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No, but he's followed by idiots who love being lied to.


I agree he is a liar. He said his supporters would get tired of winning but they haven't. It's disgusting. They should take a break from winning and let the lefties cure themselves over their obsessive Trump derangement syndrome for a few weeks.


Nytimes columnist and Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman...


"It would take a new technology to get us back to 3% growth.There is nothing in policy that could get you 3%. You could make me total dictator and I do everything I think would work and it would still only get you up a few tenths of a percent."







I put my pension fully in a US Equity Index Tracker 2 years ago. 16/17 growth 24.4%, 17/18 Growth 13.7%.


I'm more than happy with how he is doing. MAGA. :)

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I agree he is a liar. He said his supporters would get tired of winning but they haven't. It's disgusting. They should take a break from winning and let the lefties cure themselves over their obsessive Trump derangement syndrome for a few weeks.


Nytimes columnist and Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman...


"It would take a new technology to get us back to 3% growth.There is nothing in policy that could get you 3%. You could make me total dictator and I do everything I think would work and it would still only get you up a few tenths of a percent."







I put my pension fully in a US Equity Index Tracker 2 years ago. 16/17 growth 24.4%, 17/18 Growth 13.7%.


I'm more than happy with how he is doing. MAGA. :)


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Are you saying that Trump is the only world leader who lies. Finding one that doesn't lie would be harder to find.


It's extraordinary that you're even asking that question. Of course he's not the only politician who lies.

The point is that he's a worse liar than any other major political figure. He does it all the time and his lies are so blatantly obvious and easy to disprove. He lies like the kid at school who tells you his dad's a policeman who has a helicopter in the garden shed.

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I agree he is a liar. He said his supporters would get tired of winning but they haven't. It's disgusting. They should take a break from winning and let the lefties cure themselves over their obsessive Trump derangement syndrome for a few weeks.


Nytimes columnist and Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman...


"It would take a new technology to get us back to 3% growth.There is nothing in policy that could get you 3%. You could make me total dictator and I do everything I think would work and it would still only get you up a few tenths of a percent."







It would probably be more impressive if the number in your Trump pic was the same number Krugman is talking about :roll:


"Trump derangement syndrome" indeed, sounds like you've got it bad judging by your mistaken comparison.


I put my pension fully in a US Equity Index Tracker 2 years ago. 16/17 growth 24.4%, 17/18 Growth 13.7%.


I'm more than happy with how he is doing.


Trump is taking credit for polices that were underway, and in some cases more pronounced, *before* he took office.


So yeah, thank Trump for not messing up Obamas great work.

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I have not looked into this in detail, he has been president for around 18 months and is taking credit for a well-performing economy.

Don't economies as big as the USA take a long time to change. Look at the UKs economy, Labour were getting blamed for the state of our economy well over 5 years after they left government.


If you look at the link, growth was on the decline, then there was a spike upwards.


Many economists are doubtful that the economy can sustain a 4% growth rate, partly because of a yearslong slowdown in productivity.
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If you look at the link, growth was on the decline, then there was a spike upwards.


Indeed, it's consumer spending, not a growth in manufacturing. There are a number of "one time only" things in there too, that won't be there next quarter.


Trump has passed what amounts to a "deficit-funded stimulus package" (tax cuts) when unemployment is low and the economy is strong.


Normally, in times like that, you would prepare for the future and get your house in order in preparation for the inevitable downturn.


Trump is doing the opposite, which means when that downturn comes it's going to be a lot lot worse than it would otherwise be.


A Panel of 45 Economists Says Trump’s Tax Cuts Could Trigger a Recession By 2020


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It would probably be more impressive if the number in your Trump pic was the same number Krugman is talking about :roll:


"Trump derangement syndrome" indeed, sounds like you've got it bad judging by your mistaken comparison.




Trump is taking credit for polices that were underway, and in some cases more pronounced, *before* he took office.


So yeah, thank Trump for not messing up Obamas great work.






Are you saying all your beloved leftist media are complete liars?


Do you remember when Obama said "trump doesn't have a magic wand to fix the economy"? So in reality he admitted there was a problem with the economy. For 8 years?


Yet this great great man has done it in 18 months. :love::love::love:

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None of those sources are "leftist media"... by a long way.. you just can't handle "real" news! :?


Are you saying all your beloved leftist media are complete liars?


No, I'm saying that *you* just pointed out that you're a bit dim!


All those quotes relate to 3% a year, not quarter... so as of today, they have not been shown to be wrong!


Liars misrepresent what is already known... as you're trying to do... not predictions of the unknown like your list of sources :roll:


Obama's high by the same standard is 5.1%.. a rise of 6.1% on the previous quarter.


Even with todays numbers, Trump still lags far behind... Obama had better quarterly GDP growth that this in 2009, 2011 & 2014.... that's a fact! :hihi:


You've been duped. You fell for it hook, line and sinker and you *still* don't realise it!


Gasp indeed!


Do you remember when Obama said "trump doesn't have a magic wand to fix the economy"? So in reality he admitted there was a problem with the economy. For 8 years?


LOL.... like as if you have the remotest clue what Obama meant by that statement.... you still haven't worked out that you're claiming quarterly figures as yearly!


Obama was referring to the fact that the economy has recovered but wages at the lower end still lag behind... Trump hasn't done anything about that and hasn't revealed any plans to do so. Despite his claims Trump isn't going to fix that.. he doesn't have a magic wand.


Those corporate tax cuts haven't made it to workers wage packets... companies are using that cash to automate their production lines, ultimately reducing jobs and wages.


Hence Trumps job creation numbers also don't match Obamas... that's a fact.

US tax reciepts have dropped by £171bn in the last 6 months... that's a fact.

Your US Equity Index Tracker growth has almost halved since Obama left office... that's a fact! :hihi:


Yet this great great man has done it in 18 months.


Done what? By the same standard Obama has performed far far better than Trump.


Obama also had the worst recession in living memory to deal with and had $4tn of "off the books" for Bushs Iraq War funding to make up for.


Trump's had it easy by comparison, yet is balloning US debt despite this supposedly booming economy.. shouldn't that be going down?


I'll grant you, Trump is better than Obama at slacking off to play golf and spending other peoples money!




You are a prime example of this "Trump Derangement Syndrome" you keep harping on about!


So deranged and blinded by the cult of Trump you're calling him great for playing you for a fool! The irony! :hihi:


Educate yourself: "GDP growth touted as “historic” by Trump is anything but"


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