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Trumps tweet about the UK getting our own house in order where Islamic extremists are concerned is spot on. But we will never tackle the problem while ever there are people blaming others for the Islamic terrorists actions.

we DO sort em out, we dont need him poking his nose in with videos that at best are unverified and at worst outright lies.

As joker says he should get his own house in order first instead of poking his nose into our business, theres americans killing hundreds of americans, but not a word he spouts, wonder why

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Perhaps Theresa May should send the Trumpet an offensive tweet every time a US gun-nut goes nuts and guns down innocent civilians.


What do you think the Trumpet’s response will be :)


I was thinking she should retweet a kkk tweet but then he'd probably retweet that himself. So maybe she should retweet a Black Lives Matter one.

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I decided to drop in tonight to see what's going on (really just to see if anyone of my old friends remembered me on my birthday...ahem) but the title of this thread caught my attention. How awful is he really? Lol. He is the worst. Such an embarrassment. He is an over grown toddler . He is frightening. Just hoping his term is over before he has a chance to get us all nuked.

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I decided to drop in tonight to see what's going on (really just to see if anyone of my old friends remembered me on my birthday...ahem) but the title of this thread caught my attention. How awful is he really? Lol. He is the worst. Such an embarrassment. He is an over grown toddler . He is frightening. Just hoping his term is over before he has a chance to get us all nuked.


Your alternative was the super corrupt, rapist apologist, lying Hilary Clinton.

Personally I think you dodged a bullet voting in Trump

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To be honest Barney the purple dinosaur would have been a better choice than the two that ended up running for the top job.


I agree, to a point. The sooner Americans understand there are more than just Republicans and Democrats, the better. But, really, Barney would have been better than what we have now.

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I decided to drop in tonight to see what's going on (really just to see if anyone of my old friends remembered me on my birthday...ahem) but the title of this thread caught my attention. How awful is he really? Lol. He is the worst. Such an embarrassment. He is an over grown toddler . He is frightening. Just hoping his term is over before he has a chance to get us all nuked.

ey up Cottontop, indeed its been a while, and happy birthday

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