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9 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

He is Boris Johnson and I claim my £5.

Yup.  Something like that.  There is a lot of raw intelligence in there somewhere, and he is certainly articulate.  But the ideas are all over the place, and they are shared to make some kind of splash - look at me, look how clever I am - that sort of thing.  But they've no deep roots based on understanding and experience.



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Anyway, moving on from welsh fifa playing loudmouths being run out of town by angry  Asian mobs, trump has doubled down.


Its not him that’s the racist it’s them.


Theresa May condemns Trump's 'go back' remark to congresswomen https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-48990760


The amountof support I’ve found for him on social media is alarming.

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Trump needs to be careful.


It wasn’t exclusively white rednecks who voted for him in 2016. A significant number of non-white voters particularly from the Latino communities, voted Trump. His pitch in 2016 was an ‘America First’ trade and foreign policy, a more healthy economy, and to stir up hatred for Muslims and Mexicans.


Many of those non-white Trump voters who were born outside the US, may now be getting a little nervous

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Trump needs to be careful.


It wasn’t exclusively white rednecks who voted for him in 2016. A significant number of non-white voters particularly from the Latino communities, voted Trump. His pitch in 2016 was an ‘America First’ trade and foreign policy, a more healthy economy, and to stir up hatred for Muslims and Mexicans.


Many of those non-white Trump voters who were born outside the US, may now be getting a little nervous

If they're lucky, they'll still have enough time to learn the error of their ways and do something about it come 2020.


If they're not...tough.


And if they're dumb enough to double-down, they deserve everything coming their way.


You makes your life choices, you lives with them :|



Edited by L00b
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9 hours ago, bendix said:

He knows that those tweets will be loved by his base, whether he believes in them or not. 

When asked if his comments were the sort of thing you would hear from a white supremacist, he replied “It doesn't concern me because many people agree with me,”

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13 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

When asked if his comments were the sort of thing you would hear from a white supremacist, he replied “It doesn't concern me because many people agree with me,”

This is the thing, you and me find them awful but if some of the comments I've read elsewhere are anything like a reflection of actual Americans and not Russian bots, there is a huge amount of support for him and his comments."He's saying what we're thinking". They still not might voice those thoughts to real people in real life but in the privacy of a ballot box they very well might.


Four more years I'm afraid!

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10 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

This is the thing, you and me find them awful but if some of the comments I've read elsewhere are anything like a reflection of actual Americans and not Russian bots, there is a huge amount of support for him and his comments."

I wouldn’t put too much store by what you see on social media. It is a magnet for people with reactionary views and a huge bubble where everybody re-shares everybody else’s fake news.


On our side of the pond, EDL facebook groups would have tens of thousands of supporters and their facebook ‘events’ pages would have 4-5,000 pledges for a demo and on the day maybe 40 or 50 people would turn up. The ‘Free Wee Tommy Robinson’ twitter account had over half a million followers at one point but they never got more than 1000 people to any of their court protests.


Like radio phone in programmes, social media does attract a disproportionate number of reactionaries and moaners.

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18 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

BNP policy was to forcibly repatriate all non-white immigrants, not to allow people to say that they wanted the forceable repatriation of all non-white immigrants.


I think that most people have now sussed out that you are a very poor right wing troll. I showed a friend of mine who is a Lib Dem parish councillor in Derbyshire, some of your posts and asked her what political party she thought that you support. She said either BNP, UKIP or Brexit Party but your obsession with Corbyn means you could also be a Tory Party supporter.


When I told her that you claimed to support the Lib Dems she just laughed! Like comrade Lockdoctor who claims to have voted Remain, nobody believes you anymore. 😂

Oh dear, your calling the guy a right wing troll and being obsessed with Corbyn, then showing his posts to  a Lib Dem parish councillor …. seriously ?

So your not a troll, and your not obsessed ?

Deluded much eh …. jeeez

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