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12 minutes ago, XXTickerXX said:

What a thief giving people money back. The horror people must be feeling. 


Here is your own communist network news showing that walls don't work after they were built.

Is CNN doing cover for the Democrats who are about to surrender to President Trump......




The only reason they picked 2013 is because in 2018 it dropped to basically zero.



HA! CHECKMATE DRUMPFTARDS! - Every Liberal still, probably.


Democrats ---- "Trump doesn't trust his own Intelligence community. What kind of leader doesn't believe his own Intelligence Community? He's dangerous.


John Jones Chief of intelligence counter-terrorism division -- "In the last 7 years 4000 illegal aliens have been incarcerated for sexual assault, 62% were against children" Democrats - We reject your facts.


That's 2,480 kids who are raped and abused, physically, mentally and emotionally.  Isn’t your motto “even if we could save one child”? Are you liars?

That's just the children. 2 out of 3 women are raped by the people smugglers. That's tens of thousands raped and abused. What number do you need to constitute a "crisis" in your eyes?


Just think of how insane you have to be to believe that physical barriers do not work. Let's remove all those walls around prisons. They must be useless.


Would you like the money to be used as the Democrats like instead. Giving $150 Billion to Iran for example.  Or open ended wars where it has cost a couple of Trillion in the middle east but Orange man bad for wanting to end them.


The Democrats realise support for the wall is a lot lot higher than they thought and are starting to cave. Even Democrats are starting to realise liberalism is a mental disorder.




I guess you're his Lord Haw-Haw on here?

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1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:

What a thief giving people money back.

Forced to give the money back... he can't get his hands on the money this time... a non-profit however, perfect :hihi:


1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:

John Jones Chief of intelligence counter-terrorism division -- "In the last 7 years 4000 illegal aliens have been incarcerated for sexual assault, 62% were against children".

So, offending rates far far lower than US born! Awkward! :?


1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:

Just think of how insane you have to be to believe that physical barriers do not work. Let's remove all those walls around prisons. They must be useless.

As the US Border Patrol makes clear, immigration is a symptom of a problem that the wall does not address.


1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:

Would you like the money to be used as the Democrats like instead.

Probably better to use it to address a crisis that actually exists... like the ballooning national debt.


1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:

Giving $150 Billion to Iran for example.

Tut tut..... Four Pinocchios:



I guess you didn't know that was Irans money :rolleyes:


As usual, you got played! Always funnny when you bend over backwards to prove how gullible you are though :hihi:


1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:

Or open ended wars where it has cost a couple of Trillion in the middle east but Orange man bad for wanting to end them.

Walking away and deserting your allies isn't ending them.


1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:

The Democrats realise support for the wall is a lot lot higher than they thought and are starting to cave.

And yet, it's republicans freaking out at Trumps threat to issue a national emergency :hihi:


The majority of americans don't want a wall. They know there is no "emergency" as Trump has claimed.


1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:

Even Democrats are starting to realise liberalism is a mental disorder.

.. and yet, again, you're the one making false/strawmen claims that are simply a product of ignorance... weird huh :loopy:


So... no national emergency after all, oh dear :?



2 hours ago, Mister Gee said:

I guess you're his Lord Haw-Haw on here?

Trump loves the poorly uneducated :hihi:


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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

They know there is no "emergency" as Trump has claimed.

Just had an interesting conversation with a colleague who is a lawyer in New York. She says that if it can be proved that Trump declared a National Emergency for political reasons rather than reasons of national security, he could find himself facing impeachment quicker than for colluding with Russia to win the election in 2016.


She says that his tweets over the last two weeks could end up hanging him as they make it absolutely clear that there are no national security issues here but there is a political battle with the democratic majority in Congress.


Apparently even his son in law Jared Kushner is telling him that if he calls a national emergency he is finished! 😂😀 

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4 hours ago, Magilla said:

So, offending rates far far lower than US born! Awkward! :?

Well beside the point that every single illegal immigrant is a criminal...Awkward!! 😉


So if 23% of federal inmates are illegals...

12 million illegal immigrants (low number probably around 24 -36 Million according to yale but we will use 12) would be 3.67% of the US population of 326,766,748.

