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4 minutes ago, melthebell said:

shocking scenes, they are traitors NOT patriots, its also been said an improvised explosive device has been found.

At the Republican HQ, since safely detonated. The Democratic HQ has been evacuated after a suspicious package was found there too.


In happier news, the Democrats have won both contested Georgia senate seats so they will now control both houses during Biden's presidency and he won't be hampered like Obama was for much of his terms by Mitch McConnell blocking everything.

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On 01/11/2020 at 14:00, XXTickerXX said:

Even the leftist media know this is no landslide for Biden..

...and it turns out, by Trumps own definition of 'landslide', they were wrong! :?


The National Association of Manufacturers urges Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump early:






Edited by Magilla
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America = LA LA Land.....


Absolute craziness going on in that country....


If the law and armed forces don't get a grip on this quickly it will spiral out of control in other cities right across America....


Trump and the ones behind him that we won't ever see or hear from are destroying democracy and for what chaos....


Someone needs to hang the American flag upside down because that country is in distress......


China and Russia must be rubbing their hands together in glee....

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I wonder if any of the posters who were singing Trump's praises at the start of this thread, would care to sing his praises now?

They do seem to have withered away, for some reason....

On 29/10/2017 at 14:27, alex2017 said:

i like him and everything he stands for, i wish he was our PM as well

Very droll :hihi:

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1 hour ago, Delbow said:

There were plenty of National Guard out for the George Floyd protests in DC. Funny, that. See, I would say that this shows what a thin veneer liberal democracy is. It's useful to those in charge while it gives us the illusion of having a real say in what happens, but they are quite prepared to take it away if that suits them better. We are allowed a limited amount of influence, but the power that grants that can also take it away.

would you like an illiberal democracy?

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1 hour ago, tinfoilhat said:


I think it's very complicated, with different factions and agendas, and a distorted media input, but people are very angry.

I think we have to look at the bigger picture. It's not all about Trump. And it's not about a handful of extremists or conspiracy theorists running amock, the dissatisfaction runs deep through society., and they have lost faith in the democratic process. I think the situation in America is a result of that. The 'American Dream' is on its arse.


It seems right across the globe, people are becoming more divided, in terms of wealth, health and education, and, more to the point, they are realising it, and how much they have been  deceived by people they trusted.  Disatisfaction abounds and they are  beginning to see the glaring flaws in their Capitalist and Democratic systems, and the real cost of the rise of globalised Neoliberalism. They are sick of being ignored, lied to, blamed and used as cash cows. And they are tired of the hypocrisy.


In the UK, it seems it has taken a Global pandemic to highlight the inequalities in society although they have been staring us in the face for years. There is a disconnect between our MPs and the people they are supposed to represent. I've said it before. A tick in a box once every 5 years for pre-chosen candidates, then  to be ignored for the rest of the time, is not Democracy in any real sense, (and a second house full of unelected toffs, clergy and 'Lords' is not representative either.)


When everybody gets a fair slice of the cake, nobody really cares that much about who is in charge.

But when all you get is the crumbs, while others gorge on the cake, it is a recipe for trouble.  


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