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1 hour ago, Hecate said:

Not a landslide.  Not a blue wave.  Trump's on his way out, but this wasn't a defeat of Trumpism at all.  Far too close.  Four years' worth of sewage spewing from the White House and too many Americans, again, looked at that and thought 'yes, I'll have some of that, thank you very much'.


Trump will be dumped by the GOP like the trash he is now he's reached the end of his usefulness; they've got the tax cuts, the judges and the Supreme Court for a generation.  They'll start looking for a successor, someone who can do the policies but without the clown car; an authoritarian with a slick facade.  Tom Cotton, possibly.  I wonder, though, if the base will still demand the spectacle, in which case a Trump Jr 2024 might be on the cards.  Perhaps the red meat from Trump TV might keep them happy.


Anyway, the progressives will soon start sniping at Biden for not being Bernie, and if the Dems don't win both Georgia run offs the Senate will still be Republican and nothing of substance will get done.  Trump will chuck the pardons around, probably including himself, and everyone will get off with the last four years of criming.


I am pleased, but that this wasn't a complete repudiation of all things Trump is beyond depressing.

I can’t think of any new policies he was pushing on this campaign. Just over inflating his accomplishments and rubbishing Biden.

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"Democrats are in panic mode at the minute.


One stat for you all.


Since primaries were born in 1912, no incumbent has ever lost the general election after receiving 75% or more of the votes from their party in the primaries. Trump received 94% of all cast in the 2020 Republican primaries. Trump already moved campaigning from Ohio as they have it locked. Whoever wins Ohio has won the presidency. It picks the winner every time. That's why they are scrambling Obama out at the last minute. Don't believe the polls. It will be like 2016 all over again."



First time for eveything eh 😎


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4 hours ago, Hecate said:

Not a landslide.  Not a blue wave.  Trump's on his way out, but this wasn't a defeat of Trumpism at all.  Far too close.  Four years' worth of sewage spewing from the White House and too many Americans, again, looked at that and thought 'yes, I'll have some of that, thank you very much'.


Trump will be dumped by the GOP like the trash he is now he's reached the end of his usefulness; they've got the tax cuts, the judges and the Supreme Court for a generation.  They'll start looking for a successor, someone who can do the policies but without the clown car; an authoritarian with a slick facade.  Tom Cotton, possibly.  I wonder, though, if the base will still demand the spectacle, in which case a Trump Jr 2024 might be on the cards.  Perhaps the red meat from Trump TV might keep them happy.


Anyway, the progressives will soon start sniping at Biden for not being Bernie, and if the Dems don't win both Georgia run offs the Senate will still be Republican and nothing of substance will get done.  Trump will chuck the pardons around, probably including himself, and everyone will get off with the last four years of criming.


I am pleased, but that this wasn't a complete repudiation of all things Trump is beyond depressing.

Or, if Trump is forced to accept a Biden win, he could resign and his Vice President would take over in the interim and pardon Trump!

Edited by catmiss
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Looks like this transactional marriage will be closing soon.


I also read Trump is refusing to attend Biden's inauguration- that will really just show how child like he is, a spoilt brat.


How on earth was this guy using the slogan ' Make America Great Again'.


You divided the country you orange Musoulini 

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Donald Trump and many of his supporters don't respect the outcome of a democratic vote and will attempt to undermine it at every opportunity.


We have similar people here in the UK who did the same with the Brexit vote for years, refusing to accept that we voted to Leave and marching on the streets to cancel the votes of millions.



Edited by Car Boot
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39 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

Donald Trump and many of his supporters don't respect the outcome of a democratic vote and will attempt to undermine it at every opportunity.


We have similar people here in the UK who did the same with the Brexit vote for years, refusing to accept that we voted to Leave and marching on the streets to cancel the votes of millions.



yada yada yada - and yet you ignore the fact that the Brexit vote overturned the outcome of a democratic vote...

What goes around comes around...

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37 minutes ago, West 77 said:

What on earth are you going on about?  The 2020 US Presidential election result overturned the outcome of the 2016 Presidential  election which is why Trump will go down in history as a one term President. That is how democracy works.


Car boot  hit the nail on the head.

And Republicans will now be getting their act together to elect their nomination in 4 years time as is their right.

They will not give up their mainstream views.

Similarly those who believe that Brexit is the most stupid act of self harm will not easily change their views,but there is no time set when this can be overturned.

Neither of these “losers” has any choice but to abide by the democratic vote,but this is totally different from accepting that it is set for perpetuity.

Lets be truthful here.The Eurosceptics spent a lot longer than a few years to undermine and overturn the decision to join the EU in the first place.

So stop whingeing because nearly half the electorate will not fall inline.

It makes you look like sore winners.

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5 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Donald Trump and many of his supporters don't respect the outcome of a democratic vote and will attempt to undermine it at every opportunity.


We have similar people here in the UK who did the same with the Brexit vote for years, refusing to accept that we voted to Leave and marching on the streets to cancel the votes of millions.



You won, get over it.

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