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True, not invaded a country based on lies yet or pals with terrorist leaders... ex-terrorist leader.


Give him time, he's not been there a year.



America is drawing up plans for a “bloody nose” military attack on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons programme, The Telegraph understands.


The White House has “dramatically” stepped up preparation for a military solution in recent months amid fears diplomacy is not working, well-placed sources said.


One option is destroying a launch site before it is used by the regime for a new missile test. Stockpiles of weapons could also be targeted.


The hope is that military force would show Kim Jong-un that America is “serious” about stopping further nuclear development and trigger negotiations.


Three sources - two former US officials familiar with current thinking and a third figure in the administration - confirmed military options were being worked up.

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America has been building up in the region for months and months now. Anyone with a brain can see whats coming.

When Trump was running for Pres he promised the US would not stick their noses in other countries affairs and would bring their military home. Look after number one as it were. He lied. The US has also stated it will be keeping troops in Syria despite Syrias governments objections.

He has also stepped up the provocation of China in the south China sea

He has not honoured his promised one bit.

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America has been building up in the region for months and months now. Anyone with a brain can see whats coming.

When Trump was running for Pres he promised the US would not stick their noses in other countries affairs and would bring their military home. Look after number one as it were. He lied. The US has also stated it will be keeping troops in Syria despite Syrias governments objections.

He has also stepped up the provocation of China in the south China sea

He has not honoured his promised one bit.


Don't forget Jerusalem too

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Don't forget Jerusalem too


The thing with Jerusalem though is that he is not the only POTUS to have the view he does. Obama, Clinton and G W Bush all said the same. Where Trump stands out is his threat to cut aid to countries who dont support the USA's stance.

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The thing with Jerusalem though is that he is not the only POTUS to have the view he does. Obama, Clinton and G W Bush all said the same. Where Trump stands out is his threat to cut aid to countries who dont support the USA's stance.

i dont care how many other presidents thought about it, he blindly went and did it despite the wishes of the whole world AND risks throwing the whole world into turmoil.

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i dont care how many other presidents thought about it, he blindly went and did it despite the wishes of the whole world AND risks throwing the whole world into turmoil.


They went further than just thinking about it. They made statements to that effect.

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Certainly the USA's bizarre and byzantine system of governance does it no favours.

It reeks of corruption and backhanders, esp. in the two houses (Senators and Representatives). At least Mr Trump is not in anybody's pocket.


He's no intention of being in a pocket,he wants everybody in his pocket,it's the whole reason he exists for.

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