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On 6 November 2020 at 11:53, Michael_W said:

There is only one thing I find worse than ignorant, and that is ignorance coupled with arrogance, I disagree with Anna  B frequently but she was correct in her statement that you highlighted in the quote, and that is what many people vote against, people are not voting for Trump or Johnson etc ... they are voting against the likes of you, people who think everyone should think like them or they are stupid, not educated enough blah blah blah you should listen to yourself fella.

I was 30 plus years in the AEU, MSF, Unite unions even been a rep, but I will never vote Labour again in my life, because Labour has been taken over by that very same arrogant ignorance displayed by those very same 'better than you' identity politic riddled 'middle class'  attitudes, little wonder that many working class people have turned against it don't you think ?

So, err, how's that sticking-it-to-the-middle-class vote going for that working class of yours, wherever it has turned to populists like Trump, Johnson, Putin, Erdogan, Duterte out of ignorance after careful and due consideration?


Better opportunities for working class kids? I mean, once you've got the new breed of Tory MPs elected by the Red Wall to stop voting against feeding working class kids, that is?


Improved public services and care for working class elders? You know, once Johnson and his cabal conferred that enormous 80-seat majority through 'get Brexit done' last December, actually stop stuffing care homes with undiagnosed Covid patients whilst spaffing more taxpayers money on their mates' shelf companies than the mooted Corbynomics ever threatened to?


Less social strife, inequality and division? Yeah...


What I think, is that there is no arrogance in calling out ignorance for what it is, and that there are all of ignorant, knowledgeable and indifferent voters in every 'class'. 

Edited by L00b
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3 hours ago, Car Boot said:

It's amazing how many UK Remain voters want Trump to go quietly and accept and respect the outcome of the democratic  vote when they themselves refused to accept and respect the democratic vote of June 2016.

Not quite the same, one would have been declared void and unsafe had it been legally binding...


...the other wouldn't :?

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3 hours ago, Car Boot said:

It's amazing how many UK Remain voters want Trump to go quietly and accept and respect the outcome of the democratic  vote when they themselves refused to accept and respect the democratic vote of June 2016.

Like who?  I voted remain. I had no problem with the result then or now.


Or are you thinking of muppets like this:

Nigel Farage wants second referendum if Remain campaign scrapes narrow win


Edited by alchresearch
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4 hours ago, Car Boot said:

It's amazing how many UK Remain voters want Trump to go quietly and accept and respect the outcome of the democratic  vote when they themselves refused to accept and respect the democratic vote of June 2016.

Why do you keep on with this nonsense.

Democratic votes in a democracy are observed.

That is somewhat different from agreeing with the outcome.

Why is it supposedly “Remainers” that now wish to see Trump go quietly and in accordance with US laws.

You seek to draw parallels which are just ridiculous.



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17 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Donald Trump and many of his supporters don't respect the outcome of a democratic vote and will attempt to undermine it at every opportunity.


We have similar people here in the UK who did the same with the Brexit vote for years, refusing to accept that we voted to Leave and marching on the streets to cancel the votes of millions.



The only undemocratic action would be to try to stifle the opinions of the minority.

Trump attracted a sizeable number of voters and Biden must listen to them, understand them and govern accordingly.


If only the victors in the Brexit referendum had done the same instead of running around with their fingers in their ears shouting “we won, we won”.

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7 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Don't be daft if the victors in the Brexit referendum had listened to the losing side then Brexit would have been cancelled. If Biden listens to Trump voters then he won't take the US back into the Paris agreement on Climate change or adopt any of his own policies.

I just have to immortalise this post with a quote.

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1 minute ago, West 77 said:

Don't be daft if the victors in the Brexit referendum had listened to the losing side then Brexit would have been cancelled. If Biden listens to Trump voters then he won't take the US back into the Paris agreement on Climate change or adopt any of his own policies.

I have doubt most of the trump voters even knew what the Paris Agreement was or even where Paris is.    


They dont think. They just did what "The Donald" told them to do and got all excited in case they got a free hat thrown at them

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21 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Don't be daft if the victors in the Brexit referendum had listened to the losing side then Brexit would have been cancelled. If Biden listens to Trump voters then he won't take the US back into the Paris agreement on Climate change or adopt any of his own policies.

I quite envy you Westy.


You see things in such simple terms. That must be nice.


Now, how about having a proper think about what I said.

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