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Not at all.


Might have sold a property that year.


2016 and 2017 the Bidens declared a joint income if $11 each year.

Funny thing is ,I bet Biden is not even in the top 50 percent of Members if Congress in net worth,he's practically a pauper among his peers





"for what is basically an MP and a teacher"


He was Vice President of the USA that year and she is a Professor.


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@butlers to be honest I'm not sure what point you're trying to make or even what you're finding to disagree with. It's not controversial that Biden paid $5,000,000 income tax in one year or that Trump paid $750 in the same year. Being VP doesn't earn much, neither does being a senator, maybe a couple of hundred grand? To be the best of my knowledge the US education system doesn't pay English teachers working at the equivalent of Granville College a whopping twenty million dollars a year. 


The Bidens have done pretty well from being "basically an MP and a teacher". It makes our MP's duck house expenses look amateurish. I would really like to know where their money has come from. Can you help fill in the gaps in my knowledge @butlers?


Personally, I don't really think that either Trump or Biden of them are suitable to be POTUS. Just because you don't like Trump it doesn't mean that you have to defend Biden. They can both be awful. They ARE both awful. 

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You pulled the $20m figure out not me.


The choices are Trump or Biden no matter what we over the seas want.

Jill Biden it turns out was the first "Second Lady " to hold down a paid job, 


They are an impressive couple  ,Life Time educators and pic servants ,church goers,with being overly preachy.


Joe even knows which way to hold up a bible.



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From the HuffPost 2015


Trump (who’d earlier called the Bible his favorite book) appears reluctant to reveal his favorite verses.

“Because to me that’s very personal,” Trump sidesteps. “You know, when I talk about the Bible it’s very personal so I don’t want to get into verses. The Bible means a lot to me but I don’t want to get into specifics.”

When asked if he’s a bigger fan of the Old Testament or the New Testament, Trump says he’s “probably equal.”

“I think it’s just incredible, the whole Bible is incredible,” he added

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Was there no facility to mute the Presidents microphone when we was interrupting?


It’s a tactic, interrupt the other person and if they divert their attention from their own message and acknowledge or respond (in any way) to your interruption, you win, you make them look weak.

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