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A lot will depend on who stands against him.


Remember, a deeply unpopular Hillary Clinton still won the popular vote in 2016 so another win for Trump means expanding his support beyond the core redneck white vote that he can always rely on. That means doing two things. Fulfilling any electoral promises he has made, particularly on the economy as well as avoiding any embarrassments which don't matter to his core support but will make a big difference to any waverers.


And remember, any help he gets throughout facebook/fake news/Putin will be under severe scrutiny second time around.


It is by no means a done deal.


If you removed California, just one state (where Clinton got 4.5 million more votes than Trump), then Trump won the popular vote overall and is the reason the electoral college exists to stop any populous regional state dominating national elections. They want voter ID's in California because of the massive illegal population there which they (cali) are rejecting and they may lose college electoral votes on it for the next census.


All I see on the internet is the democrats pushing their voters away with identity politics. I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is and say the GOP win the midterms and Trump serves another term. He will get another pick on the Supreme court and it will be republican for a generation.


This is a pic from tonights rally taken an hour ago in Pennsylvania.




Tampa from yesterday


These are not far right extremists and Russian bots. These are normal American families who support Trump. 90% of the media coverage he receives is negative or attacking him yet the economy is booming and unemployment the lowest it's been for ages. He has every reason to attack the press because they do not report facts.


The Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan and they are doing the same with Antifa and the masked thugs. They are losing the black vote, Hispanics are turning against the left and they are doing everything they possibly can to make sure they lose the next election.


The socialist models they covet are failures.


Venezuela's Maduro Admits Socialist Model Has Failed



Ontario has just scrapped their basic income experiment because it is unsustainable.


Finland has just scrapped their basic income experiment in April because it did not work.


The democrats condemn everything they do not like or agree with and are in a state of being perpetually offended by everything. They absolutely hate being held to their own standards as with James Gunn and his peadophile tweets and the left coming out to defend him and Dan Harmon and his sickening "parody" of him and a baby.


The new york times just hired a massive racist.



And the massively left leaning new york times are already defending said racist.




They have veered too far to the left. The Democrats need someone in charge that can pull them back to centre before it's too late. It's the silent majority that come out and vote which is why the polls were a mile out at the last election.

Edited by XXTickerXX
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All I see on the internet is the democrats pushing their voters away with identity politics.


Unsurprising.. judging by your abysmal links.. you are firmly within a bubble that doesn't represent reality.


If the democrats are really puishing voters away because they have gone so far left (alledgedly), then logically Trump pushing the republicans *massively* to the right must be driving many many more away ;)


Of course, your right wing conspiracy sites aren't keen on mentioning that!


In essence, a right wing talking point, but it isn't really happening.


Just like this one:



This is a pic from tonights rally taken an hour ago in Pennsylvania.




Tampa from yesterday


These are not far right extremists and Russian bots.


Well, some of them are... clearly!


Were they the biggest crowds in history? :hihi:


These are normal American families who support Trump.


So do you, yet the "facts" you post here are anything but...


90% of the media coverage he receives is negative or attacking him yet the economy is booming and unemployment the lowest it's been for ages.


In that case, why is the national debt ballooning?


He has every reason to attack the press because they do not report facts.


90% of the media coverage he recieves is accurate, honest and factual. You, like Trump, can't handle "non-fake" news ;) (which is clear from your links posted here)


The Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan and they are doing the same with Antifa and the masked thugs.


LOL 200 years ago! The Ku Klux Klan is now firmly a republican 'thing'....


Antifa, lol, nope... :loopy:


They are losing the black vote, Hispanics are turning against the left and they are doing everything they possibly can to make sure they lose the next election.


If that's genuinely true, which is in itself doubtful, based on anything they say they won't be running to Trump.


The socialist models they covet are failures.


LOL, right wing conspiracy waffle that doesn't stack up to reality. You do realise that by "socialist" standards, the democrats are a right wing party? Most certainly more right-wing than our Tories!


Venezuela's Maduro Admits Socialist Model Has Failed



A false equivalence, the democrats aren't trying to emulate anything Maduro did... again it's only a right wing talking point.


Ontario has just scrapped their basic income experiment because it is unsustainable.


There is no data that actually supports your claim :suspect:


Ironically, the person who scrapped it won on a ticket of specifically not scrapping it.


Finland has just scrapped their basic income experiment in April because it did not work.


Again, only on the right... and hey.. who cares if it's actually true:-



The democrats condemn everything they do not like or agree with and are in a state of being perpetually offended by everything.


That sounds more like Trump than anyone else I can think of!


They absolutely hate being held to their own standards as with James Gunn and his peadophile tweets and the left coming out to defend him and Dan Harmon and his sickening "parody" of him and a baby.


