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2 hours ago, altus said:

I doubt Elvis would have tried to cheat the US election nor was he nutty enough to believe in the QAnon crap.


I wonder if Trump will be persuaded to go quietly? They could knock a big chunk off their national debt by showing dragging him out of the White House live on pay per view. ;)



No evidence of cheating - just fake news... but that has been par for the course for the Trump administration.

Still haven't seen Hilary in jail despite his day 1 promises...


A liar, a sexist, a cheat and a misogynist - remind anyone of anyone? <cough>Mr  Boshambles<cough>

1 hour ago, Car Boot said:

Trump won more votes this time than he did in 2016.


Biden will be 82 years old if he stands again for a second term in 2024.


Trump will be 78, Biden's age now. 


Trump will win in 2024.

You really live in cloud cuckoo land don't you?

He will be in jail for all the scams he has run.


"Oops, Donald, can you pick up the soap???"

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Not a landslide.  Not a blue wave.  Trump's on his way out, but this wasn't a defeat of Trumpism at all.  Far too close.  Four years' worth of sewage spewing from the White House and too many Americans, again, looked at that and thought 'yes, I'll have some of that, thank you very much'.


Trump will be dumped by the GOP like the trash he is now he's reached the end of his usefulness; they've got the tax cuts, the judges and the Supreme Court for a generation.  They'll start looking for a successor, someone who can do the policies but without the clown car; an authoritarian with a slick facade.  Tom Cotton, possibly.  I wonder, though, if the base will still demand the spectacle, in which case a Trump Jr 2024 might be on the cards.  Perhaps the red meat from Trump TV might keep them happy.


Anyway, the progressives will soon start sniping at Biden for not being Bernie, and if the Dems don't win both Georgia run offs the Senate will still be Republican and nothing of substance will get done.  Trump will chuck the pardons around, probably including himself, and everyone will get off with the last four years of criming.


I am pleased, but that this wasn't a complete repudiation of all things Trump is beyond depressing.

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44 minutes ago, Litotes said:

No evidence of cheating - just fake news... but that has been par for the course for the Trump administration.

Did you read the article? There was definitely an attempt to cheat - it was just that those arrested were Trump supporters with fake ballots.

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3 minutes ago, altus said:

Did you read the article? There was definitely an attempt to cheat - it was just that those arrested were Trump supporters with fake ballots.

Or was it an attempt to discredit the whole thing? Maybe they let themselves be caught?

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A President cannot pardon himself.  So Trump resigns, and Pence becoms President for two months. He pardons Trump............(*)


The "Trumpeters" will harass Biden mercilessly for the next four years. Whether DJT or a clone runs in 2024 the sore will stiill be open.....


But, on a serious note, the various states need to agree a better way of counting postal votes, from whatever party. The prolonged hiatus was unacceptable. 


Added: Allegedly.....Unpaid tax c. £100m. , Trump business debts, due to mature in less than five years, carrying his personal guarantee c.£1bn.,  DOJ investigation into banking fraud in New York state.....   He neeeds more than a winning lottery ticket. 

Edited by Cyclecar
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6 minutes ago, Cyclecar said:

A President cannot pardon himself. ...

Are you sure? I've read enough different opinions to suggest wiggle room and I can certainly imagine Justice Kegger having a good go at coming up with some interpretation that will give the go ahead from the Supreme Court,  But it's likely irrelevant anyway because, as you say, President for a day Pence would do the job.


As for the delay in vote counting, you can thank DeJoy for slowing down the mail and allowing troves of ballots to stagnate somewhere en route; Republican-assigned count monitors in some states who apparently challenged just about every ballot; and the Republican legislature in Pennsylvania and elsewhere who wouldn't allow postal ballots to be counted earlier.

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22 minutes ago, Litotes said:

Or was it an attempt to discredit the whole thing? Maybe they let themselves be caught?

I'm not sure Trump supporters think that far but in either case attempting to discredit the whole thing is still cheating. :)

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22 minutes ago, Cyclecar said:

But, on a serious note, the various states need to agree a better way of counting postal votes, from whatever party. The prolonged hiatus was unacceptable.

The Republicans in many states blocked the counting of early and mailed in votes before the polls has closed because they didn't want it to look like the Democrats had an early lead. Trump wouldn't have been able to steal the election by saying "I've won, stop the counting" if that had happened.

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