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Mr Trump - All discussion here

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14 hours ago, gomgeg said:

I bet the democratically elected President of the most successful country in the world is absolutely gutted that a few left wing losers in South Yorkshire don't like him.

But  there again they don't like anything that's a success,  like brexit the Tories and people who have made money by their own efforts, it probably says more about their failure than the things they hate.

One even said he was 'beside himself with rage' because of Trump, he must have had a very sheltered life if he gets that upset about something he can't do anything about.

It's to be hoped nothing serious ever happens to him or he'll probably need a few years counselling.

I'm not usually too bothered about something that I can have no influence on in politics, and I'm certainly no big fan of Trumps but I'm beginning to hope he's re-elected, at least there'll be the added bonus of upsetting the left wing losers even more.

How is a Brexit a success?


How are you defining "losers", by what measure? Financially? Emotionally?


Let's hear it.

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6 minutes ago, WoolyWoodWalker said:

It looks like St. Obama has been up to some iffy stuff. Hold the front page.

Wrong thread chum. This is the one about Trump, the most catastrophically appalling President in US history - the one whose self-obsessive nature, utterly corrupt morals, greed and sheer incompetence have led to more US dead than ten years war in Vietnam.


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24 minutes ago, Halibut said:

Wrong thread chum. This is the one about Trump, the most catastrophically appalling President in US history - the one whose self-obsessive nature, utterly corrupt morals, greed and sheer incompetence have led to more US dead than ten years war in Vietnam.


It's the standard right-wing playbook though - Deflection and whataboutism.

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31 minutes ago, whiteowl said:

It's the standard right-wing playbook though - Deflection and whataboutism.

This. Trump's 'blame coronavirus on China' strategy is failing so he's moved on to blaming the Democrats despite the fact that he'd undone most of what they (and GW Bush) put in place over the years to deal with pandemics.


Especially worrying for Trump is the rise in conronavirus in the rural Republican states where so much of Trump's support comes from. It's no longer something that largely affects the liberal, Democrat voting, coastal cities. Even worse, rural communities have poorer access to health care (if only because the hospitals are further apart) and their governors have failed to implement lockdowns properly and/or have followed Trump's advice and lifted them too soon.

Edited by altus
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58 minutes ago, Halibut said:

Wrong thread chum. This is the one about Trump, the most catastrophically appalling President in US history - the one whose self-obsessive nature, utterly corrupt morals, greed and sheer incompetence have led to more US dead than ten years war in Vietnam.


How do you analyse the number of deaths due to presidency?

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52 minutes ago, Branyy said:

How do you analyse the number of deaths due to presidency?

Compare death rates from states that followed medical advice and those that followed Trump's exhortations to lift lockdowns to get the economy moving? You'd have to take into account differing circumstances, when areas get their first infections, how concentrated population are, etc.


Edited to add:

Compare countries that had pandemic response teams in place at the start of the pandemic to the USA, which had such teams until Trump got rid of them.

Edited by altus
Added bit about pandemic response teams
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46 minutes ago, Branyy said:

How do you analyse the number of deaths due to presidency?

How (or more to the point why?) do you still keep springing to the defence of a man who's clearly very, very stupid and utterly incompetent?

I could point to dozens of decisions, or failure to make decisions, or ill-advised statements contrary to the scientific advice that strongly suggest that almost anyone else could have made a better job of it.

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3 hours ago, Halibut said:

How (or more to the point why?) do you still keep springing to the defence of a man who's clearly very, very stupid and utterly incompetent?

I could point to dozens of decisions, or failure to make decisions, or ill-advised statements contrary to the scientific advice that strongly suggest that almost anyone else could have made a better job of it.

I'll second this.

The bloke shouldn't be able to hold office.

Sorry to hijack another poster's earlier post, but it's definitely worth repeating....in fact, it should be made compulsory to read!


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