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14 hours ago, Tomm06 said:

If I'm honest I kind of want him to win just to see the meltdowns on here. Could be fairly entertaining. 

He will win another term Tomm06....


It won't be good for America but what is...


Biden is not the answer he never will be he is just as bad as trump if not worse....



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13 hours ago, Box11 said:

He will win another term Tomm06....


It won't be good for America but what is...


Biden is not the answer he never will be he is just as bad as trump if not worse....



To be honest either outcome is an incredible scenario from the overseas observer. 


The fallout of a Trump win from the left will be incredible to witness, yet Biden is so very clearly not up to running the country and I think it's all too obvious he will be simply the 'face' of the presidency or even the puppet. The guy clearly isn't all there anymore 

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9 hours ago, Anna B said:

How on earth did these two chancers come to head te race?


Your right Anna B....


Both of them are poor candidate's to say the least....


It just goes to show that being or having a President is pointless there again I guess they need a figure head just to keep the masses happy...

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1 week to go.

Bob Woodward has some new stuff about Trumps response to the Covid pandemic just confirms his disinterest in the medics advice

80,000 new cases a day

900 deaths a day and heading upwards


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In the link below it says Trump is now saying doctors get paid more if they put Covid-19 down as a patient's cause of death.

The article says: There's no evidence the claim is true, and the President has previously been slammed for saying similar things.



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But as he keeps repeating ,even yesterday "we are turning the corner"


100,233 new confirmed cases

Over 1000 deaths on each of last 5 days.


More bonus days for the doctors ahead


There's also a report from Stamford University that the mass rallies he has run have caused 30,000 case  with 700 deaths relating to them

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