So if 0.67% of the population is in jail 510,669 of those are illegal aliens.

Lets subtract the illegals from the US population and we have 314,766,748 as the population with 1,709,631 inmates as opposed to 12 Million illegals with 510, 669 inmates.

So that is 4.25% of the illegal alien population in jail as opposed to 0.54% of the non illegal population.

So illegal aliens are 7.87 times more likely to commit crime when compared to US citizens.


So illegals are 8 times more likely to commit crime than a normal US citizen . Again discounting the fact that 100% of illegal immigrants are criminals for illegally crossing the border. All not paying taxes and a massive burden on the normal taxpayer. 


5 hours ago, Magilla said:

As the US Border Patrol makes clear, immigration is a symptom of a problem that the wall does not address.

And why is that burden for the US population to bear to the tune of $116 Billion every year?  No country can carry on like that indefinitely without stemming the tide.



5 hours ago, Magilla said:

Walking away and deserting your allies isn't ending them.

They have not walked away from anyone.  it's a phased withdrawal. Liberals love wars now though because Orange man bad and we must oppose everything he does.


According to Border Patrol statistics, the Office of Field Operations had seized close to 48,000 pounds of cocaine, 67,000 pounds of methamphetamine, and 5,000 pounds of heroin before the end of fiscal year 2018 alone.  



Can you believe most Americans disagree with all you snowflakes....


A vast majority of American voters believe that the United States is facing a “crisis” or a “problem” on the southern border, according to a new poll by Politico and Morning Consult.

While less than half of those surveyed (42 percent) agree with President Donald Trump’s assertion that the border is in “crisis,” another 37 percent concede that there is a “problem” — meaning 79 percent of voters believe the situation at the border is a serious issue. 90% of crossing are done where there is no barrier.



The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities....

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders. 

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.




I wonder when the Dems will surrender and kiss his feet. 😂 Or Liberals could lead by example and ask their wife's boyfriend to take down the fences around their gardens. 


Obama In 2014: There’s A Crisis At The US / Mexico Border






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14 minutes ago, XXTickerXX said:

Well beside the point that every single illegal immigrant is a criminal...Awkward!! 😉





You beat me to it, I was going to point out that awkward is not knowing the difference between  US born natives and people who aren't supposed to be here.


There is a saying that there are two kinds of Americans.  Those who live in border states and and those who don't.


Some soothing music. Sad, but soothing.




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8 hours ago, XXTickerXX said:

Well beside the point that every single illegal immigrant is a criminal...Awkward!! 😉

Not really, since you were higlighting sexual assault stats :?



So illegals are 8 times more likely to commit crime than a normal US citizen.

Not sexual assualt though:



In actual fact, as per my original claim, immigrants commit less violent crime (murder, sexual assault and larceny) than native US born.



Art Acevedo, the police chief in Houston, which has one of largest undocumented populations in the nation. "There's no wave of crime being committed by the immigrant community," Acevedo said. "As a matter of fact, a lot of the violent crime that we're dealing with is being committed by people that are born and raised right here in the United States."


Not quite the picture you (and Trump) has tried to paint.. is it :?


According to Border Patrol statistics, the Office of Field Operations had seized close to 48,000 pounds of cocaine, 67,000 pounds of methamphetamine, and 5,000 pounds of heroin before the end of fiscal year 2018 alone.  


All of which was confiscated at ports of entry, by staff that are seriously underfunded. Funding that they need is being diverted to a pointless wall! :rolleyes:


A wall will miss the vast majority of smuggling:




Can you believe most Americans disagree with all you snowflakes....

Except, of course, they don't!




A vast majority of American voters believe that the United States is facing a “crisis” or a “problem” on the southern border, according to a new poll by Politico and Morning Consult.

While less than half of those surveyed (42 percent) agree with President Donald Trump’s assertion that the border is in “crisis,” another 37 percent concede that there is a “problem” — meaning 79 percent of voters believe the situation at the border is a serious issue. 90% of crossing are done where there is no barrier.


LOL, add two disperate numbers together "hey presto"! :loopy:


A "problem" is not a "serious issue", adding those numbers together is purely to fool gullible idiots... well done you :hihi:


Hence, in reality, there is no such thing:



Most people don't believe there is a crisis (or a "serious" problem) :rolleyes:



I wonder when the Dems will surrender and kiss his feet.

