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2 hours ago, lil-minx92 said:

Where are his tax returns anyway?? 😂

Sod the tax returns, everyone knows that corrupt businessment don't pay much tax.


What I want to see how much coin he was 'loaned' by Russian oligarchs after his casino and resorts business went bankrupt in 2004, and what the 'repayment terms' were.

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4 hours ago, XXTickerXX said:

I think you are all quite upset the wall will be built and he will have another Supreme Court Justice very soon. A good start to the weekend.  Just console yourselves that Barack Hussein Obama II wanted the wall too. 

You like repeating the false claims of Trump don't you?



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3 hours ago, Longcol said:

I keep saying liberals hate facts. You know they are only referencing the video there?


In 2013 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi supported a bill that required the construction of 700 miles of border fencing.  The bill negotiated by the Gang of Eight, which included current Democratic leaders Sens. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and Richard J. Durbin (Ill.), declared that “not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary [of Homeland Security] shall establish . . . the ‘Southern Border Fencing Strategy. 


Every Senate Democrat voted for the Gang of Eight bill — including 36 Democratic senators still serving today. President Barack Obama agreed to sign it. 



Obama Quote 


“the Senate bill is consistent with the key principles for commonsense reform that I — and many others — have repeatedly laid out” 


Obama said building a 700-mile fence on the southern border was consistent with the principles of the Democratic Party.


Now let's put some perspective on the wall. Trump is asking for $5.7 Billion on an annual budget of $4.04 Trillion.


In other words, Trump is asking for $57 dollars from an annual budget of of $44070. So it is akin to a family saying "we are not going back to work, the kids won't get fed and no bills will get paid until you give up the idea of spending $57 for a fence in the back garden. That is what the Democrats are doing. They are nothing but insane communists now. Democrats and liberals don't hate the wall. They hate President Trump and Americans. 








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7 hours ago, XXTickerXX said:

I keep saying liberals hate facts. You know they are only referencing the video there?

Given your list of Trump successes earlier in this thread, virtually none of which have actually happened... tongue in cheek? :hihi:



Now let's put some perspective on the wall. Trump is asking for $5.7 Billion on an annual budget of $4.04 Trillion.

Which, of course, doesn't distract from the central point that the issues Trump has claimed the wall will address don't actually exist, or that most americans don't want one :?


LOL, so much for facts eh :rolleyes:


That $5.7bn would be better spent reducing the national debt, which despite *not* having an "off the books war" and recession to pay for, Trump has ballooned at record levels.


.. now, that's a fact! :hihi:





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Border Wall GoFundMe donations to be refunded:



Seems the guy who set it up can't pocket the money on that one... a non-profit on the other hand :rolleyes:


"Kolfage had a history of peddling right-wing misinformation on Facebook, and was ultimately banned from the platform after pushing misleading content in the name of profit."



Facts... :?


So, "national emergency" time? :loopy:


Years of litigation, long before any wall will ever be built, and a spectacular own goal since those same powers would then be used to address real threats like gun violence and climate change, or to force through changes to healthcare. So much for small government!


Looks like Trumps biggest supporters aren't overly keen on the potential fallout (for obvious reasons):



Of course, the real issue is the shady employers who exploit illegal immigration, as the (now deleted) U.S Border Patrol analysis made clear:



When speaking about illegal immigration, everyone appears to agree on one issue: an overwhelming majority of people enter the United States illegally to obtain employment.  Based on the assumption this is true, one can only conclude that the current problem for the United States is employers who hire illegal aliens.  Illegal immigration is merely a symptom of that problem. Consequently, if any politicians are truly interested in stemming the flow of illegal immigration, then they should focus on the problem and stop focusing on the symptom.

Therefore, to solve the problem, the United States should focus enforcement efforts on U.S. employers, not illegal aliens or the border.

You only need a basic level of common sense to see that any money would be far more effective and better spent on *anything* other than a pointless wall. :?


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2 hours ago, Magilla said:

What a thief giving people money back. The horror people must be feeling. 


Here is your own communist network news showing that walls don't work after they were built.

Is CNN doing cover for the Democrats who are about to surrender to President Trump......




The only reason they picked 2013 is because in 2018 it dropped to basically zero.



HA! CHECKMATE DRUMPFTARDS! - Every Liberal still, probably.


2 hours ago, Magilla said:

You only need a basic level of common sense to see that any money would be far more effective and better spent on *anything* other than a pointless wall. :?

Democrats ---- "Trump doesn't trust his own Intelligence community. What kind of leader doesn't believe his own Intelligence Community? He's dangerous.


John Jones Chief of intelligence counter-terrorism division -- "In the last 7 years 4000 illegal aliens have been incarcerated for sexual assault, 62% were against children" Democrats - We reject your facts.


That's 2,480 kids who are raped and abused, physically, mentally and emotionally.  Isn’t your motto “even if we could save one child”? Are you liars?

That's just the children. 2 out of 3 women are raped by the people smugglers. That's tens of thousands raped and abused. What number do you need to constitute a "crisis" in your eyes?


Just think of how insane you have to be to believe that physical barriers do not work. Let's remove all those walls around prisons. They must be useless.


Would you like the money to be used as the Democrats like instead. Giving $150 Billion to Iran for example.  Or open ended wars where it has cost a couple of Trillion in the middle east but Orange man bad for wanting to end them.


The Democrats realise support for the wall is a lot lot higher than they thought and are starting to cave. Even Democrats are starting to realise liberalism is a mental disorder.




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