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16 minutes ago, Padders said:

78year old President....

Time to put these old men out to grass, old antiquated ideas..

Lets get some young dynamic contenders in power, forward looking men/women who know the modern world.


I would have preferred a younger person,  but we are where we are.  

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52 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

I’m not sure if Biden will be a friend to this country, but I hope I’m wrong.


Biden understands that the UK had more value to the US as a member of the EU than otherwise... this is really a no brainer.


There is no friend of foe, Biden will be as friendly to the UK as any other US president has been, dependent entirely on circumstance...


...his first calls in Europe will be to Merkel, then Macron, before Boris... for obvious reasons.


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40 minutes ago, RJRB said:

The message put out by Obama was very much a misguided ploy by Cameron to sway voters.

It backfired.

Biden seems to have more deep seated views on the possible effects of Brexit and I have no doubt that his major concern will be to work with the EU to the detriment of the U.K. economy.


I agree with you when you say it backfired.  He caused a bit of a backlash when he said it.




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Trump is a man obsessed with fame & power, now all that is crumbling and he can't accept it. He's hundreds of millions in dept, and falling apart.  Read some articles where Biden will last a short while, then vice president Harris will take over,  making her the first black woman in power!

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1 hour ago, hauxwell said:

I wanted Trump to win the election.  I’m not sure if Biden will be a friend to this country, but I hope I’m wrong.  Because Biden was the vice President to Obama, will he carry out the same threat and punish the UK for leaving the EU by putting us at the back of the queue for a trade deal?

Prioritising a trade deal with the larger market for US products isn't punishing the UK - it's simply good economic sense. I'm sure the UK could bump its way up the queue by offering the sort of one sided (detrimental to the UK) deal that Trump would have insisted on.


It’s beginning to feel like a game of Snakes and Ladders trying to get a trade deal with the US, it appears to be all dependent on which President is rolling the dice, are we at the top of the ladder or are we going down it again?

Maybe our leaders shouldn't have so closely aligned themselves with one US political leader/party.

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Just now, altus said:

Prioritising a trade deal with the larger market for US products isn't punishing the UK - it's simply good economic sense. I'm sure the UK could bump its way up the queue by offering the sort of one sided (detrimental to the UK) deal that Trump would have insisted on.




Maybe our leaders shouldn't have so closely aligned themselves with one US political leader/party.

I for one minute would never have trusted Trump on his so called support for UK with USA trade, post Brexit.

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4 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

Hello Presley,

I don't think he ever hid his 'True Colours' or 'Mentality'.

Disgraceful while in Office -

Less than Graceful in Defeat.


Although you can't say he hasn't been influential -

in fact, so influential even 'we' had to have our own Blonde nutter in charge  to mishandle things.


I hope they take the button off Trump for the time he's still in power.

I'm surprised he hasn't told everybody  the 'Truth' about 'Area 51' before now -  but there's still time LOL.


Keep safe.


All very true :thumbsup:,  Im suprised he didn't start world war three. He is completly insane and as for his brother from another mother the other blonde haired nutter they just remind me of the film Dumb and Dumber, can't make my mind up who is the Dumber. :hihi:

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it could be all over - the news agencies are announcing that Biden has won Pensylvania which takes him well over the line  - the count will, of course, continue as will the lawsuits and tantrums I guess. 



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