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Tell us about his lies then,add them to the list,unless you are OK with a president telling lies.





Here they are,all his lies,dated and disproved.


I wouldn't trust the source. It's like asking The Telegraph about Jeremy Corbyn... They're always saying he's a terrorist sympathiser? Is he? It must be true its in the paper.

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No not really. You are quiet right to find fault with his policies.


But that's all.


All the other bluster has nothing to do with it. I am talking about the rabid hysteria about his policies.


If he wants to build a wall to stop illegal immigration, well that's up to him. It matters not a jot if people think it wont work, that a political difference. If he wants to stop drugs and weapons coming through the border that's his right. It's what people voted for. There are thousands coming through the border illegally and Mexico does nothing to stop them. Thousands coming through who are dangerous criminal.


There's all sorts of data on this just search the relevant state's crime stats.


He's said Mexico are paying for the wall,can you point out where Mexico are paying for the wall,because if you can't,Trump has lied again.


---------- Post added 23-01-2018 at 16:55 ----------


I wouldn't trust the source. It's like asking The Telegraph about Jeremy Corbyn... They're always saying he's a terrorist sympathiser? Is he? It must be true its in the paper.


The paper is quoting Trump,not giving their opinion.

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I wouldn't trust the source. It's like asking The Telegraph about Jeremy Corbyn... They're always saying he's a terrorist sympathiser? Is he? It must be true its in the paper.


That's a lame response - his lies can be researched by yourself with very little effort; many of them have been pointed out to be untrue by multiple sources, using easily available reliable information.


Try his inauguration for example - an extraordinarily juvenile and facile lie ('Ooh, I'm so important and wonderful!') that was disproved through multiple means, not least the overwhelming photographic evidence.


There have been many many more since. Pretending that the rest of the world is lying and that Mr Trump is honest is frankly absurd.

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He's said Mexico are paying for the wall,can you point out where Mexico are paying for the wall,because if you can't,Trump has lied again.


---------- Post added 23-01-2018 at 16:55 ----------



The paper is quoting Trump,not giving their opinion.


Oh so the NYT is fair to old Donald, no I don't think so. I would have to be, personally, in the room to believe something someone said, in a political sense. I just don't believe the press in relation to Trump.


It will be easy to get Mexico to pay for the wall, which they should. Its not rocket science.

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Have you ever seen The Thick of It? They lie all the time.


That's just really lazy thinking on your part.

Some politicians are very honest, manipulating the truth is arguably part of the job and there are many politicians who have told lies - however, what you seem unable to grasp is that Mr Trump is a more prolific, more blatant and more dishonest liar by several orders of magnitude.


Go and do some research.


P.S. You still haven't answered my question about his attitude to women - would you trust him near your wife or daughter?

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Oh so the NYT is fair to old Donald, no I don't think so. I would have to be, personally, in the room to believe something someone said, in a political sense. I just don't believe the press in relation to Trump.


It will be easy to get Mexico to pay for the wall, which they should. Its not rocket science.


No,the paper is quoting Trump and pointing out where he lied............all of them,all of it is on record,as if they were made up quotes,why isn't Trump bringing litigation against them?


Point out where Mexico are paying for the wall,if you can't,Trump has lied again.

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That's just really lazy thinking on your part.

Some politicians are very honest, manipulating the truth is arguably part of the job and there are many politicians who have told lies - however, what you seem unable to grasp is that Mr Trump is a more prolific, more blatant and more dishonest liar by several orders of magnitude.


Go and do some research.


P.S. You still haven't answered my question about his attitude to women - would you trust him near your wife or daughter?


Well he's doing well. All those provable instances and he's still POTUS. Most of it is fake news. He's in cahoots with the Russians... he's a liar.... he's a misogynist... he's a racist. To quote POTUS.... FAKE NEWS!


I wouldn't trust anyone in regards to daughter/wife unless I really know them. But if I had to choose between leaving one of them with Bill Clinton or Donald Trump. I would choose Donald Trump. Especially is Bill had a cigar in his hand. He abused a young intern (19yrs old I think) Then lied to his wife, lied to the country and then admitted it. Then there's numerous woman claiming he assaulted them....


Who would you trust Bill or Donald? PS One of them has admitted it.



Point out where Mexico are paying for the wall,


It's not difficult. POTUS will cut aid... charge for imports.... etc etc...



really? you should be president then, a ole Donalds struggling, hes got a few options but nothing thats stuck yet


You all seem to be missing the point. I made the list and just said there's nothing wrong with the list. Its okay to disagree with it, that's politics.


What's happening people of a different political view are throwing all sorts of mud, hoping that some sticks...


I think the bloke is a bit of a wally... But I like the way he ruffles feathers... He should be allowed to get on with the job. He's been successful so far.

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