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Trump now needs to win 101.9% of the uncounted vote in PA.

It's a slam dunk, with Biden's numbers looking better in battleground states than Reagan's in 1980.

The USA is big and old enough to look after itself - it hasn't had to deal with a mad president before (to my knowledge), but I have no doubt it will deal with this one.

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7 hours ago, Phanerothyme said:

Trump now needs to win 101.9% of the uncounted vote in PA.

It's a slam dunk, with Biden's numbers looking better in battleground states than Reagan's in 1980.

The USA is big and old enough to look after itself - it hasn't had to deal with a mad president before (to my knowledge), but I have no doubt it will deal with this one.

I'm wondering if Trump is starting to regret calling the military fallen, suckers and losers. He might need the forces support if he wants to hang onto power.

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8 hours ago, whiteowl said:

I'm wondering if Trump is starting to regret calling the military fallen, suckers and losers. He might need the forces support if he wants to hang onto power.

If it comes to that, then there is seriously something wrong at the heart of America.

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Top US general stands firm amid Pentagon turmoil:

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley made clear his dedication to the constitution at an event Wednesday while standing beside the newly installed acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller.
"We are unique among militaries. We do not take an oath to a king or a queen, a tyrant or a dictator. We do not take an oath to an individual. No, we do not take an oath to a country, a tribe or religion. We take an oath to the Constitution. And every soldier that is represented in this museum, every sailor, airman, Marine, Coast Guardsman, each of us will protect and defend that document, regardless of personal price," Milley said during remarks at the opening of the US Army's museum.

Trump's too dumb to see statement that as the warning it is but hopefully some of those around him will and push him to act accordingly.


US election officials have said the 2020 White House vote was the "most secure in American history", rejecting President Donald Trump's fraud claims.

"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised," a committee announced.


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23 hours ago, CaptainSwing said:


On the other hand they do have this thing of swearing allegiance to the Constitution, and I can't imagine they've taken too kindly to Trump describing people who fight and die for their country as 'suckers'.  If he does refuse to go, or if he does replace the top military personnel, will some general take matters into his own hands?



As Cadet Bonespurs he can hardly disparage people who didn't get a dodgy doctors note.

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trump fan boys and girls are starting to amass for pro trump rallies sigh



including right wing militias and groups such as Proud boys, Oathkeepers, Qanon etc


and not wearing masks seems to be the chosen attire for the many surprise surprise, also surprise surprise hes been driving round the area joining in very statemanly joining getting protestors excitable



Just watching a ruptly stream on youtube now

Edited by melthebell
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