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Lol, it was a big protest by UK standards. There is simply no denying it though I'm loving you guys falling over yourself trying to pretend it wasn't.

A much larger proportion of the UK population turned up yesterday to protest Trump's visit than of the US population turned up to Trump's inauguration address.

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it was largish but not massive


If we're talking about it "compared to the population", as you are, then the number of protesters was a far higher percentage than bothered to turn out for Trumps inauguration.


and the rest of the population got on with their work and life!


According to the London Mayor, a license was given for a "Trump Supporters" rally aswell, I'm sure some of the population were there too ;)


generalisations really??? i dont think so pretty well spot on.


There were people there from all walks of life, from all over the country.


Apparently there was a protest on Orkney aswell, full of those lefty liberal luvvies too 'cos, you know, Orkney is packed with 'em :hihi:


Are these all socialist, femminazi leftie liberal luvvies?



The guy in the baseball cap in the fourth picture, is he one? At first glance I wouldn't say so but I'm not sure what to look for? To me he just looks like a normal person :?


What about the dog?


Dude i really dont care i am not upset i think its funny that you lot are getting equally as vocal:love:


Aye, I can tell :D


---------- Post added 14-07-2018 at 10:32 ----------


Trump is just trolling everyone.


It’s part of his personality. Part of the reason he loves twitter so much.


As per the NATO thing this week, it's a good way to spin a complete failure/u-turn into a media "win".


---------- Post added 14-07-2018 at 11:09 ----------


A much larger proportion of the UK population turned up yesterday to protest Trump's visit than of the US population turned up to Trump's inauguration address.


Yes, the protest was of major significance, it's undeniable.

Edited by Magilla
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Well the virtue signalling is over. I wonder what the lefties will be offended by today.


Come on fella, we're still waiting for you lot to tell us how to spot 'em ;)


Only another 6 years of this to go.


Yeah maaaan, but what about the dog? :hihi:

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I'm assuming that those on here rubbishing the protests, are fans of the Donald.


Maybe they could enlighten us as to what is so great about him? :hihi:


This guy sums it up perfectly I think.



Stock market at an all time high.

Ended nuclear proliferation in North Korea.

Has a higher approval rating than Obama at the same time in his presidency.

Tax cuts.

Consistently adding jobs every month.

Unemployment way down.


He has implemented around 65-70% of the things he ran on his ticket to his voter base and actually followed through with them. The democrats don't have anyone presently they can put against him. Even their traditional voter base is turning against them.


I just wish we had politicians like this here.


The fact that no one protested Obama like that proves that it was virtue signalling of the highest order from people who follow facebook posts and lefty media. It was laughable.


Just for example why Trump hates the media with a vengeance. A few days ago Twitter had a purge of bot accounts and fake accounts.


Obama lost 2 million followers. Trump lost 100k followers. CNN led with this.




Currently he will be a massive favourite in 2020 because the left has moved to identity politics and are offended by anything he does. They try and shut down any kind of discussion by labeling people racist, bigots or we are really hitler reincarnate. Those are the desperate ones that have nothing left to cling to and cannot rationalise any argument.


Hurt feelings and manufactured outrage is all there is to oppose Trump as President.

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Hurt feelings and manufactured outrage is all there is to oppose Trump as President.


Not really, since most of the stuff you posted are a result of policies Obama started and have followed exactly the same trend, or simply aren't true.


"Ended nuclear proliferation in North Korea" simply hasn't happened at all.


He doesn't have a higher approval rating than Obama at the same time in his presidency.



"Tax cuts" have ballooned the total US debt onto a path that is not sustainable within 10 years. He promised to eliminate the national debt as part of his campaign.



"Consistently adding jobs every month":

True, but an almost straight line from 2010 when Obama's policies kicked in. The line has flattened, meaning Trumps influence is negative compared to the status quo. He isn't adding jobs at the rate Obama was for most of his pesidency.


(thanks to samonosuke for the graph link proof) :)


"He has implemented around 65-70% of the things he ran on his ticket":

Nope, he's broken or failed to complete more than he's accomplished:



The democrats don't have anyone presently they can put against him. Even their traditional voter base is turning against them.





The fact that no one protested Obama like that proves that it was virtue signalling of the highest order from people who follow facebook posts and lefty media. It was laughable."


Not really, there simply wasn't that much to protest about.


Hence why most people think Obama was a great president:



Hurt feelings and manufactured outrage is all there is to oppose Trump as President.


Well there is that, and the lies, lack of basic decency or class, divisive policies, crassness, inability to speak coherently and, of course, that most Americans voted for someone else... :hihi:

Edited by Magilla
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