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Mr Trump - All discussion here

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People have had enough of endless mass Immigration into the US from/through Mexico and endless mass migration into Europe thanks to puddled do gooders like you. Immigration used to be sensibly around 30,000 a year, then 300,000 became the norm. Its all gone WAY TOO FAR! You have created Trump, you have created Brexit, and you have given rise to the far right throughout Europe. Well done.

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People have had enough of endless mass Immigration into the US from/through Mexico and endless mass migration into Europe thanks to puddled do gooders like you. Immigration used to be sensibly around 30,000 a year, then 300,000 became the norm. Its all gone WAY TOO FAR! You have created Trump, you have created Brexit, and you have given rise to the far right throughout Europe. Well done.


Wow, I did all that?

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Snaily, do you want mass immigration to keep your share prices healthy?


Are you suggesting that because I don't like Trump's policy on separating children from their parents and locking them in cages, it somehow equates that I have a shares portfolio?


Please demonstrate your logic in coming to that conclusion.

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Karl Marx would be proud if he could see what is happening now in America and also manifesting in the UK, what next? "Sorry sir your views don't conform to mine so we will construct a punishment that we think fits your crime?".


Well, he totally failed to predict globalisation, the boom and bust cycle and absurd consumerism fueling the economy, amongst many other things.


What an idiot he was.

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What are you talking about?


I support the restaurant owner for asking the press secretary to leave.


I see you don't hesitate to discriminate someone on the basis of his/her (political) beliefs. Not breaking the laws, of course, but don't you realise that you're the bigot here?


Now back to the topic of separating children from parents - do you think children of criminal parents should share a prison cell with them?

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I see you don't hesitate to discriminate someone on the basis of his/her (political) beliefs. Not breaking the laws, of course, but don't you realise that you're the bigot here?


Now back to the topic of separating children from parents - do you think children of criminal parents should share a prison cell with them?


She was asked to leave because she was the mouthpiece of the Trump administration, the restaurant owner took a stand based on her own standards of decency to other human beings. I guess being asked to leave a restaurant is on the lower end of the scale of events that can happen to a person. I was refused entry of a nightclub once because of my footwear, was the doorman bigoted?


Anyway, nice effort.


The illegal entry of non-nationals into the United States is a misdemeanour according to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Misdemeanours that are deemed to be 'worse' by their level of punishment are:


Trespassing on national forest lands;


Taking advantage of Smokey the Bear’s likeness;


Purchasing fireworks (in certain states);


Mailing dentures (if you're not a dentist);


Cutting down your own tree for Christmas.


To answer your question, no, I don't think they should be locked up with their parents. I don't think the parents should be routinely locked up either.


Weird huh?

Edited by SnailyBoy
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I see you don't hesitate to discriminate someone on the basis of his/her (political) beliefs.


No-one has been discriminated against because of their political beliefs, they're being held to account for their actions.


Not breaking the laws, of course, but don't you realise that you're the bigot here?


Jesus you really are desperate.


Now back to the topic of separating children from parents - do you think children of criminal parents should share a prison cell with them?


Applying for asylum doesn't make you a criminal.

Edited by Magilla
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