop sensationalising Trump and his tweets.


---------- Post added 25-06-2018 at 13:51 ----------



No, It doesn't matter what you put, I have never been there and don't know the facts for myself. You are actually getting a bit frustrating now and have only ever directed your posts directly back at me in an attacking fashion, this just must be how you are, you have never answered any of the queries in my inital post and almost every answer has been trying to either discredit me or paint me as a fascist. Dream on SnailyBoy and try to be part of the debate and please don't report facts from the Huffington Post it's almost as bad as posting facts from Fox News.


Every reasonable post that I have put that you obviously have no answer for is always countered with a moronic reply from you.

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No, It doesn't matter what you put, I have never been there and don't know the facts for myself. You are actually getting a bit frustrating now and have only ever directed your posts directly back at me in an attacking fashion, this just must be how you are, you have never answered any of the queries in my inital post and almost every answer has been trying to either discredit me or paint me as a fascist. Dream on SnailyBoy and try to be part of the debate and please don't report facts from the Huffington Post it's almost as bad as posting facts from Fox News.


Wow, paint you as a fascist, are you serious?


The fact you stated 'It doesn't matter what you put' speaks volumes.


I posted several sources of information, one linked to a UN report, one provided personal testimony.


What sources do you use for information on anything or anywhere that you haven't experienced or visited?

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Wow, paint you as a fascist, are you serious?


The fact you stated 'It doesn't matter what you put' speaks volumes.


I posted several sources of information, one linked to a UN report, one provided personal testimony.


What sources do you use for information on anything or anywhere that you haven't experienced or visited?


You have a line of questioning that is attempting to put me in a political box but like I said I vote and lean to whatever benefits me and my family at that time. Have you visited North Korea? Can you tell me what it is like? I am not arguing with you regarding the advice (HuffPost bad choice) but my original post never mentioned North Korea but you quickly inserted the topic to attempt to see where I stood, this has not worked so you continue to attack, could you please get back to my original post and stop trolling the thread.


---------- Post added 25-06-2018 at 14:06 ----------


What have you heard about cyprus that made you go there, and what do you know about north korea that doesnt want to make you go there (or south korea for that matter?)


Our lass said we had to go to Cyprus, I had no choice other than to comply. She heard it from her mate. I only tend to go to places like the Canaries, Greece and Spain.

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You have a line of questioning that is attempting to put me in a political box but like I said I vote and lean to whatever benefits me and my family at that time. Have you visited North Korea? Can you tell me what it is like? I am not arguing with you regarding the advice (HuffPost bad choice) but my original post never mentioned North Korea but you quickly inserted the topic to attempt to see where I stood, this has not worked so you continue to attack, could you please get back to my original post and stop trolling the thread.


What sources do you use for information on anything or anywhere that you haven't experienced or visited?

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Fine, I understand it was awkward for you. However, it won't stop me commenting on your posts.


It wasn't really awkward you came along and did your damned best to destroy a reasonable sensible debate and you won. Congratulations way to shut down any and all discussion that you might disagree with, you and Mussolini have probably learned from the same play book.

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Although the BBC may be right to publish what they do I doubt that it needs to be headline news which should be used for more important matters, a majority of Trumps tweets are stupid and without substance and should be relegated to some section designed for such things.

They only report on a very small proportion of his tweets and those I've seen them report seem sufficiently significant. The fact that they are frequently facile or he comments on things you aren't concerned about doesn't stop them from being newsworthy.


BTW I think the BBC has been leaning left for a few years now, this does not mean that I lean right, I think that all media should stay politically neutral and report the facts in the proper order that they deserve reporting and stop sensationalising Trump and his tweets.

Given those of both left and right persuasions accuse the BBC of being biased against them, frequently even in the same report, I'm always doubtful when someone claims the BBC are biased whilst professing themselves to not be. Are you sure you're not blind to your own biases?

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They only report on a very small proportion of his tweets and those I've seen them report seem sufficiently significant. The fact that they are frequently facile or he comments on things you aren't concerned about doesn't stop them from being newsworthy.



Given those of both left and right persuasions accuse the BBC of being biased against them, frequently even in the same report, I'm always doubtful when someone claims the BBC are biased whilst professing themselves to not be. Are you sure you're not blind to your own biases?


Sorry altus, you may be correct and the tweets may be significant to a majority and they may belong on the front page but my personal opinion is that there are a lot more important things going on in this world than a tweet and I personally feel that the BBC should be more dedicated to domestic issues that to tweets, for example the "my button is bigger than yours" issue, really? that makes headline news while we have kids getting stabbed to death left, right and centre, we have shootings, muggings, robberies and murders and that's the headline. As for the leaning left, it is something that I felt without doing any research and I have just had a quick look now and it appears that quote a lot of ex BBC people like Andrew Marr, Peter Sissons and Mark Thomson to name a few all feel that the BBC is left leaning.


Here's a link I just dug up, I haven't done any digging as to the validity or source but you can have a read if you want - https://www.standard.co.uk/news/what-is-the-loneliest-job-in-britain-being-a-tory-at-the-bbc-7245499.html

Edited by samonosuke
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