Why should they, even your own links clearly show that Trump is taking the bulk of the blame :?


"A shutdown falls on the President's lack of leadership. He can't even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak."

~Donald Trump, 2013

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8 hours ago, Sierra said:

You beat me to it, I was going to point out that awkward is not knowing the difference between  US born natives and people who aren't supposed to be here.

I'm pretty sure I pointed out a fairly big difference, did you miss it? :hihi:


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2 hours ago, Magilla said:

L, add two disperate numbers together "hey presto"! :loopy:


A "problem" is not a "serious issue", adding those numbers together is purely to fool gullible idiots... well done you :hihi:


Hence, in reality, there is no such thing:



Most people don't believe there is a crisis (or a "serious" problem) :rolleyes:

The mental gymnastics Liberals go to to think people don't want the wall to be built is astounding. 


Here is a map of the US that voted for Trump.





Now I wonder why all the border districts are blue and what correlation that could possibly have with illegals and Democrat voters 🤔



Now correct me if i am wrong (Hint: i'm not) but I seem to remember President Trump campaigning on something important. Let me think for a minute what that is...


Oh it's coming back to me now. It was something, something about a wall. Oh yes he said "I WILL BUILD A GREAT WALL ON OUR SOUTHERN BORDER" for his signature campaign promise.  I am absolutely positive that all republican voters now just think "I didn't vote for that, what is he doing trying to build a wall!!" ...Not really. He knows his base is not just big but it is something that Democrats cannot comprehend just how much support he has.  Just see the map above.


Here is a list of all the countries that disagree with you that physical barriers don't work for you to peruse.




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1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:

Here is a map of the US that voted for Trump.

Why don't you show us the map of the swing from the midterms?






Now correct me if i am wrong (Hint: i'm not) but I seem to remember President Trump campaigning on something important. Let me think for a minute what that is...


Oh it's coming back to me now. It was something, something about a wall. Oh yes he said "I WILL BUILD A GREAT WALL ON OUR SOUTHERN BORDER" for his signature campaign promise.  I am absolutely positive that all republican voters now just think "I didn't vote for that, what is he doing trying to build a wall!!" ...Not really.

Indeed, what bunch of fools voting for something that all evidence clearly shows will be worthless :?



He knows his base is not just big but it is something that Democrats cannot comprehend just how much support he has.

LOL, *most* people didn't even vote for Trump! :hihi:


The majority of americans don't support construction of a wall.



Just see the map above.

Looking a bit bluer these days :thumbsup:



Here is a list of all the countries that disagree with you that physical barriers don't work for you to peruse.



Must not have been one of the designs Trump is proposing:



I've no doubt a wall does work to some extent for legitimate problems, the US southern border isn't one, it's entirely fabricated by Trump to fool the gullible :?


As the US Border Force analysis made clear, the wall fails to address the root problem. It's a waste of money.

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On 13/01/2019 at 02:17, Magilla said:

I'm pretty sure I pointed out a fairly big difference, did you miss it? :hihi:


Big difference? They aren't supposed to be here!  Even one crime committed by an illegal alien would be too many.


I debated even returning to comment on this thread because you probably will insist I'm wrong.


The numbers don't tell the whole story because there is no way to even be sure how many illegal aliens there are in the US at any one time. (It's likely more horrifying than anyone imagines) Many are deported and return again and again. Taking into account identity theft, fake driver's licenses, phony social security cards, etc.  good luck catching them when you don't even know who they are. The murderer of officer Ronil Singh was aided by no less than seven people trying to get him back to Mexico.  And those are just the ones they caught.


I don't expect non Americans to understand just how complex this is. California belonged to Mexico until 1846, not becoming a state until 1850. This issue will never be resolved.

On 13/01/2019 at 06:01, Magilla said:

As the US Border Force analysis made clear, the wall fails to address the root problem. It's a waste of money.

The Border Force? It's the Border Patrol, or commonly La Migra. When I was a child, we actually used to play a game called La Migra, or just Migra.  What is the root problem? Governments exist to waste money. 

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