Not really, James Gunn made some bad jokes, Roseanne actually meant what she posted. Well she did.. then it was a drug induced mistake! :hihi:


Dan Harmon is creepy though, but no more than your average republican:-



The new york times just hired a massive racist.



Are you seriously telling me that you're unable to determine what is clearly satire?


I'll wager you've never read any of Sarah Jeongs articles.... Find me one that a normal person would think was racist... bet you can't! ;)


And the massively left leaning new york times are already defending said racist.



The NYT isn't "massively left leaning" by any reasonable standard. Just another... you got it... right wing talking point!


They have veered too far to the left. The Democrats need someone in charge that can pull them back to centre before it's too late.


If that's true for democrats, then Trump moving the republicans massively to the right must be very bad for republicans... hey they're even having to make stuff up for the gullibles like you... they must really be worried! :hihi:


Clearly, you've been drinking the "cool-aid" to such an extent that you are no longer able to deteremine fact from fiction, or when you're being played... so sad.

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Unsurprising.. judging by your abysmal links.. you are firmly within a bubble that doesn't represent reality.

If the democrats are really puishing voters away because they have gone so far left (alledgedly), then logically Trump pushing the republicans *massively* to the right must be driving many many more away ;)


We will see when your "Blue wave" is nothing but a made up story in the midterms. Please don't get upset when that happens and it's like you are living in the matrix outside a normal reality. Walkaway is a thing and it is happening all over America. Every link anyone posts you immediately dismiss but then post your own that you believe as gospel. Trump derangement syndrome indeed.


Of course, your right wing conspiracy sites aren't keen on mentioning that!


In essence, a right wing talking point, but it isn't really happening.


Just like this one:



Salon.com. Oh my sides. :hihi:


I really am starting to think you troll for them.



90% of the media coverage he recieves is accurate, honest and factual. You, like Trump, can't handle "non-fake" news ;) (which is clear from your links posted here)


Unprecedented hostility: Broadcast coverage of President Trump still 90% negative, says study




LOL 200 years ago! The Ku Klux Klan is now firmly a republican 'thing'....


Antifa, lol, nope...


I mean you can't dismiss that one is a masked hooded gang that attack people in the streets created by the democrats and the other is the Ku Klux Clan.



If that's genuinely true, which is in itself doubtful, based on anything they say they won't be running to Trump.


You have the internet you can look for yourself.


LOL, right wing conspiracy waffle that doesn't stack up to reality. You do realise that by "socialist" standards, the democrats are a right wing party? Most certainly more right-wing than our Tories!


Yes there are no socialists at all in the Democrat party. At all....

A false equivalence, the democrats aren't trying to emulate anything Maduro did... again it's only a right wing talking point.


Not really a talking point at all. People just like to point out delusions.



There is no data that actually supports your claim :suspect:


Ironically, the person who scrapped it won on a ticket of specifically not scrapping it.


So they scrapped it because it was running fantastically well. :loopy:


Again, only on the right... and hey.. who cares if it's actually true:-




That's from your favourite lefty site.


So either it's still going or you can admit that the left put out fake news. That's dated after your article by the way.


That sounds more like Trump than anyone else I can think of!


He trolls the press mercilessly and it is fantastic. He can move markets on the strength of a single tweet.


Not really, James Gunn made some bad jokes, Roseanne actually meant what she posted. Well she did.. then it was a drug induced mistake! :hihi:


Satirical tweet outrage, only on the right!


What a surprise. I'll wager you've never read any of Sarah Jeongs articles.... Find me one that a normal person would think was racist... bet you can't! ;)


Again, a case where it's alright for me but not for thee.


You jump straight into the defense of paedophilia and racist jokes just because they are left supporters but Roseanne is condemned because she supports Trump. You just proved my point by you cannot stand being held to your own standards. Delusional.


You call someone a racist from making a racist joke.

What do you call someone who makes a paedophile joke. Did you enjoy Dan Harmons parody of "Dexter"??

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We will see when your "Blue wave" is nothing but a made up story in the midterms.


We'll see, didn't you realise Trump was in Pennsylvania because he's losing the state:



Please don't get upset when that happens and it's like you are living in the matrix outside a normal reality.


Oh I'll be disappointed if that happens, but not upset.. it's not like I'm american.


You, clearly, would be crushed if it doesn't go your way ;)


Walkaway is a thing and it is happening all over America.


No.. it really isn't.


Every link anyone posts you immediately dismiss but then post your own that you believe as gospel.


Aye, stuff with actual information rather than hyperbole :hihi:


Trump derangement syndrome indeed.


