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1 hour ago, andyofborg said:

The VP will be Kamala Harris. They are announed as part of the nomination process. I think generally around the time of the party conventions. 





It's a very good hypothetical question though.


According to the 22nd ammendment, no person can be elected to the president more than twice, the key word being elected. However, being nominated as vice president is not mentioned here. But the 12th ammendment says the "no person who is ineligible to to be president can be nominated as vice-president".


Basically, it's open to interpretation and would, no doubt end up in the supreme court should anyone try. Of course, it's all hypothetical.

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1 hour ago, andyofborg said:

The VP will be Kamala Harris. They are announed as part of the nomination process. I think generally around the time of the party conventions. 







Just looked her up,  she's mixed race so hopefully a good step.

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3 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Yes it does - and I did that in another post. He cleaned up alot of the Cuban vote in Florida because a section of Cubans equate socialism (free healthcare) with communism and therefore Castro. He'll do well in the border states because of immigration, second generation immigrants can be really keen on pulling up the ladder. And you can have black people and Jewish people and Asian people who earn over $400k not want to pay more tax - that's probably a more significant number than we both realise. There will be many more who "think" they'll be earning more soon.


And stupid people. So many many many stupid people of which he is the embodiment. And the secret service nicking votes?? That's bonkers even for you. Please say you don't subscribe to QAnon nonsense either.

Some very interesting replies. I haven't been following the Trump thing till the election so it's been something of an education. I don't take things at face value usually without checking them and I haven't been interested enough to bother with Trump to be honest so I've just seen the headline stuff. 

I just can't imagine that half the people in America are 'stupid,' but looking at some of these replies (especially Whiteowl's) perhaps they are....  That's probably more disturbing than Trump for president. 

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Talk about spitting the dummy out, chucking toys out of the pram ect, if anyone has shown their true colours this fool as done so, he is just showing himself up, I think he his mentally ill and needs certifying, this type of behaviour has all the signs of premature insanity. :loopy:

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9 minutes ago, melthebell said:



His Niece speaks



Some of the stuff she says is scary.


Trump taking ppl down with him and 'no idea what he could do in the 76 days he is president'.

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