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1 minute ago, Mr Fisk said:



Some of the stuff she says is scary.


Trump taking ppl down with him and 'no idea what he could do in the 76 days he is president'.

hes demented, and malicious who knows what he could do in that time, i remember when a young lad left our place of work, they got me to do all the data entry on the computer system in the lab and not let him use it...just in case

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

hes demented, and malicious who knows what he could do in that time, i remember when a young lad left our place of work, they got me to do all the data entry on the computer system in the lab and not let him use it...just in case

I got made redundant from an IT company last year and was literally escorted off the premises. Not because I was an idiot, but because of the potential damage I could wreak if I had a mind to. Of course, being a fairly competent IT engineer, I had various backdoor ways into the systems if I needed them (you never know!) but I didn't use them - like I say I'm not an idiot.


We now have Trump, who, assuming all the projections are correct, is effectively going to be made redundant shortly and yet he's left in charge of everything for the next couple of months, Scary.

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9 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

Talk about spitting the dummy out, chucking toys out of the pram ect, if anyone has shown their true colours this fool as done so, he is just showing himself up, I think he his mentally ill and needs certifying, this type of behaviour has all the signs of premature insanity. :loopy:

Hello Presley,

I don't think he ever hid his 'True Colours' or 'Mentality'.

Disgraceful while in Office -

Less than Graceful in Defeat.


Although you can't say he hasn't been influential -

in fact, so influential even 'we' had to have our own Blonde nutter in charge  to mishandle things.


I hope they take the button off Trump for the time he's still in power.

I'm surprised he hasn't told everybody  the 'Truth' about 'Area 51' before now -  but there's still time LOL.


Keep safe.


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19 hours ago, West 77 said:

Trump would be more deserving than Obama for the Nobel peace prize which he received after being in office for less than a year.

It was a bit soon to receive the Noble Peace Price within months of his Presidency.  Did he get it because he was the first Black President of the US or something else?


I wanted Trump to win the election.  I’m not sure if Biden will be a friend to this country, but I hope I’m wrong.  Because Biden was the vice President to Obama, will he carry out the same threat and punish the UK for leaving the EU by putting us at the back of the queue for a trade deal?


It’s beginning to feel like a game of Snakes and Ladders trying to get a trade deal with the US, it appears to be all dependent on which President is rolling the dice, are we at the top of the ladder or are we going down it again?


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9 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

It was a bit soon to receive the Noble Peace Price within months of his Presidency.  Did he get it because he was the first Black President of the US or something else?


I wanted Trump to win the election.  I’m not sure if Biden will be a friend to this country, but I hope I’m wrong.  Because Biden was the vice President to Obama, will he carry out the same threat and punish the UK for leaving the EU by putting us at the back of the queue for a trade deal?


It’s beginning to feel like a game of Snakes and Ladders trying to get a trade deal with the US, it appears to be all dependent on which President is rolling the dice, are we at the top of the ladder or are we going down it again?


The message put out by Obama was very much a misguided ploy by Cameron to sway voters.

It backfired.

Biden seems to have more deep seated views on the possible effects of Brexit and I have no doubt that his major concern will be to work with the EU to the detriment of the U.K. economy.


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22 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

I’m not sure if Biden will be a friend to this country, but I hope I’m wrong.  

He will be as much as a friend as any other US President has been. Of course, we were in the position of being able to provide a link between mainland Europe and the US, generally to the benefit of all parties. Shame we've thrown away that rather unique selling point away. 

22 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

It’s beginning to feel like a game of Snakes and Ladders trying to get a trade deal with the US, 


Aside from giving the America obsessed right wing something shiney thing to point at and wave around, there really isn't a great deal of benefit to a trade deal to the UK. 



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