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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Me too, but a move like that wouldn't surprise me and I think the democrats would be wise to expect this and plan accordingly.

I agree,   just hope for America and world peace sake, Trumps spoilt Brat is kept at arms lenght. 

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45 minutes ago, Longcol said:

I think that place will be needing a seriously deep clean on the 20th January.

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I don't know Trump (obviously,) and I haven't been following his campaign, but I don't like the man.

That's because everything I've gleaned from the media has been unrelentingly bad.

And that makes me suspicious.

Any man with the business acumin to amass a fortune, beat Hilary Clinton at her own game, gain the votes of nearly half the population, and promises to 'Drain the swamp' must have something to recommend him. I don't know what it is because it's never been mentioned, or more to the point, discussed. 

Hurling insults like 'The man's a tangerine moron,' is not political debate, and is disrespectful (not to Trump - I couldn't care less about that, see how well I've been conditioned?) but to the voters of America, who have the right to be listened to, and have their concerns addressed.


Sounds far too much like the biased mauling Corbyn got. I know the politics are the other way round and Trump is the Republican choice, but I think 'draining the swamp' is the clue. That might not be to the swamp dwellers liking, and they've made it their business to keep Trump out, by hook or by crook.

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On 07/11/2020 at 20:11, Cyclecar said:

A President cannot pardon himself.  So Trump resigns, and Pence becoms President for two months. He pardons Trump............(*)


The "Trumpeters" will harass Biden mercilessly for the next four years. Whether DJT or a clone runs in 2024 the sore will stiill be open.....


But, on a serious note, the various states need to agree a better way of counting postal votes, from whatever party. The prolonged hiatus was unacceptable. 


Added: Allegedly.....Unpaid tax c. £100m. , Trump business debts, due to mature in less than five years, carrying his personal guarantee c.£1bn.,  DOJ investigation into banking fraud in New York state.....   He neeeds more than a winning lottery ticket. 

And you can (allegedly) add to that - alimony. Apparently Melania wants out as soon as he leaves the White House. Can't say I blame her, it must be hell in there!

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6 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I don't know Trump (obviously,) and I haven't been following his campaign, but I don't like the man.

That's because everything I've gleaned from the media has been unrelentingly bad.

And that makes me suspicious.

Any man with the business acumin to amass a fortune, beat Hilary Clinton at her own game, gain the votes of nearly half the population, and promises to 'Drain the swamp' must have something to recommend him. I don't know what it is because it's never been mentioned, or more to the point, discussed. 

Hurling insults like 'The man's a tangerine moron,' is not political debate, and is disrespectful (not to Trump - I couldn't care less about that, see how well I've been conditioned?) but to the voters of America, who have the right to be listened to, and have their concerns addressed.


Sounds far too much like the biased mauling Corbyn got. I know the politics are the other way round and Trump is the Republican choice, but I think 'draining the swamp' is the clue. That might not be to the swamp dwellers liking, and they've made it their business to keep Trump out, by hook or by crook.

That "fortune" of Trump? You might want to look into that, a bit.  For starters. You should eventually make it to his (relatively-recently published) tax returns.


Far from draining it, men like Trump dig the swamp in the first place.


At times, you truly are a walking posting advertisement for populism, Anna. A little more critical thinking, please.

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14 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Any man with the business acumin to amass a fortune,

Might be worth looking into how he did that.


The lasting impact of Donald Trump’s bankruptcies and failed business



Donald Trump’s Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills



The Trump campaign has racked up over $1 million in unpaid bills from US cities



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58 minutes ago, Anna B said:


Sounds far too much like the biased mauling Corbyn got. I know the politics are the other way round and Trump is the Republican choice,

You are the only person I've encountered who has tried to draw any sort of comparison between Trump and Corbyn. Not even his critics have tried to draw that comparison.  

58 minutes ago, Anna B said:

but I think 'draining the swamp' is the clue. That might not be to the swamp dwellers liking, and they've made it their business to keep Trump out, by hook or by crook.

except there isn't a swap a few muddy puddles perhaps but thats all. the whole "swamp" thing is just an illusion.


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