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1 hour ago, Mister Gee said:

I wish all the best to every single American working on the BidenHarris2020 campaign this weekend.  Your efforts to get rid of the freak in the WH are appreciated by millions of us across the world.

Spot on Mister Gee. Trump is a evil man.


Lets hope that within 4 days from now he will have been dumped into the trash can of history where he truly belongs.

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Democrats are in panic mode at the minute.


One stat for you all.


Since primaries were born in 1912, no incumbent has ever lost the general election after receiving 75% or more of the votes from their party in the primaries. Trump received 94% of all cast in the 2020 Republican primaries. Trump already moved campaigning from Ohio as they have it locked. Whoever wins Ohio has won the presidency. It picks the winner every time. That's why they are scrambling Obama out at the last minute. Don't believe the polls. It will be like 2016 all over again.


Florida and Texas are 100% red. As are Ohio and Iowa. Trump just needs a rust belt state which is why they have rolled Obama out at the last minute. Their internal polling must be freaking them out. They are not voting for Trump because they love him. They are voting against the insane left.


If any of you think it will be a landslide for Biden or believe the polls you are smoking crack. Just like Biden's son. This will be the biggest republican turnout in history. Biden is campaigning in down ballot house seats that should tell you all you need to know. It doesn't help he seems to have some sort of cognitive disease.


Last nights rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. He takes there it's all over for Biden. Now you see why the Dems are imploding. 4 more years! Historic black vote. Historic Latino vote. The momentum is all Trump.

Have a nice anxious next 4 days!!

The media have been telling you Biden will win easily and is up 8 points nationally. When Trump wins it will be the biggest political feat of all time.



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Well the last poll out of Ohio from PPP, gives Biden a 5 point lead.

One guy I follow ,a progressive liberal, in 2016 called it 279- 259 ,3 days out last time despite some of the papers saying it was a walk over.

This time ,says it is a done deal 318- 210 Biden with possibility of a very large landslide as a few traditional " red " states are neck and neck


Yes Trump may have increases his share of Black votes but in absolute terms it's a not that significant.


From.all the polls I have seen and Trump's begging ,he has lost at least 20 percent of the suburban female vote and they are a very significant percentage of the electorate.


High turn out favours the Democrats, and there's lots of young new voters this time too and again they tend to trend Democrat.




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6 hours ago, butlers said:

Well the last poll out of Ohio from PPP, gives Biden a 5 point lead.

One guy I follow ,a progressive liberal, in 2016 called it 279- 259 ,3 days out last time despite some of the papers saying it was a walk over.

This time ,says it is a done deal 318- 210 Biden with possibility of a very large landslide as a few traditional " red " states are neck and neck


Yes Trump may have increases his share of Black votes but in absolute terms it's a not that significant.


From.all the polls I have seen and Trump's begging ,he has lost at least 20 percent of the suburban female vote and they are a very significant percentage of the electorate.


High turn out favours the Democrats, and there's lots of young new voters this time too and again they tend to trend Democrat.




High turn out on the day traditionally favours Democrats, but this year the situation is reversed: Dems have been voting early and by mail - hence DeJoy's shenanigans with the postal service and absentee ballots - while Republicans are expected to turn out on the day.  Covid might suppress that a little, but Trump voters seem happy enough to go to his superspreader rallies, so who knows?  There will certainly be a renewed call from the Trump camp to not count absentee votes after election day, something that we're seeing already.


More significant than the reduction in female voters for Trump (something that's been a thing for a while) is the relatively recent loss of older voters, traditionally a solid Republican stronghold.  Who knew that 'die for the economy, granny' might not go over too well with the over 60s? That just might nudge Biden over the edge in Florida, but I'm not holding my breath. 


Younger voters (who are, by far, the the least likely to vote) are apparently voting in greater numbers than in 2016, but I've heard murmurings that the black and Latino vote is less enthusiastic than expected.  We'll see.


Biden will need a landslide to ensure a win.  In a normal universe he'd win anyway.  In this hellscape Trump could win by a combination of voter suppression, gerrymandering, court stuffing and so on.  Look at Wisconsin and Texas just this last week or two.  Trump even thanked the Supreme Court in advance at one of his rallies the other day: “If we win on Tuesday or -  thank you very much, Supreme Court - shortly thereafter...".


I'm hopeful for a Biden landslide.  I predict a Trump win, probably declared by the Supreme Court in a rerun of Bush and Gore.

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1 hour ago, XXTickerXX said:

Even the leftist media know this is no landslide for Biden.. ...



Keith Koffler is a senior editor at the Washington Examiner.

Leftist 🤣 . You'd probably enjoy his book about Steve Bannon.


File in the same box as Jason Miller on CNN. 






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50 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I can't stand Trump, but I've got a horrible feeling he'll win on Tuesday. 

I just think it will be a mess, and Trump will "win" after various supreme court judgements. Dark times ahead.

Edited by whiteowl
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