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Mr Trump - All discussion here

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Stonemasons didn't say anything to him,headstones don't talk,Trump does.

Trump is as guilty as a headstone, he didn't tell Griesemer to kill anyone. Mr Griesemer sounds as mentally ill as Peter Sutcliffe. What a shame that you put politics before any empathy with troubled lives.

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Trump is as guilty as a headstone, he didn't tell Griesemer to kill anyone. Mr Griesemer sounds as mentally ill as Peter Sutcliffe. What a shame that you put politics before any empathy with troubled lives.


He didn't kill anyone.

You're the one claiming that he sounds mentally ill and has a troubled life without any evidence of it.

The Alt Right have aligned themselves with Trump because of what Trump says publicly,if the cap fits,let's wear it...........and they have............or do they have troubled lives as well?

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I always find myself confused with the old Trumpmeister. I've listened to what he has said and can't see that much wrong. One can disagree politically, but I don't understand the hysteria. He has said-


1. He wants to build a wall to stop illegal immigrants.

2. America first.

3. He's not funding NATO anymore.

4. He's not paying for climate change orgs more or less alone.

5. Rich and famous men have little difficulty attracting women. They just have to grab them by the .....

6. Hilary is as bent as Shirgreen Lane.

7. Putin is a strong leader.

8. He's going to reduce taxes.

9. He's bringing jobs back to the USA.

10. He wants to place their own embassy in a place they choose.


Can anyone explain what is wrong with those...?

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I always find myself confused with the old Trumpmeister. I've listened to what he has said and can't see that much wrong. One can disagree politically, but I don't understand the hysteria. He has said-


1. He wants to build a wall to stop illegal immigrants.

2. America first.

3. He's not funding NATO anymore.

4. He's not paying for climate change orgs more or less alone.

5. Rich and famous men have little difficulty attracting women. They just have to grab them by the .....

6. Hilary is as bent as Shirgreen Lane.

7. Putin is a strong leader.

8. He's going to reduce taxes.

9. He's bringing jobs back to the USA.

10. He wants to place their own embassy in a place they choose.


Can anyone explain what is wrong with those...?


So all he's said in a year is 10 things.:hihi:

His problem is when people disagree with him politically.

There's no hysteria,just people wanting to excercise their democratic right to free speech,and a media doing the same in the land of the free,and not be called liars.........or killed.

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I always find myself confused with the old Trumpmeister. I've listened to what he has said and can't see that much wrong. One can disagree politically, but I don't understand the hysteria. He has said-

1. He wants to build a wall to stop illegal immigrants.

Innefective, impractical and unneccessary - and his attempts to force Mexico to pay are childish and provocative.

2. America first.
Shorthand for 'and balls to the rest of the world.' Divisive and arrogant, probably linked with his xenophobic/racist tendencies.

3. He's not funding NATO anymore.

Shortsighted, arrogant and potentially dangerous.

4. He's not paying for climate change orgs more or less alone.

He's in the pockets of oil billionaires. See also 'shortsighted, ignorant and dangerous'.

5. Rich and famous men have little difficulty attracting women. They just have to grab them by the .....

The man's a serial abuser of women - does that really not bother you at all? Would you leave your wife or daughter in a room with this sleazebag? Seriously?

6. Hilary is as bent as Shirgreen Lane.

Even if it were true, it's irrelevant to how corrupt and morally insane Mr Trump is.

7. Putin is a strong leader.

Who shouldn't be allowed to exert influence on US policy.

8. He's going to reduce taxes.

For multimillionaires, while the workers lose out again.

9. He's bringing jobs back to the USA.

Show me the evidence.

10. He wants to place their own embassy in a place they choose.

He's a compulsive liar.

Can anyone explain what is wrong with those...?



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So all he's said in a year is 10 things.:hihi:

His problem is when people disagree with him politically.


Please feel free to add to the list. They are ones that came to mind. Can you find fault with any of them?


There just seems to mad, insane hysteria whatever he says...


I've just thought of another.


11. The media are bent.

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I always find myself confused with the old Trumpmeister. I've listened to what he has said and can't see that much wrong. One can disagree politically, but I don't understand the hysteria. He has said-


1. He wants to build a wall to stop illegal immigrants.

2. America first.

3. He's not funding NATO anymore.

4. He's not paying for climate change orgs more or less alone.

5. Rich and famous men have little difficulty attracting women. They just have to grab them by the .....

6. Hilary is as bent as Shirgreen Lane.

7. Putin is a strong leader.

8. He's going to reduce taxes.

9. He's bringing jobs back to the USA.

10. He wants to place their own embassy in a place they choose.


Can anyone explain what is wrong with those...?


apart from bigotry, xenophobia, false national pride, misogony, mistruths, lying and being a traitor to his country and a danger to the rest of the world?

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Please feel free to add to the list. They are ones that came to mind. Can you find fault with any of them?


There just seems to mad, insane hysteria whatever he says...


I've just thought of another.


11. The media are bent.


Tell us about his lies then,add them to the list,unless you are OK with a president telling lies.





Here they are,all his lies,dated and disproved.

Edited by chalga
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Innefective, impractical and unneccessary - and his attempts to force Mexico to pay are childish and provocative.

Shorthand for 'and balls to the rest of the world.' Divisive and arrogant, probably linked with his xenophobic/racist tendencies.


Shortsighted, arrogant and potentially dangerous.


He's in the pockets of oil billionaires. See also 'shortsighted, ignorant and dangerous'.


The man's a serial abuser of women - does that really not bother you at all? Would you leave your wife or daughter in a room with this sleazebag? Seriously?


Even if it were true, it's irrelevant to how corrupt and morally insane Mr Trump is.


Who shouldn't be allowed to exert influence on US policy.


For multimillionaires, while the workers lose out again.


Show me the evidence.


He's a compulsive liar.





No not really. You are quiet right to find fault with his policies.


But that's all.


All the other bluster has nothing to do with it. I am talking about the rabid hysteria about his policies.


If he wants to build a wall to stop illegal immigration, well that's up to him. It matters not a jot if people think it wont work, that a political difference. If he wants to stop drugs and weapons coming through the border that's his right. It's what people voted for. There are thousands coming through the border illegally and Mexico does nothing to stop them. Thousands coming through who are dangerous criminal.


There's all sorts of data on this just search the relevant state's crime stats.

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