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2 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Out of a country of 600 million, yes there were better candidates. Law of averages!

Ok..they were not good enough to run for the presidency then.

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1 minute ago, West 77 said:

Biden only got the nomination because he had been vice president twice to Obama.  It was third time lucky after performing poorly in 1988 and 2008 in the race to be the Democratic candidate.  For Biden to have any credible as a US President he needed to have a convincing victory against Trump. 

Joseph R. Biden Jr., 77
Former vice president; 
“If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation, who we are, and I cannot stand by and watch that happen.”
I think that was enough reason for him to run.
Also 27 Democrats had pulled out so Biden was the only 'credible' candidate.
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If anyone wondered and hasn't looked it up already, the major donors are listed here:










It's interesting to note that Disney and Linda McMahon (wife of WWE wrestling owner, Vince McMahon) gave money to Trump, whilst the parent company of Google (Alphabet) and the University of California gave money to Biden.


Perhaps more interesting to note that the top contributor to Biden's campaign is a media conglomerate, whilst the biggest for Trump is a casino.

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4 minutes ago, West 77 said:

I'm not suggesting Biden wasn't a credible candidate from a poor field to win the nomination. What I'm saying if he does end up winning the election to become President he will have a credibility issue after only beating Trump by a narrow margin. 

Hes so far - so far, recorded more votes than any other candidate for 100 years. Donald never had the popular vote.

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23 minutes ago, the_bloke said:

If anyone wondered and hasn't looked it up already, the major donors are listed here:










It's interesting to note that Disney and Linda McMahon (wife of WWE wrestling owner, Vince McMahon) gave money to Trump, whilst the parent company of Google (Alphabet) and the University of California gave money to Biden.


Perhaps more interesting to note that the top contributor to Biden's campaign is a media conglomerate, whilst the biggest for Trump is a casino.

If you're going to consider who might have influence over them you should look at who they owe money to as well.

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3 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The popular vote is irrelevant because in states like California there is no incentive for Republican voters to bother turning out when the Democrats always win there. What is relevant is the votes in the swing states. Trump has done better in Florida this time when the polls were predicting the democrats would win easily. It's not really a surprise that whoever wins the popular vote in a two horse race will record more votes than in previous elections.                   

Of course, the same applies to Democrat voters in always Republican states.


The popular vote might not mean much in terms of who gets to be president but it certainly gives whoever that is more credibility, which is what was being discussed, if they also got more votes than their opponent rather than relying on the electoral college.

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21 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The popular vote is irrelevant because in states like California there is no incentive for Republican voters to bother turning out when the Democrats always win there. What is relevant is the votes in the swing states. Trump has done better in Florida this time when the polls were predicting the democrats would win easily. It's not really a surprise that whoever wins the popular vote in a two horse race will record more votes than in previous elections.                   

A win is a win. And with the win goes the democratic mandate.


So, of course Biden will have credibility if he wins.

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51 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Yes of course it works both ways, but California has by far the most electoral seats with 55.  In the current circumstances only a big win for Biden would give him much credibility while a narrow win for Trump would be more credible for him.

It also has the highest population per voter - meaning it takes more votes for each of those representatives than in any other state. Rural Republican voting states such as Wyoming have as much as 3 times as many seats per voter.


I'm not sure why you think Trump failing to win the popular vote and relying on the electoral college has more credibility than Biden winning both the popular vote and the electoral college (despite it's bias in favour of Republicans due to the over representation of rural states).

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32 minutes ago, West 77 said:

I stand by my comment the popular vote is irrelevant.


If it wasn't for Covid-19 Trump would have easily won the election and been in the White House for four more years. Regardless of how badly Trump has handled the Covid pandemic he has been unlucky that it has happened on his watch.  Covid-19 is the reason why any victory for Trump will have more credibility for him than a narrow victory for Biden.

Unless you are going to play in parallel universes then you will never know what might have happened. 


Trump might have handled this better. People might or might not choose to vote based on his performance.


You can only play the hand you are dealt and hope for the best.

32 minutes ago, West 77 said:

he fact we still don't know who will be US President next year makes Biden a  weak President if he does win the race to be in the White House. 

That's always the case though. 

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