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19 minutes ago, Tony said:

There's an interesting bunch. In 2016 he struggled with them because of his personal, err, issues. The grab them by the pussy tape did him a lot of damage with that crowd at the time but now he / Republicans have the Supreme Court majority so he can reverse Roe -v- Wade. I'm not sure much will be said overtly about that by his side but will be a lot of pro-life expectation from the Christians that they definitely won't have with Biden. Fully expect the Dems to campaign negative and nasty against Trump on pro-abortion rights

He’s acknowledged Jerusalem as Israel’s capital - that will help.  Some Christian Right group have raised $500k for the defense of a teenage gun toting killer. It’s nice when different groups can get along!

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It will help. Although, every US president for decades has promised the same but every one has failed to deliver until Trump. It's worth listening to what he says no matter how mad or weird it seems because he does have a habit of following through on promises. His other one was to end wars in the ME  and that's coming along nicely without US marines leaving sandy places in body bag.



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American Jews make up 2 per cent of the electorate and typically vote 70 per cent democrat.

The Right wing Evangelicals voted something like 80 percent for Trump.


Even Trump's debate team thought he failed last night well played Chris Christie.



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1 hour ago, Tony said:

In the UK is it would be a reason why people won't vote for him. In the USA it is precisely why they WILL vote for him.


He's miles in front (abt 43%) of where he was at the same point last time (abt 15%).  I'm sticking with my earlier prediction that he's going to win again and in the process will upset a lot of very whiny people who can't get their head around how the world really works. 

Well then that says more about the people voting him in for a 2nd term- which is worrying.


He has divided America more than its ever been and 4 more years of him will destroy the country in my view.

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Sept 14 2016


      Quinnipiac University Polling Logo

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In a largely negative presidential campaign, where most Americans are voting against, rather than for, a candidate, Democrat Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump 48 - 43 percent among likely voters nationwide, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll


Polls I saw yesterday one from Fox 

Had Biden up 10% in PA

Up 9%in Michigan 

Up 8% in Wisconsin

Biden  will win the election with ease, everything is moving his way.





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2 hours ago, andyofborg said:

but is 78 old anymore?

Depends on things I guess.


Running the most powerful country in the world into  your 80s..


We all know what comes with old age but being a leader of a nation at that age, I mean it won't get any easier.

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