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3 minutes ago, Litotes said:

Found by Elvis I guess?

I doubt Elvis would have tried to cheat the US election nor was he nutty enough to believe in the QAnon crap.


I wonder if Trump will be persuaded to go quietly? They could knock a big chunk off their national debt by showing dragging him out of the White House live on pay per view. ;)



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3 minutes ago, altus said:

I doubt Elvis would have tried to cheat the US election nor was he nutty enough to believe in the QAnon crap.


I wonder if Trump will be persuaded to go quietly? They could knock a big chunk off their national debt by showing dragging him out of the White House live on pay per view. ;)



I'm wondering if he will leave a letter that former presidents do for the one incoming.


Obama left one which was gracious and offered advice.


Sulky Trump probably will not unless his wife gives him his crayons..

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5 hours ago, West 77 said:

Trump isn't demented.  He's doing now what he planned to do if Hilary Clinton won last time which was predicted to happen.  He's a sore loser which is why  when he loses at anything he says the opposition cheated or are corrupt.  Trump never expected to win the nomination to be the Republican candidate for the 2016 election.  The Republicans feared he would stand as an Independent and take votes away from the Republican candidate which is why they let him stand as Republican candidate hoping he would be eliminated early in the contest. Trump made a big fuss long before polling day about postal votes being used by the democrats to cheat in the election.  Strong Trump supporters will believe the democrats have cheated just like strong Remainers want to believe the Leave campaign cheated to win the EU referendum.  If it wasn't for Covid-19 Trump would have won the 2020 election mainly because before that happened the US economy was very strong and in good shape.

I agree; he is a lot of things but he isn't demented.


If I remember rightly, he was something of a joke candidate in 2016, up against a strong favourite, Hilary Clinton. But then Clinton became mired in scandal about vote rigging and conspiracy theories, and to everybodies surprise Trump won.

They learnt from their mistakes, and from day one the knives were out for Trump. Now I have to say he didn't help himself with his loose mouth and outragious pontificating, but I do wonder about how much of this was used and exagerated in the media to portray Trump as a total idiot. He has after all made millions and built a huge business empire so he's not daft. It so reminds me of the way Corbyn was constantly maligned and slandered in the media because he was non-U.


The real problem with Trump is he passionately believes in his own conspiracy theories, and is frustrated to the point of exasperation to not be believed, or even taken seriously. When you see that this is what brought down Clinton down, you can see how they'd want to shut him up and not have any credence given.


I am absolutely no fan of Trump, and don't want him to win, (but then I'm not keen on Biden either.) But surely no-one as bad as Trump is portrayed can get into the position of President of America? I really think critics need to think a little deeper into why this race has been neck and neck.

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16 minutes ago, altus said:


I wonder if Trump will be persuaded to go quietly?


I'm sure people will be trying to persuade him too. 


It's in everyone's interest that there is an orderly transfer of power. Let's hope there are enough grown ups left in the administration and republican party to make sure that happens. 



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Democracy Lives !!!


Thank god that idiot is out of the white house....



It won't be the last trump to be in the white house...


Just hope in the future they have more common sense than their father.....

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