LOL, so deranged I wasn't wrong about Obamas quarterly GDP figures being way better than Trumps .. was I :hihi:


Unprecedented hostility: Broadcast coverage of President Trump still 90% negative, says study



Why wouldn't it be, so far his presidency has been a complete car crash bouncing from one gaff to the next. I'd be surprised, given the reality of Trumps presidency, if it wasn't 90% negative. I mean, the guy can't open his mouth without spreading hate and lies (see Pennsylvania rally you mentioned earlier, just waiting for the "salutes" to appear to make that picture complete!)


I mean you can't dismiss that one is a masked hooded gang that attack people in the streets created by the democrats and the other is the Ku Klux Clan.


Antifa is not part of the Democratic Party, white supremacists are part of the GOP.


You have the internet you can look for yourself.


I did :roll: that's why I know they're not! One of the biggest advocates for this movement was an account that was Russian, and has since been removed as a fake & a huge number of the profiles have pictures stolen directly from Shutterstock. I mean, how daft do you have to be?


Yes there are no socialists at all in the Democrat party. At all....


None comparable to the socialists you're refering to.... you''re pushing an extreme example that no-one in US politics is persuing, or even remotely suggesting except in the right wing loony sites.


Not really a talking point at all. People just like to point out delusions.


Which delusions... exactly?


So they scrapped it because it was running fantastically well. :loopy:


There is no data to say it wasn't. Lisa MacLeod, the Ontario minister responsible for social services could not back her stance with any data, despite being pressed by reporters.



Which of course, you couldn't be bothered to read:

The demise of the U.B.I. experiment in Finland can’t be said to mean that U.B.I. has failed here. Not only are preliminary official results not even expected until 2019, but the Finnish government’s U.B.I. pilot project never really was about U.B.I.


Again, you make connections that simply don't exist to make a point (that also doesn't exist except for the gullible right).


So either it's still going or you can admit that the left put out fake news.


It's "proceeding as planned"... nothing fake there, claiming it was a failure when the data is still out is what's fake here.


He trolls the press mercilessly and it is fantastic.


.. if showing yourself for a liar over and over is fantastic then yeah.. agreed.


He can move markets on the strength of a single tweet.


Unfortunately that tends to be downwards :(


Again, a case where it's alright for me but not for thee.


Not at all, you can post something satirical if you like.


You jump straight into the defense of paedophilia and racist jokes just because they are left supporters but Roseanne is condemned because she supports Trump.


Like you say, some were jokes (poor ones agreed), others weren't.


You just proved my point by you cannot stand being held to your own standards. Delusional.


Not at all, I'm happy to be held to my own standards, but then I'm not the one bending over backwards to defend a proven liar or hailing their "historic" achievements when in reality they've already been bested by someone else! Standards eh :roll:


So you can't find a racist article by Sarah Jeong then?


You call someone a racist from making a racist joke.


Roseanne wasn't joking though, was she :roll:


What do you call someone who makes a paedophile joke.


Dunno... depends if it was funny.


Did you enjoy Dan Harmons parody of "Dexter"??


I haven't watched it but by the sounds of it that would be a "no". Like I said, Dan Harmon is creepy & I don't have a problem saying as much.

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I see Trump's approval rating is still rising.


41.4% on aggregate, still behind Obama, both Bushes, Clinton, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy & Eisenhower at same time.



He's legit going down as one of the best leaders that country has ever had. Wow.


Nope... Trump may claim that, the reality is somewhat different (as approval ratings clearly show) :?


Trump is a liability, not a leader:



Hence, the majority of Americans think the country is on the wrong track.

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41.4% on aggregate, still behind Obama (45.4% at same time)





Nope... Trump may claim that, the reality is somewhat different. :?


Trump is a liability, not a leader:



Hence, the majority of Americans think the country is on the wrong track.


I have family members in America who are extremely happy with how their taxes are and everyday life is currently. They are benefiting since he came into office.


I just think people are more bothered / complaining about how he speaks and the fact he loves women lol.


People should just live life.

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I have family members in America who are extremely happy with how their taxes are and everyday life is currently. They are benefiting since he came into office.


What do they think about the ballooning national debt?


I just think people are more bothered / complaining about how he speaks and the fact he loves women lol.


Loves women, LOL.. is that what it's called these days? :huh:


People should just live life.


Ermm.... OK... So... how come you're on here wasting yours (presumably)?

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complaining about how he speaks and the fact he loves women lol.


Loves women? Really?


He buys not one, but two trophy wives.


He pays porn stars for sex.


He believes that his wealth and status allows him to sexually abuse women.


Surely the actions of someone who hates women and sees them as merely possessions?

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Loves women? Really?


He buys not one, but two trophy wives.


He pays porn stars for sex.


He believes that his wealth and status allows him to sexually abuse women.


Surely the actions of someone who hates women and sees them as merely possessions?

Don's nearest historical comparison is Henry the 8th.


He was also a man-baby that didn't understand the meaning of the words "no" and "decency".

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