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10 hours ago, whiteowl said:

One thing that jumped out at me was the police inaction. I've seen more US police action arresting an unarmed black man during a routine traffic stop than I saw on Capitol Hill tonight. Something is rotten in the USA.

The BLM protest in DC last year was peaceful and on the streets away from Capitol Hill, yet the police and national guard presence was massive. This was a violent incursion into the Capitol building itself and was met with very little law enforcement. Anyone who still thinks America isn't institutionally racist after this is just refusing to look.

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10 hours ago, whiteowl said:

One thing that jumped out at me was the police inaction. I've seen more US police action arresting an unarmed black man during a routine traffic stop than I saw on Capitol Hill tonight. Something is rotten in the USA.

4 people died, one of them a woman who was shot dead, but you won't see any outrage about that, what you see in the MSM is clearly deluding you, do you visit the US much or just an armchair expert ?

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Trump just proves bad leaders make even worse people.


Thankfully Congress has confirmed Biden victory and on bbc they have a statement from Trump, telling 'his violent supporters' to now "go home".

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6 minutes ago, Michael_W said:

4 people died, one of them a woman who was shot dead, but you won't see any outrage about that, what you see in the MSM is clearly deluding you, do you visit the US much or just an armchair expert ?

Because minding your own business or driving a car or smoking a joint are basically the same as attempting a coup of course.

Edited by Delbow
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8 hours ago, Anna B said:

I think it's very complicated, with different factions and agendas, and a distorted media input, but people are very angry.

I think we have to look at the bigger picture. It's not all about Trump. And it's not about a handful of extremists or conspiracy theorists running amock, the dissatisfaction runs deep through society., and they have lost faith in the democratic process. I think the situation in America is a result of that. The 'American Dream' is on its arse.


It seems right across the globe, people are becoming more divided, in terms of wealth, health and education, and, more to the point, they are realising it, and how much they have been  deceived by people they trusted.  Disatisfaction abounds and they are  beginning to see the glaring flaws in their Capitalist and Democratic systems, and the real cost of the rise of globalised Neoliberalism. They are sick of being ignored, lied to, blamed and used as cash cows. And they are tired of the hypocrisy.


In the UK, it seems it has taken a Global pandemic to highlight the inequalities in society although they have been staring us in the face for years. There is a disconnect between our MPs and the people they are supposed to represent. I've said it before. A tick in a box once every 5 years for pre-chosen candidates, then  to be ignored for the rest of the time, is not Democracy in any real sense, (and a second house full of unelected toffs, clergy and 'Lords' is not representative either.)


When everybody gets a fair slice of the cake, nobody really cares that much about who is in charge.

But when all you get is the crumbs, while others gorge on the cake, it is a recipe for trouble.  




Any thoughts on how last night's events were distorted through the media? I mean there were a few singing a different tune to the rest of us - keunesberg called it "scuffles". The lies i saw last night were from Donald trump, hes still claiming he won be a landslide. Most of the republican party have turned their backs on him now. I'm amazed you're trying to see another point of view when that point of view carries a confederate flag and wears camp Auschwitz t shirts. What view am I missing from that lot?

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9 hours ago, Anna B said:

I think it's very complicated, with different factions and agendas, and a distorted media input, but people are very angry.

I think we have to look at the bigger picture. It's not all about Trump. And it's not about a handful of extremists or conspiracy theorists running amock, the dissatisfaction runs deep through society., and they have lost faith in the democratic process. I think the situation in America is a result of that. The 'American Dream' is on its arse.


It seems right across the globe, people are becoming more divided, in terms of wealth, health and education, and, more to the point, they are realising it, and how much they have been  deceived by people they trusted.  Disatisfaction abounds and they are  beginning to see the glaring flaws in their Capitalist and Democratic systems, and the real cost of the rise of globalised Neoliberalism. They are sick of being ignored, lied to, blamed and used as cash cows. And they are tired of the hypocrisy.

What I want to know is, what makes these dissatisfied people think that millionaires like Farage, Rees-Mogg and BoJo, or  billionaires like Aaron Banks and Trump himself*, are the answer to society's problems?


We've had ten years of Tory rule in the UK, and four years of Trumpism in the US.


Has society gotten better or worse in that time?


*Trump claims he's a billionaire

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1 hour ago, Michael_W said:

4 people died, one of them a woman who was shot dead, but you won't see any outrage about that, what you see in the MSM is clearly deluding you, do you visit the US much or just an armchair expert ?

There is lots of outrage about it, and quite rightly so.

What shocked me was there relative inaction of the police. 


Edited by Mister M
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1 hour ago, Michael_W said:

4 people died, one of them a woman who was shot dead, but you won't see any outrage about that, what you see in the MSM is clearly deluding you, do you visit the US much or just an armchair expert ?

No, there won't be any outrage about the deaths. If you take part in an armed insurrection you are putting yourself in harms way by choice. They knew the risks.

Inferring that the outrage should be the same as someone getting shot driving home from work and then talking about MSM deluding people says more about you than me.

And for the record, I lived in the USA for a while and am still in contact with many of the friends I made over there. 


1 hour ago, Delbow said:

Because minding your own business or driving a car or smoking a joint are basically the same as attempting a coup of course.


Edited by whiteowl
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6 minutes ago, West 77 said:

It has to be said that Donald Trump and members of the rogue UK parliament that blocked the implementation of the EU referendum result have tarnished democracy in their respective countries which only helps the powerful dictatorships of Russia and China.

I don't recall  armed gangs of Leave voters marching into the Houses of Parliament, demanding BoJo fulfil his election lie to give £350 milion a week to the NHS?


Maybe I missed it

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