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On 21/08/2020 at 13:10, Magilla said:

LOL, you know things are bad when Fox News says Biden hit a "home run" ;)



...and your family says you "have no principles":




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8 hours ago, Magilla said:

And you try to appeal to conspiracy theorists by saying the "deep state" is delaying a vaccine




without realising that they don't believe covid 19 exists and are all anti vaccination.

Edited by Longcol
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As Bill Gates seems to be in the anti vaxers sights as being somehow a bad guy in this had a read about him

His Africa Foundation  spends $2billion of his own money on vacinations and improvements to agriculture each year.

Not sure but assume some if that was on polio as the WHO only confirmed the other week it's been wiped out in Africa.


Be nice to know what $200 B in net worth Jeff Bezos finds to spend his  dish on.

Trump will address the Kenosha situation tonight, doubtless him having a tin ear making it worse.

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I've been watching the recent Trump stuff with great interest. All the channels I have seen reporting trump speeches and comments portray him as an unhinged psychopath with dementia symptoms.

The fact that he has given prominent positions to his own family members is frankly bizarre.

The BBC politely report that his use of the White House to deliver Election Speeches as Unconstitutional and possibly even illegal. While Biden appears to be a safe and sensible prospect.

The BBC radio have Republican speakers interviewed to put their side of the story, but they don't come across as normal. It would be easy to conclude from this side of the Atlantic that Biden will win easily.

However I don't believe it. Trump did have the support to win last time although it was close and I just don't believe that we are being presented with an unbiased view of the situation.


I think we should expect that Trump will probably win as that is what normally happens to an incumbent president.

Whether we like it or not.

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1 hour ago, muddycoffee said:

I've been watching the recent Trump stuff with great interest. All the channels I have seen reporting trump speeches and comments portray him as an unhinged psychopath with dementia symptoms.

The fact that he has given prominent positions to his own family members is frankly bizarre.

The BBC politely report that his use of the White House to deliver Election Speeches as Unconstitutional and possibly even illegal. While Biden appears to be a safe and sensible prospect.

The BBC radio have Republican speakers interviewed to put their side of the story, but they don't come across as normal. It would be easy to conclude from this side of the Atlantic that Biden will win easily.

However I don't believe it. Trump did have the support to win last time although it was close and I just don't believe that we are being presented with an unbiased view of the situation.


I think we should expect that Trump will probably win as that is what normally happens to an incumbent president.

Whether we like it or not.

It's very very very very easy to write this man off and that would be stupid. The left and their mainstream media  have done nothing but complain, whine, cry and at time slander him to get him out all of which has failed. They have also ostracized anyone who dare to show any support for him and that's also very dangerous. 


At present the dems are taking over the media and making out as though he's the anti christ who seeks to destroy the world, his supporters however are staying very quiet and it's beginning to paint a false picture, ring a bell? They wrote him and his politics off as a joke 4 years ago and look what happened. Considering the absolute pathetic weak excuse for a human Biden is, if I was a dem I would not be feeling very comfortable. Biden could be rather lucky and be able to use the virus as an excuse to not debate Trump because he would be eaten alive. He can barely read his speeches nevermind put up with the way Trump would treat him in a debate. 

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4 hours ago, muddycoffee said:

Yes and four of those 7 resulted in a Democratic President.

And the other 2?

4 hours ago, Tomm06 said:

It's very very very very easy to write this man off and that would be stupid. The left and their mainstream media  have done nothing but complain, whine, cry and at time slander him to get him out all of which has failed. They have also ostracized anyone who dare to show any support for him and that's also very dangerous. 


At present the dems are taking over the media and making out as though he's the anti christ who seeks to destroy the world, his supporters however are staying very quiet and it's beginning to paint a false picture, ring a bell? They wrote him and his politics off as a joke 4 years ago and look what happened. Considering the absolute pathetic weak excuse for a human Biden is, if I was a dem I would not be feeling very comfortable. Biden could be rather lucky and be able to use the virus as an excuse to not debate Trump because he would be eaten alive. He can barely read his speeches nevermind put up with the way Trump would treat him in a debate. 

What about his family saying how bad he is?

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Talk of a live fact check during the debates.

Trump can no more not lie  than breathe and absolutely should be challenged on it every time.

Don't know why so far the Dems are not walloping on the national debt, Trump said he would eliminate the 19 Trillion debt within 2 terms ,so far he's increases it by over 7 Trillion.

That was to pay for crazy taxes cuts to the rich which was used to inflate the stock market with share by backs.

Also if the economy was " the best there has ever been" that's when you pay debt down traditionaly.

The US pays over $1,4000,000,000  a DAY in interest.


Also where's the health plan that he touted in 2016 ?


The infrastructure bill, nothing happened on that.


Where's the tax returns.


And what sort of stable genius threatens to sue if his school academic results are released.




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