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I remember David Attenborough saying that climate change is height on the list of concerns that will cause problems to the earth’s ecosystem, but he then said population growth could be far worse. The earth hasn’t got the resources if population continues to grow at the current rate.

Nobody wants to talk about it, mind you I bet Trump might.

Politicians don’t want to bring the subject into the open.

Loads of people talk about it - search for Hans Rosling and peak child.

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what do you suggest they say?


if you discount forced sterilisation or abortion, and arbitrary genocide you're left with don't do it or take precautions if you do or a variation of china's two children policy


though spreading the plague that is humanity into space and across the solar system is possibly one alternative though I doubt the technology is quite there to do that.


i doubt any politician going down this route is going to find much in the way of popular support for any of the possible options.


I agree with what tinfoilhat says and you, politicians won’t go down that route, until it is to late.

The best I can come up with is what S Hawking says, then I’m not convinced he is right. We need to find another planet soon. I suggest the politicians need to look and decide if his theory is correct and Attenboroughs.

Or failing that the earth might be hit with an asteroid so that might solve the problem, but not sure what the odds are of that happening.

Better get back on track, the thread is about Trump not the demise of the world.

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Plus, generally, why do some people believe that they're entitled as of right to move to any foreign country of their choosing?


Possibly because they're human beings who share my belief that everyone has a right to seek safety, shelter and the opportunity to build a life? Maybe they realise, like me, that countries are only arbitrary man-made constructs and that we are all part of the same family.


Or perhaps, you choose to follow a would-be dictator like Mr Trump who believes that some human lives are worth less than others and that the future lies in hands of those rich enough to buy it and that those less fortunate than ourselves should be subjugated into working for us, imprisoned, left to live in poverty, demonised and excluded.


---------- Post added 27-06-2018 at 18:35 ----------



I have voted Labour, Conservative and Lib Dems and often change my vote depending on circumstances.


So would it be fair to assume you have no principles, no over arching sense of right or wrong, other than whatever's in your own interests?


---------- Post added 27-06-2018 at 18:38 ----------



A typically shortsighted, ill-informed and frankly downright stupid decision.

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Or perhaps, you choose to follow a would-be dictator like Mr Trump who believes that some human lives are worth less than others and that the future lies in hands of those rich enough to buy it and that those less fortunate than ourselves should be subjugated into working for us, imprisoned, left to live in poverty, demonised and excluded.


yup, sounds about right for quite a few on here :roll:

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Any of you open the borders, let them all in guys, offered to take in some of the folk crossing into the UK? I wager that you have empty rooms vacated by your kids leaving home, go on give them a home, some chance, your hypocricy is deafening. :rolleyes:

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Any of you open the borders, let them all in guys, offered to take in some of the folk crossing into the UK? I wager that you have empty rooms vacated by your kids leaving home, go on give them a home, some chance, your hypocricy is deafening. :rolleyes:


I spend a significant portion of my life working with immigrant and refugee children, teaching them English among other subjects. We are fortunate enough in life to have a spare room, but presently it's for the use of my daughter when she's home from university, her brother when he visits or for other family or friends. I'm still offering support to a Slovakian Roma guy now living in Germany who I met when he was a student of mine nearly a decade ago - so take your asinine accusations of hypocrisy and your pathetic rolling eyes emoji and stick them where the sun doesn't shine.

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I spend a significant portion of my life working with immigrant and refugee children, teaching them English among other subjects. We are fortunate enough in life to have a spare room, but presently it's for the use of my daughter when she's home from university, her brother when he visits or for other family or friends. I'm still offering support to a Slovakian Roma guy now living in Germany who I met when he was a student of mine nearly a decade ago - so take your asinine accusations of hypocrisy and your pathetic rolling eyes emoji and stick them where the sun doesn't shine.


Touched a nerve there didn’t I? Please forgive me if I don’t consider you to be the reincarnation of Mother Theresa, lovely sunny day isn’t it? :hihi:


---------- Post added 27-06-2018 at 19:36 ----------


yup, sounds about right for quite a few on here :roll:


How’s he doing with the gas chambers, can’t find anything about them?:confused

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I spend a significant portion of my life working with immigrant and refugee children, teaching them English among other subjects. We are fortunate enough in life to have a spare room, but presently it's for the use of my daughter when she's home from university, her brother when he visits or for other family or friends. I'm still offering support to a Slovakian Roma guy now living in Germany who I met when he was a student of mine nearly a decade ago - so take your asinine accusations of hypocrisy and your pathetic rolling eyes emoji and stick them where the sun doesn't shine.


Unfortunately you will find that a lot of normal working class sheffielders will not share your same views.The problem is that you dont seem to understand why a working class person would support trump or brexit and that is because you have a wealthy middle class lifestyle and live a life as far removed from the lifestyle that I and others have that our priorities in life are somewhat different to yours.When we see immigrants coming in to Britain all we can see is our jobs being challenged and more stresses on the NHS and services.You may not need the NHS you may go private I dont know.Over the time that I have been on this forum I have realised that you think you know better than most of us.You are clearly an intelligent person which may be a reason that you have an intolerance of people who are not.Hats off to you if you are helping the kids in your own time and for free but not if its your job.Try understanding the working class instead of just despising them.Too many left wing liberalists seem to dislike the working class people of the western world.We are human beings but just think differently and behave differently to you.Maybe its because you spend no time with working class people like me and I do not spend anytime with middle class people like you.Your superiority complex that you seem to display is one of the reasons that I spend so little time on this forum which is a shame because this forum could be good.

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Unfortunately you will find that a lot of normal working class sheffielders will not share your same views.The problem is that you dont seem to understand why a working class person would support trump or brexit and that is because you have a wealthy middle class lifestyle and live a life as far removed from the lifestyle that I and others have that our priorities in life are somewhat different to yours.When we see immigrants coming in to Britain all we can see is our jobs being challenged and more stresses on the NHS and services.You may not need the NHS you may go private I dont know.Over the time that I have been on this forum I have realised that you think you know better than most of us.You are clearly an intelligent person which may be a reason that you have an intolerance of people who are not.Hats off to you if you are helping the kids in your own time and for free but not if its your job.Try understanding the working class instead of just despising them.Too many left wing liberalists seem to dislike the working class people of the western world.We are human beings but just think differently and behave differently to you.Maybe its because you spend no time with working class people like me and I do not spend anytime with middle class people like you.Your superiority complex that you seem to display is one of the reasons that I spend so little time on this forum which is a shame because this forum could be good.


There are so many false assumptions in your post I scarcely know where to begin. I'll simply say that anyone who can't see Mr Trump for what he is - a ruthless enemy and exploiter of the working classes - is a total dimwit.

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There are so many false assumptions in your post I scarcely know where to begin. I'll simply say that anyone who can't see Mr Trump for what he is - a ruthless enemy and exploiter of the working classes - is a total dimwit.


Thanks for not letting me down with your response.:)I wont be responding to any of your posts anymore.

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